
Boundless: A Tale of Infinite Possibility

In a post calamity world of faded technology and re-emerged magic, A young hero finds himself on an adventure to find a home in a world that wants him dead. https://discord.gg/6SyNTbwQsK Original Story by Srinlife Cover Art by Caneera https://www.instagram.com/caneeraw/ Join the Discord! If you have any questions about the book, its a way to message the author directly.

Srinlife · Fantasie
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164 Chs

Chapter 6.19 - The Parasite

Winter had continued as normal. As Haven had its midwinter celebration, the refugees from GWA and Sarween Technocracy moved slowly towards Haven. Serin wanted to try to have their previous mentality subverted, so under the careful protection of Ale a few other protectorate with the Sarween Refugees and the Misfits with their emancipated group to the South, these groups would learn to be their own people, not beholden to the fractured leadership or the yoke of their past difficulties

The Midwinter Celebration was not without its issues however. The first was an unpleasant one. Again it seemed that The Northern Kingdoms wanted something that was not theirs. Specifically, Serin could only assume the enemy thought they would be too busy with their celebrations to protect their borders or towncenter, because in the middle of the gift exchange, a thief was caught. She looked about Serin's mother's age, but had an air of expertise. She seemed to think that this situation, albeit not her her expectation, would still end with her none worse the wear. Serin was aware of their Nations reputation. They have never exchanged a single prisoner of war. Enemy combatants within their walls never returned.

That is why her attitude surprised him. Serin arrived at Havens only detention facility, a smally brightly lit set of large caged rooms usually used to hold some of the drunker adventurers after a too hard of a night drinking, or a Demis finding out his newly born child was of the Harvest. The cell was not usually used for actual criminals, because, well, they were summarily executed. As Serin arrived, he looked at the two guards. They had been pulled from the celebration and were supposed to be off duty, but as they were assigned to 'on call' for the detention facility, they were guarding it. They had their armor and arms, as was a requirement for all members of the protectorate, but their faces betrayed their attitude. Serin could read their faces as well as a Lancer might read their thoughts. 'Lets just kill this person, eat her, and get back to the celebration before we miss out on the gift exchange.' Serin thought he should comfort them.

"I am sorry you will be unable to attend the festival as you were called to duty. I am sure you traded in quite a bit to not be on duty today. So since you two have had your holiday stolen, name an object and I will make sure it is what you receive for not spending this time with the community." Serin then smirked, "within reason. No one likes a greedy person." the two guards minds then shifted. Serin could tell they were thinking 'what would be the best thing we could get away with asking for?"

The prisoner was way more relaxed than they should be, given this town's reputation. Serin had been informed her name was Sienna, and she casually lounged on the cot that was provided for her.

When Serin approached she began to give what felt like a boxed response, "Congratulations on your capture, Lord of Haven, and if your intelligence network is worth anything, I am sure you have come to realize I am worth more alive than dead. You have caught me, yes. But like always after a bit of interrogation I will be ransomed back to Marcus. He doesn't like to part with his toys, and would most likely pay a king's ransom for my return, Just as sending my head back would most likely earn his Ire.


Serin looked at the Prisoner, "You are a fool if you think just because Haven has an exorbitant amount of money we place the highest value in wealth. We believe in spending time together with our families and communities. We honor our holidays, and you almost interrupted the celebrations for everyone, and definitely put a halt for them for several of my guards. But today is a day of celebration, and this is a new coat. As my midwinter gift from me to you, your execution will be stayed until I have time to enjoy with my family. Enjoy a few hours to reflect on the poor decisions that have got you to this point."


As Serin calmed, he realized that this person would not be the end of today's interruptions, as it seemed there was always someone in need. He saw from his kingdom management screen that a request for refugees had come in. Serin realized that if he waited until after the festivities it would be a few days. He was uncertain what would happen if he waited, but he decided not to find out.

When he returned to the MidWinter Festival, As Serin took to the stage to continue the festivities his speech differed. "I am sure you all want to get on with the gift exchange and recipe tasting, but another matter has come up. As a nation, we hold our time we spend with family to be sacred. However, above all there is one sentiment that is well held throughout our nation, and that is our drive to help others." Serin showed his screen. "A request for aid of refugees has yet again come in. I know that we just received the Transmuted, but we were not overburdened by their appearance, so it seems the divine feels we are ready to assist yet again. I know today is to be a day of family, but I kindly ask that you open your hearts and share the food on our tables with those in need. What say you?"

There was a cheer. This year's celebration was twice as large as last year's. A sea of faces, some new, and some old, all smiling. Serin understood. They would always open their doors to those in need.

