
Meeting Mother in law

Sarah called Calvin to inform his mother's arrival.

Calvin: hai what's up calling me at this time?

Sarah: Calvin your mom is here with Edward and Kevin's mom.

Calvin: what..?

Sarah: explained to him everything and also said that her parents have given her a household registration book to register their marriage.

Calvin: What kind of nonsense is this? Won't I marry you after you return here? Why are they poking their nose in my matters? wait let me call her.

Sarah: no don't, they will think that I am complaining let them do as they wish.

Calvin: Aren't you upset with what's happening?

Sarah: no it's ok, this is best for our son let them be.

Calvin: Okay, you take care I will call you back later.

After they ended the call he called Edward, Duke and Kevin and asked them to meet in Edwards office.

After an hour the guys reach Edwards office.

Duke: Did you receive the news, your parents are in Milan.