
Drugs effect

After separating the girls, the doctor began to check the girls.

Doctor: There is nothing we can do, because if we want to reduce the effect of the drug then we need to take them to the hospital, I don't have the antidote here, and the other thing is we are out of time.

Duke: what do you mean out of time?

Doctor: The dosage of the drug was heavy and they can not wait until we reach the hospital, we need to clean their stomachs and also put them on drips this procedure needs nearly An hour and they can not hold back till then. Now it's your turn to decide.

Edward: Any other alternative?

He shook his his head sighing heavily and left the room.

The girls were getting very wild, Edward couldn't keep his calm and said to the other men, I am taking Vivian out saying this he left hurriedly with Vivian in his arms.

Calvin: I will take care of Sarah, he was already stressed to see her in this condition. He made up his mind and left with her.