
Boy who lived 600 years

Tiberius was born in a small village in the kingdom and was considered to be a normal boy just like any other, except for one strange thing. He never aged. While other children grew and changed, Tiberius remained the same, always looking like a 10-year-old boy.

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Full Story

Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a boy named Tiberius. Tiberius was born in a small village in the kingdom and was considered to be a normal boy just like any other, except for one strange thing. He never aged. While other children grew and changed, Tiberius remained the same, always looking like a 10-year-old boy.

Years passed and people started to talk. They whispered about Tiberius, calling him a sorcerer, a demon, and all sorts of names. But Tiberius knew he was none of those things. He was just a boy who never aged.

One day, a wise wizard came to the village. He was fascinated by the stories he had heard about Tiberius and wanted to meet him. The wizard met Tiberius and, after studying him for several days, he declared that Tiberius was indeed a special boy who had been blessed with a gift of long life.

The news spread quickly and soon people from all over the kingdom were coming to see Tiberius. They came to ask for his advice and wisdom, as it was believed that he had lived for 600 years and had seen and experienced much in his long life.

Tiberius was happy to help, but he also longed for adventure and excitement. So, one day he set out on a journey to see the world and have new experiences. He traveled far and wide, through mountains and forests, over rivers and seas, and he saw many wondrous things.

Eventually, Tiberius returned to his village, where he settled down and continued to help and advise those who sought his wisdom. He lived a peaceful life, always surrounded by friends and admirers, until the day he finally passed away.

But Tiberius left behind a legacy that lived on. People still told the story of the boy who lived 600 years and how he had touched the lives of so many with his wisdom, kindness, and sense of adventure. And even after he was gone, Tiberius continued to inspire people to be the best they could be and to live life to the fullest.