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The next morning after her breakfast Vivian took her phone and started searching for jobs. After picking few jobs she applied for them later, she went out to buy some groceries. While she went to a supermarket nearby as she was picking some daily necessities someone patted her shoulder turning around she saw her friend Oliver standing stunned. He asked her"Hey girl when did you come back and why dint you call me" seeing her friend she was surprised and yelled Aahh Oliver how come you are here? Hey, Dumbo I need to ask you that.

After looking at each other for a while Oliver took her to a nearby cafe. After placing their order he asked her when did she return. Vivian looked at him and started telling about what happened to her dad and their business when she just came back. Oliver felt bad for her and he scolded her " Why didn't you contact don't you consider me as your friend"?

it's not that Oliver I was in great shock and didn't know what to do. I felt like I was stuck in some sought of Maze, but anyway I am really happy to meet you. Oliver sighed, looking at her and then asked her where she is living and did she find any job. Vivian gave the address of her rented apartment and also said that she has applied for the job, and she would attend the interview tomorrow.

Oliver was the son of a businessman but he was never interested in their family business, so he just started his Photography studio which was also his passion he is a well-settled photographer who deals with people in the modelling and Entertainment industry. He asked Vivian why not try modelling you have great looks and charm.

Vivian after listening to her friend thought it was not a bad idea and if she succeeded she can help her father setting up a business and that they could start afresh and she would help her avenge his misery. Ok Oliver but do you think it will work, I mean I have never done this and don't know if I will be fit for modelling.

Don't worry that will be taken care of first you need to photoshoot then we will send your profile to an agency with a good name and reputation. I have few links I will help you with your photoshoot and profile so today you go back home and get some good rest so that you can show your charm tomorrow. Come I will drop you saying this Oliver took her to her apartment before saying goodbye he exchanged their contact information.

Saying Goodnight to Oliver she went back to her apartment, as she already had her meal she simply freshened herself and applied a facemask and went to bed thinking about her future and how she is going to spend her life. She was also worried about her dad so she just sent a message to Jonas asking about her father. Jonas replied after a while that they had reached safely and that her father was good and there is nothing to worry about. He would take care of David. Vivian was touched by the care that he is showing to them, she said thank you Jonas for all your care and support. Jonas said there is nothing to thank me for I am an orphan but sir treated me like his son, and now it's my time to treat him well. He is a father figure to me. Now you take a rest good night Vivian.

Good night Jonas