
Boundless (Part 1 : The Mafia's Son)

copyright: @sugarsomee book language: English. trigger warning: The novel contains adult content (r18+, rape, murders, trafficking, abduction, violence, mental abuse, torture, drugs) Please read only if you are comfortable, we don't want any negativity to be spread in the comments section. Boundless is a story about two lovers and their struggle between the society and their love. The first book in the mafia series - PART I: THE MAFIA'S SON The heroine Riddhima lives in a small town with her father. Her father soon gets bedridden in an accident. She then comes to her uncle's (mother's sister's husband) house along with her father. But her uncle has bad intentions for her. Riddhi tries her best to avoid him. She then joins college for her future studies and also to keep distance from her uncle, and soon falls in love with her senior's brother, the dashing hero Armaan, who is the great mafia's son in Mumbai, Enemies who shudder upon hearing his name. Read this amazing novel to unleash the twists and turns in their fated love, their families, and the ill-omened society! What does fate have in store for the new love birds? Will Riddhima's father ever accept Armaan? spoiler: Will the society ever stop looking down upon girls like prey? Dive in with the author to know more!!

sugarsomee · Urban
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Memories Never Die

"Riddhu!" Surprised, Riddhima turned back to see who had called her name."Dad!"No. It's not him.This is just her heart's illusion. It had been so many days, but she still thought her dad was calling out her name."My sweet princess Riddhu! How was your day today?"And Riddhima would ask, "First, tell me Dad, how was your day?" To which Shashank replied cheerfully, "It was cool! My day never goes bad, because when I wake up in the morning, I see your lovely face!"Riddhima remembered those days when she was little. It was a small world full of happiness—Mom, Dad and her. Dad taught in a school. There was not much income. He only had a cycle on which he used to go to school. There was a small baby seat in front of the cycle for his daughter, Sona to sit. Just by sitting in it, she used to be so happy! She went to school on the cycle with her dad and returned with him. When she was a little older, Dad bought a new bicycle with the money he had saved and gave her as a birthday gift. How happy she was that day!!But gradually their world turned upside down and it seemed like someone had put an evil eye around it. An uncle, who was her mom's college friend from her time, used to come to their house. He had a big penthouse where her mother used to take her for visiting. There was a big car in which she sometimes went for a ride with her mother. That uncle's money started showing dreams to her mom. And so, she used to fight with her dad over everything.Why don't they have anything? Is Shashank happy in this much? Why doesn't he start some business so that his income increases?So, mom and dad used to argue a lot. Dad sometimes tried to convince her but then again would become quiet. Riddhima's role was to remain silent there.But one day Mom rebelled. She said that she was leaving the house and couldn't stay with Dad. She wanted to live openly.Dad used to say, "Suvarna, we are living so peacefully, look, we have a lovely family, we have a lovely daughter." But mom replied casually, "So it's okay, live as you want to live. I can't live like this. I am leaving. I will send the divorce papers. Please sign it."Dad stood in utter shock. But Riddhima held her mother's legs tightly and pleaded, "Don't go, Mom, please don't go!"Mom said while removing her feet from Riddhima's hands, "I can't stay Riddhima. But if you want to come with me then it is okay. Now you have grown older, so I have considered it necessary to tell you everything. I am going to marry Deepak uncle. And After a few days, if you also want to stay with us, then I think Deepak will have no issue in agreeing to it."

10-year-old Riddhima was not yet old enough to make her own decisions. But the answer was given by Shashank. He held Riddhima's hand and said, "No. My daughter will not go anywhere."

Suvarna said angrily, "Let Riddhima take the decision."

And Riddhima said loudly, "Mom, I will stay with Dad. I will not leave him and go anywhere."

Suvarna looks at her and says, "Look Riddhima, if there is no wealth in this world, there is no power in this world. You will have to suffer a lot because this human can never achieve much!"

Holding her dad's hands tightly, Riddhima said, "No Mom, Dad is everything to me. I don't want anything else."

The wall clock rang as it was 11 o'clock. And then the door of the room opened which was locked from outside.The girl who had brought her here, said very politely, "Ma'am, is there anything you need?"

Riddhima shook her head and asked, "What is your name?"

"Shanta."Shanta smiled softly and then said, "Sir has told me to take special care of you. Until he comes, if you need anything, you can call me, this is my number. Anyway, I will come after some time and ask you myself." Riddhima nodded but scoffed internally.'Until Sir arrives, special care should be taken of her', because tonight, the duty of entertaining Sir is hers. Sir should be pleased!' she thought.'What had Varun said? "Riddhima darling, you have to please this man! I have to win a big tender. Now my honor is in your hands babe." 'Riddhima heard Shanta's voice with small pauses in between, "By the way madam, can I say one thing? You are gorgeous. Just like a princess."After Shanta left, Riddhima stood in front of the length mirror. She laughed hysterically, remembering Shanta's words. She scoffed, "Huh. Being beautiful is the biggest trouble a girl can get into; how can that girl even know? Beauty is the worst pathway of a woman's destruction."

She looked at herself in the mirror. No. She must not be happy to see herself.

"Just remember that your customer should be pleased after seeing it."She applied her makeup. She was wearing a mini skirt, opening two buttons above the hem of her shirt.She laughed at her actions. Now she looked perfect.To seduce a man.To catch the prey.But isn't she being hunted down? The hunter gets what he wants. So, then she is the prey, and the customer hunts her. But the real hunters are people like Varun who trap these big people by making Riddhima their prey.No!She can't think anything about this right now. Even thinking about these things can make her mood off and she can make a mistake in pleasing her customer. To divert her attention, Riddhima went to the window again and tried to search the sky. But she started laughing at her attempt.Her sky was already lost a long time ago. Now no matter how hard she tries; she won't be able to find it again.She closed her eyes while standing there.She whispered, "Why is this man taking so long to come? Before this, others used to be ready in their suites." The only wait was for Riddhima to walk in and the door to be closed. Then they would pounce upon her like a hungry wolf.Suddenly, the siren of an ambulance pierced the silence of the night and passed through the streets of Mumbai. Riddhima's soul trembled. How could she forget the siren of the ambulance?

Once an ambulance had arrived, to take away Dad.

He loved Riddhima more than his life, and because of her, he had even sacrificed his life. Only for the sake of his vow? 

To know more about the vow, continue reading!

A new chapter by tomorrow!

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