
It's a boy again

Sarah was talking to Vivian, she shrieked in pain, everyone looks at her panicked that is when Rose notices Sarah's pants, were wet, she hurries towards her and shouts towards Fred, call the doctor, her water broke.

Everyone was stunned, Calvin immediately caught her and lifted her ran towards the Doctor's room.

Doctor: She is going to deliver, she asked the nurse to push Sarah to the delivery ward.

Calvin: I will follow you, I want to stay by her side.

Vivian was even more stressed, she didn't know what to do, she couldn't control her emotions and fainted.

Edward: Vivian get up, what's wrong he yelled Doctor she is unconscious.

David: These girls are bothersome. What is in their head all the time? They are not even worried about the babies in their stomachs.

Doctor: Her blood pressure is high and also the baby is in a position to be delivered.

Edward: Are they safe? What about Vivian how is she?

Doctor: Now we are trying to control her blood pressure.