
Edward and Vivian

After the three girls left the room Vivian wanted to leave as well, when she was about to walk out, her phone rang, she took the call.

Edward: Hello, are you done meeting your friends?

Vivian: yes I am done, I am just leaving the room.

Edward: I am on my way, wait for me to pick you up.

Vivian: it's alright, I will go on my own, you can do your own thing.

Edward: I am done with my work and I am already nearby the hotel, you can come to the entrance after 5 minutes saying this he ended the call.

Vivian was very irked by his dominating nature, she wanted to slap him hard. having no other choice she went down after five minutes.

Edward was already at the entrance, he got down and opened the passenger side door for her and asked her to get in after she sat he made he adjusted the seatbelt for her and then went back to the driver's seat and started driving.

Edward: What would you like to have for dinner?