
Linda's sinister, plan

After dealing with Linda and her friend, the girls returned to the hall and started chatting casually.

The men didn't know, what kind of stunt did these girls pull. They were having some business talks.

Linda smiled wickedly and said to her friend, I will make the bitches pay for their actions.

The girls who were having talks with a few artists and managers had a few drinks, but they didn't find that their drinks were replaced with the spiked ones.

After a while, a waitress came and passed a message saying that someone wants to meet Miss Anna and they are waiting in the room upstairs.

Anna asked the waitress who the person was?

The waitress said, the man said he was your companion today, hearing this they thought Kevin must be waiting, The girls just to assure her safety went along with her to the hotel room upstairs, just when they reached the floor few men hurriedly covered their mouths and dragged them into a room.