Serin had the town clear the main square, where the gates always opened. And thousands prepared to welcome whoever would desperately need their aid this bright winter day.

As the gate opened, a single elderly man with a large clay pot on his back walked through, aided by a rather stout cane. He looked far past death.

"Ah, we don't perish yet."


Serin was shocked. The gate closed behind the elderly humanoid who began to speak to Serin as Serin approached him, "Young man, if you would be so kind, this body is old and does not have many hours left. Would you mind taking me somewhere warm and wet? I need to make a nursery for the young I carry."

Serin nodded. "Public Bath house number 10 is closed until further notice. Edel have two guards follow me, as well as call for Master Restin." Serin threw over a bracelet from inventory, "I know his old bones don't like the cold but this bracelet should generate a field of warm darkness around him." Serin had made many such oddly specific trinkets. In an effort to increase his enchantment skill, combining or 'stacking' enchantments was difficult, but this one was one of his few successful objects. It was to be a gift for one of the dhamphir at some point, and like dozens of other trinkets it was sitting in his inventory, waiting for an opportunity to use.

The group swiftly moved to the public bathhouse and assigned the two protectorates to watch the front. There had already been one spy caught today, and the last thing Serin wanted was the genocide of the last of a race by his ignorant neighbors.

As Serin took the old man into the pool with his clay pot, The old man smiled, "Thank you young man. I was not sure I would be able to make it. So in the few hours we have left together, I will answer any questions about my kind, and hopefully we will be met with understanding, and not fall into the same fate as before."

Serin saw as the old man unscrewed the lid of his clay pot in the water, and serin watched as dozens of small creatures the size of a pinky finger swam out. They stayed in the water and swarmed around the old man. "I am talking with them now, but for your safety should I expire, please exit the pool."

Serin acquiesced to the demand and then something caused him to review the situation. The figure in front of him looked like an elderly cross between a goblin and a human, albeit shorter and weathered with time. The creatures swimming in the pool did not look humanoid in the slightest. Serin got an itching feeling in the back of his head.

"I see that you are a humanoid like us, but the young you carry seem more like insects. Also when i checked your plate, it called you a 'Parasyte' which is a word unfamiliar to us except in a rather nefarious use, which is to leech off another."

The old man smiled, "I see the confusion. The body you see is just a host, the brain long since expired. I have done my best to integrate myself into its nervous system, but in doing so i have sealed my fate, as my body is fully attached to the dying host."

Serin then saw a small tendril reach out from inside the nose of the humanoid. "My name is Situs" The old man said.

Serin was a bit shocked. He reviewed spells in his mind as he prepared for the worst, a hostile refugee. "Was it the host's choice to become a vessel?" There was a cough from Situs. "Yes and no. You see, we once lived symbiotically with the monster race known as the Grovers. They lived a bleak existence, but when we entered into contract a few hundred years ago, we benefited each other. We built their society, only becoming full controllers for a select few volunteers to act as caretakers for the spawning pools. After a while, exposure to us caused them to become a plated race, uplifting them from their unplated monster status. Which was the beginning of the end."

Situs looked forlorn. "When they plated, a large faction, swept up in the fervor of prideful uplift, decided they no longer needed us, and began a mass genocide, killing those of us that were passengers and drivers alike. It was decided when I implanted into this body, that i would retain control, but the host would retain sentience. Some hosts go to sleep, but mine wanted to be a passenger. This was fine, except when the fervor of 'the great divide' reached my host, they demanded to be given their body back. For the safety of my people's future, I would not acquiesce. Instead I gathered up all of the young in my spawning pool and fled. It was easy to act as one of the Grovers and escape. Then I wandered, burning the fuel of this body to try to get as far away from the Grovers as possible, but eventually I only came to a land of sand and sun. I was searching for any water when I found a portal to your land."

Serin was surprised, "You do not seem surprised by the magic."

The parasite waived, "We can create them, albeit temporarily, when we use communal magic. But that requires many hosts working in concert." Serin understood. These were highly intelligent plated creatures. "What happened to the Grovers?"

A sad expression came over Situs. "I am sure they managed for a time, but theirs was a race of war. They will most likely kill themselves off before the next winter."

Situs expression changed, "I need to ask. We need a host. Someone willing to be a passenger, either awake or dormant. Before the night is over, this body will expire, and no amount of magic can bring it back without killing me in the process. I fear that if we do not have an active caretaker, the young may not receive adequate care, or worse may attempt to latch to hosts without permission."

Serin was conflicted. This was a hard position to be in. He then thought about using a summoning pole to summon a creature and subduing it "Does it matter what kind of creature?"

