
Bounded by the shackles of fate

It came as a wonderment, that the elves were able to find a weapon strong enough to enter the realm, without them being apprised. This served as an advantage to them, as they were thriving in infiltrating a lot of space and managed to seize the important capitals, which served as pillars of the realm. They were well aware of where they should attack, and what stood as the support system of their Empire. It was prominent that they had a helping hand from within the realm, the individual must be someone who knows the secret which their enemies must never and they were after something, something within the palace walls, that was their main target. However, the battle only took them a month or less to end although a lot died, they somehow managed to conquer the elves and forged a new protective Impediment for the realm. The protective impediment that had been keeping them till someone found her mate. Sighing she couldn't help but wonder how he managed to do that, the spell they used to trigger the impediment was a very emphatic one, they had their best mysticism intellectuals conjure the powerful force field which had kept them for decades in peace without the intrusion of external forces. abruptly, she felt a familiar energy, one that was protruding from none other than Elder Burton, it was the energy of a furious light hyde, his entire body glowed white and he seemed like he was going berserk as he was carrying a crazy look like he had lost his mind. he launched a ferocious attack towards Xavier aiming with full speed and the beast bearly managed to doge because he was lost staring at his blossom. But Burton didn't end there, he created a spear out of his proficiency and summoned Attulac, his beast, and merged fully with it within the blink of an eye he was charging towards Xavier again as he roared in rage. Since Xavier was distracted Bacillia took this opportunity and snapped out of her daze as the rest had also joined in, Ekila had also resumed her stance. Xavier dodged his next attempt with little effort and frowned at the distraction " How dare you to bewilder the conversation between me and my blossom! " he seemed pissed and gritted his teeth harshly glaring at Burton, who didn't seem to care as he charged amuck towards Xavier, only to be thrown by him without much effort, " weakling!" he spat in disgust as his eyes searched for his mate frantically. #extractedfromchaper34

Missy_Ti · Fantasie
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41 Chs

I shall never betray my people

Her laughter echoed in the spacious room, " Now you have the guts to talk to me like that after you've betrayed us? The audacity!" her voice was stern.

"What nonsense do you speak lady Alrak!" Burton yelled and stood up from his sitting position as he made a loud sound with the table before him.

" Tell your mate to know her place here if you don't want her to suffer the consequence" Yaqs whispered to Norab, maintaining a silent chuckle.

" hmmm" was all he got in return. Norab looked the least bothered, he just scrutinized everything with pure interest and this convinced Yaqs that Alrak definitely had something up her sleeves, but he didn't care as long as it doesn't include him, she could do whatever it is to anyone in this room, as long as he wasn't involved, he was settled. Tracing his eyes towards Bacillia, ' I wonder what she is planning this time. ' he stroked his long well trimmed beard.

" stop proclaiming false accusations Woman, you could be convicted for this as it is a solemn sin! You know this very well don't you?" Burton's voice reverberated all over the room.

" She knows what I'm talking about, can't she defend herself? Of course not!" she smirked.

" Why? because everything I said was true."

" My lady, what nonsense is she saying?" Burton's voice alarmed.

" Lord Burton please settle down so that the Empress can at least defend herself from these proclamations." Lord Cohen, one of the Elders' council members chimed in with an unwavering tone, while he glared at Alrak from the high table.

Burton sat down quietly but still grimaced at Alrak, he felt so embarrassed as he was the only one yelling and supporting the Empress openly, maybe he had overreacted a little.

Bacillia fumbled as she stared at the whole Board members from where she sat. Her body trembled, not with fear but with chaste anger. She cursed inwardly her lips trembled as she spoke, " Alrak! How dare you!"

" What? How dare I proclaim your factual connotations?" she shrieked back at Bacillia.

" Alrak! Observe your tone, she's still the Empress!" Burton couldn't help but intervene.

" Lord Burton, stay out of this!" Alrak retorted.

" Please watch your tone, my lady, you're in the throne room, and the people here aren't who you should treat with contempt, maintain proper perspective, and note that if whatever you're claiming is false you shall face the penalty." Amadeus reminded with a calm tone.

" Do you wish to proceed with your claims Lady" Cohen appealed to Alrak.

" I Do" she responded almost immediately.

" you may proceed," said one of the Lords on the high table.

" Our Empress here, I saw with my very naked eye, was with Xavier the ruthless demon Lord of the underworld, surrendering her body to him to acquire more pow..."

" OUTRAGEOUS!!!" Burton's ear couldn't stand it, he banged the table hard this time, and his sclera had visible red veins popping out as he bulged his eyeballs.

" How dare you insult the Empress!" he raged, looking like he was ready to attack any moment from now.

" Lord Burton! please calm down for we shall investigate the matter once she's done, now can you please stop cutting in? You're driving us to scrap our time!" Minoz, one of the elders raged at Baron's constant disorder.

Alrak laughed at the old man, and twisted her lips mockingly, " She finally saw us as unworthy peasants, and debris, her selfish will acquire power has overridden her to the point where she no longer sees interest in us, and plans with her mate to take over this realm as long as she gets more power in return, she doesn't care if her people suffer."

" Mate?" Burton's voice shook, he stared at Bacillia hoping she would deny the claims, but she uttered no words. He didn't realize when his hands began to tremble, his brain was in a total hodgepodge, and his heartbeat raced faster than ever, driving his stare to look at the others who had the same stupefied reaction. Bacillia on the other hand was waiting for Alrak to finish her false story before she intervenes.

" She even tried to murder me alongside her mate yesterday at dusk when I caught them both making love outside the walls." she slits her palm and blood dripped from it. She made sure it was enough for everyone present there to sniff. And sure enough, it worked all the council members could scent the demonic ambiance from the blood, meaning the attack was still fresh and it happened not so long ago.

" But thank the heavens, I managed to escape in time before I could get harmed," she concluded with a sigh.

" The war was planned by the Empress and the demon lord, how else did you think she knew of it?" she gave off her evil stare.

" We all here know the deceitful ways of the dark hydes and how you toil, I just hope whatever you have said here doesn't count as lies, else you shall face eternal flames of hell." Lord Cohen's voice shook with anger as she spoke and glared at Alrak.

" Do you have any objections to her claims Empress or is it true that you're indeed guilty as charged," Cohen asked.

" About everything she claims here is false!" she began, "I shall never betray my people as I have vowed to rule with pure heart and loyalty, with my blood and flesh, my soul and my dignity as a leader is when I can abide by my word and protect them to my last breath!"

Hitting her staff on the ground, she turned to Alrak with twisted lips, and a look of pure hatred, her nose scrunched up in irritation.

" Then how do you explain how you got to know of the war that is going to take place, my Lady, why don't you wish to publicize it." one of the elders which had questioned her previously spoke up again, this time he sneered loudly.