
Vivian and Annie talk

Annie and Vivian met and started sorting few things out after finishing they contacted Oliver and updated the details and also got in touch with Sarah, Sarah said that she was ready with everything and her mentor was also very helpful.

After finishing their work Vivian took Annie to her place, she cooked food for them and invited Annie to have dinner, who was in deep thoughts. After dinner, both of them sat together and watched T.V.

Vivian: Annie, you look disturbed and also very unhappy, if you want you can share with me.

Annie looked at her and sighed, she shook her head and closed her eyes.

Vivian: if you are not comfortable then you can avoid my question.

Annie: It's not that I am not comfortable but it's like I don't know how to say it.

Vivian: it's about Duke right? Don't you want to leave?

Annie: yes, it's about Duke. I am very sure of leaving there is no second thought about it.