Situs sort of nodded, "For the first one, Since most of the tools spawning pool caretakers use are built around humanoids, that is preferred. But for non-caretakers, any creature will do. Plated or no, we can adjust. We can let them keep control and just augment them, or we can take control and let them be a passenger or go to sleep. But the caretakers must be in full control. Otherwise the children won't listen."

Serin understood. "So you can choose when you bond with another who is in control. If you are in control. How do you choose this?"

Situs motioned and one of the small spawn swam up to his hand. It had dozens of hooked tentacles. "Before being placed in a host, we choose which tentacles to remove from the child. The more we remove, the less we can control in the host. If we remove them all, it has no detriment on the host whatsoever, except gaining another voice in their head, and a bit of a mana pool adjustment."

Serin then asked, "and if none are removed?"

Situs shook his head, "That was a form of execution in my last world. The host's consciousness is effectively killed, and should we remove the parasyte, the host would die within hours."

Serin then said, "but it is the greatest form of control, correct? It is what would make the best caretaker?"

Situs nodded, "Technically yes, but we would never ask for such a sacrifice."

Serin laughed. "Agreed. We would never condone such an action. However earlier today someone volunteered."

Situs' eyes narrowed, "Please explain."

Serin started, "Well, We had a spy get caught within our country…"


Sienna smiled as she saw as Serin came to her, flanked by two guards. "Restrain her." was Serin's remark.

Serin did not show the intention to kill her, so Sienna smiled, "changed your mind? You don't have the face of a young man about to kill."


Sienna did not know what she was witnessing. There was a bathouse with an elderly man dying. He was surrounded by what looked like large crustaceans, or maybe squids. Something in between.

Serin spoke to the man "Situs, This is the 'volunteer'. She would have been executed tomorrow, so full control is authorized."

The man Situs nodded. He picked up one of the small creatures, and began staring at it while giving an inaudible whisper. Sienna couldn't understand, but it was as if this old humanoid was communicating with this shellfish.

Situs looked at Sienna, his eyes full of pity. "Lass, this will hurt for only a moment. Then it will be over." Situs looked at Serin, "Hold her down, and put something leather in her mouth. When the child attaches, you will need to move her to her side, as the convulsions will start. Best to remove her beautiful earrings and her hairpins, as they look quite sharp. I would hate to mistreat such a gift."

Sienna didn't know what was going on, but as the elderly man waded forward through the bath assisted by a canne, she felt terror. He looked at her with sadness. "Close your eyes, lass. A person's last thoughts should be of home." as he moved the parasyte over. Sienna tried to scream, but as she opened her mouth a chunk of leather was shoved in.

Then she felt it, its warm barbed tentacles probing her nose, and then lifting an eyelid. The creature seemed to flatten itself and then slid its way behind her eye. Sienna felt a terrible pain as she realized this creature was burrowing its way into her head. She tried to scream, but nothing came out. Then in a blink, nothing.


The body of Sienna convulsed for several moments. Within an hour, she came to. She was unrestrained and looked around with the eyes brightly taking in an alien world. Situs called over, "Quickly young one! Time is short, and it will be your job to be our first caretaker in this new land."

Situs sat with Sienna, and had Serin not asked for a Lancer Gole, he would have thought they just stared at each other.

Jan, one of the few male lancers, answered the looming question. "Soon the elder one will die. He is using the last of his power to transfer a bit of collected knowledge and base instruction to the child. It's too much information for me to grasp. Its scary and beautiful."

Serin saw as the child caretaker's level began to steadily rise as the remaining health of the elder dropped. When it was complete, Situs slumped over, caught by Sienna. "You carried us far, elder. Let me take your torch."

Sienna looked at Serin. "I have inherited the name of my host, as taking the Name Sienna I honor their sacrifice. I have been instructed to follow your will, Lord Serin. Our people will do as you ask to ensure our survival."

Serin nodded. "For now, I will leave Jan here to teach you what he can about our town. Jan, I will be calling an emergency meeting with the other representatives to explain about our new citizens. As this caretaker is the only possible representative, she is allowed to attend, but cannot leave the spawning pool. Please relay the information."

Jan understood. "Lord Serin, when you have time, I need to discuss something with my other Lancers. Please relieve me when possible." Jan looked as if he had a eureka moment, and Serin understood.


Good Morning Readers!

Alot of new faces, as well as the pleasant smile of some familiar ones. Thank you for doing your part to make this book as successful as possible.

And as always,

Stay Boundless Friends

Srinlifecreators' thoughts