
Bow Before Royals!…

Bow Before Royals is a story about a young girl who is going to enter high school but is unaware that her high school will led her into a contract marriage with her love at first sight crush......

Mariyam_Khanam · Fantasie
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14 Chs


Days went,I was still working as his personal maid,my feelings were getting deeper day by day,but was aware that Marcus had dated many beautiful girls back in London,I was expecting too much,but finally my holidays came to end and I now have to go to my new school


She took permission from,sir and ma'am to skip work during school hours,she knew that from now on her life is going to be hard as she has to do both work and focusing on her studies.but,she didn't know that her life was going to change completely

The sun was shining bright,the birds were chirping,it was morning,she woke up took a bath,dressed in her uniform,and went to Marcus's room,to say bye Before she leaves,she opened the door slowly and peeked inside and noticed that he was sleeping,she went inside and headed on the side of bed where Marcus Was laying,she looked at him,he was sleeping like a small innocent child and was smiling

"He must be having a good dream,I wonder what he is dreaming about?i bended down,my lips was near Marcus's ear and said 'Bye',I was so close to Marcus,I want this moment to last forever but,I was already getting late,I stood up and left,after a while,I was at the entrance of my new school,I walked inside and headed my way towards my class 1'A' , when I finally arrived there , I took a deep breath,and promised myself,

"I won't look at other boys,I will keep myself only for Marcus",I opened the door,"where is my class?",was this supposed to be my class?".

It was a room with red carpet,wooden walls , red curtained,with white net frail ,furnished with wooden furniture,with two men, dressed in ancient robes ,one was sitting he looked aged,his robe seemed expensive,his hair was tied as a bun , he was writing something on paper with brush pen , and the other one was ,young,seemed in the starting of his twenties,his hair deep black , they looked more silky and smooth than mine ,their length reached down his shoulders,his eyes were purple,his skin was fair which seemed to throw light with a hint of tan in it , he was wearing a royal robe which was Matching with the colour of his eyes,with a hint of blue , and a matching head band which was tied from his forehead to back till his ponytail, the rest of his hair were open free ,his nose was perfect , his sharp jawline attracted my eyes towards him,he kept his hands at his back,one hand holding his other fist , probably he was in deep thoughts ,he didn't seem interested in what the old men was saying,he seemed rich, he glared a smirk , I felt as if my nose was bleeding, I bet their is an expiration date on crushes because I had already started to forget about Marcus after seeing this flawless men standing in front of me , I felt as if Marcus's expiration date have arrived,I didn't noticed that the old man was staring at me.

"UHM-UHM"- He said in deep voice, I tried my best to look away from that handsome boy who was standing in front of me. And replied to the old man

"Is it a cosplay party,here?"I ..

"Okay, I don't think it's class 1 "A", I might be in wrong place,so, excuse me and carry on ". H

I turned around to go back,but the man interrupted and said-

"No, you are at right place, Ms hog welcome to our Magic school".

"Magic school?"

where we will teach you the way of using your quirks the right way and how to live among normal people without harming them,and I am your principal."

"Misuse my power ,hold on I never harmed anyone,And what about the dresses you are wearing ?".

"Miss hog , we have all the details about you , and when you used your quirks the wrong way, do you want me to say it aloud or in your ear ? Sorry I forget to mention the in magic world run about two centuries back from normal world"

I went a little close to him and said "tell me , when did I misused my power"

He said something in her ear

"Did you spy on me ? How do you know that?" She screamed


Suddenly my eyes went on the handsome young man,the old man was saying something,but I wasn't able to it as I was busy glaring at the man next to me .

You both can start from today the principal said and helded us some kind of form , as I was going to follow him ,the principal stopped me ,

"You can't come dressed like this from tomorrow ".

"Do you want me to dress like you from tomorrow? People will stare at me"

"You only have to get dressed and we will give you your batches today by pressing them you will be able to enter our school,and the dresses will be provided from the school to you"

When I turned around the man had disappeared I looked at the form ,it was named as Lucas,I asked the principal.

"It is not my form,sir it is of some one named Lucas ".

"Oh,your form must have been gone to young prince, you can exchange it from him".

"So,his name was Lucas,he is a prince,he looked like one".