
It's a Boy

Anna and Annie were in the delivery room accompanied by Duke and Kevin.

Kevin: Anna you are doing good, be strong our child needs you.

Anna looked at him and cried it hurts.

Kevin could only watch her helplessly, Doctor how long, she is suffering.

Doctor: Anna, you are almost there, you need to push.

Anna: Aah, she held Kevin's hand tightly.

After an hour Anna delivered her baby, Kevin looked at the child, he was in bliss, he never expected to become a father so soon.

He kissed Anna's forehead and said thank you.

Annie too delivered her baby, Duke was shocked to see how Annie underwent pain, He supported her throughout the delivery.

When the child came out he took his son in his hands and kissed his forehead and then showed him to Annie, She kissed her son full of love and affection.

Duke kissed Annie and whispered thank you.

Annie looked at him with tearful eyes and smiled.

The elders reached the hospital and received the news of their delivery and were happy.