

SYNOPSIS Bridget Smith lives in a pack where her father is Alpha and her mother Luna but she is no different from a slave. She works her bones all day and is constantly harassed sexually by her brother Shawn and another wolf in the pack. There are constant threats to sell her off to an evil Alpha even though she works as hard as she can. She is timid, shy, doesn't talk back and endures all the injustice without a word. What happens after Bridget finds her mate, who she finds out had to pay heavily for her? Does she finally get her happily ever after life or there's more to it than what she can imagine? FIND OUT MORE IN THE STORY. Bridget Smith. 30 ancient years old, She looks younger than she is and is easily one of the prettiest wolves in the father's pack, though, years of wearing the same servant's garb, have hidden her beauty. She is shy, timid, quiet and subservient due to the maltreatment of her family and the pack at large, Her hair is in pretty rolls that highlight her face whenever she's not staring at the floor and her purple eyes stand out all the time. Bridget Smith, a young unmated wolf lives in the pack, "Blood Forest Pack", where her father is Alpha and her mother Luna is a pack slave, you would think she had all the privileges but she is maltreated and abused by her family members. She is used as a pawn countless times and all her life, she doesn't know what familial love can be, except for the alpha and his family who cared deeply for her and protected her from her own family, the gamma and his family are eventually thrown out of the pack by her father and once again she finds that she is alone. Due to her family's treatment, she is quiet and subservient like a servant, harassed and publicly mocked. Then comes Alpha William waltzing into her life out of nowhere by a twist of fate, in a chance encounter with him when he comes to settle some business with her father, he is the Alpha of the ....... Pack. She is

Moni Sky · Fantasie
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15 Chs

Chapter 10

William P.O.V

It's such an awful way to wake up being terrified. It’s Sandra. I can hear her noise, She is shouting which comes out frigidly. I ran down the hallway to the room she was in.

This time, she has gone deep into her dreams. I walked in and tried to make her get up from bed. “Stand up honey. It's just a dream. It is no longer real. So get up from bed.”

Bridget P.O.V

I woke to see William who looked worried about me. “Sandra, are you okay? You screamed. I’ve never heard you scream before than in your dreams,” he said.

I can sense his fear. For the first time, I am aware of what he meant when he said that he can feel my emotions.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bother you,” I apologized.

“You are no longer bothering me. I just want to make sure you are okay babe.”

I smiled at the nickname. He removed a strand of hair from my face.

“Well, I’ll let you go to sleep,” He mumbled and turned to leave. “Wait! Stay? I hope you don't mind?,” I asked shyly.

William turned and laughed. “Of course, I don't mind. Scoot over,” He said as he got into bed with me. He laid down and pulled me closer. Just like the first time, I buried my head in his chest and wrapped my arm around him.

He smells so freaking good! And touching him made me calm down instantly. I let the heat wash over me. I felt him kiss my forehead and I laugh. I decided then that I’m not going to fight this feeling anymore.

I’m just going to follow the flow. I fall asleep happily. I wake up to the rays of sunshine on my face.

I heard the birds outside and felt an arm around me. Oh, I feel like this moment should never end. I can him breathing slowly. He is still asleep.

I tilt my head up to look at him. Oh, thank goddess, he is a deep sleeper. Well, I simply ogled the handsome man in front of me. His head is tilted to one side and his mouth is slightly open.

I snickered because It is not flattering. My eyes trail down his body to where my hand is resting on his chest. I run my fingers over his chest and he stirs. I stopped for a while waiting for him to settle. He stopped stirring so I continued running my fingers over his chest up and down to his abs.

“You should know that it's not a good thing to tease someone so early in the morning.”

I froze and looked up at William with an awkward smile. He is looking down at me with his eyebrows raised.

“I’m sorry. Your skin just felt nice to touch that I couldn't resist the urge to do so.” DID I JUST SAY THAT OUT LOUD??? What in goddess's name is wrong with me? I felt like dying from the embarrassment.

But William laughed and pulled my face up to his.

“And yours feels magnificent,” He says as his hand stroked my cheek.

“Thanks for staying last night,” I whispered.

“Anytime baby.”

“Well, I was hoping you want to continue staying here with me for the time we will spend here. If it really ok?” I am being dared today. Bold and dumb.

William laughed. “If that is what you want, of course, I will.”

I laid on his chest again and he placed his arm around me. It’s so nice just laying here. Do we have to do something else?

“You understand that in the end, we are going to have to get up,” He said. I swear he can read my mind. If I find out later that mates can really read each other’s minds, I’m going to be so mad at him.

“Sandra, are you okay? Your breathing has quickened. I’m getting irritated and he noticed that slightest difference.

“Do you always know everything?” There I go again with the boldness.

“Haha it's only when comes to you,” He replied as he playfully rolled me over to my back. He is leaning over me with his thumb stroking my cheek as he stared into my eyes.

“You know you have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen. I think my favourite colour is now blue because of them,” He said quietly. Then he leaned in for a kiss.

When our lips touch, it felt like two souls colliding. His hand wrapped around my neck gently and pulled me closer to him. The kiss was gentle at first but then it grew to a deeper and needier one.

He withdrew from the kiss so we could catch our breath before he crashed his lips on mine again. He withdrew again and I whimpered softly in protest.

He kissed my neck and the feeling of his lips on my neck drove me crazy. I couldn't breathe. His mouth finds a spot on my neck and sucked it gently. l let out a moan. I can feel him chuckling on my neck as I caressed his back drawing him closer to me.

I felt one of his fingers go beneath my shirt and to my side. Just that little skin contact sent shivers down my spine. Then I heard him groan in annoyance. He nuzzled my shoulder and inhaled s. He brings his face closer to mine.

“I want to remain like this with you baby. But Greg just mind-linked me. He and Daniella are downstairs waiting for us. I'm afraid if we don't go out, they will come in,” He laughed at the last part.

I placed my hand on his cheek and looked into his dark eyes before saying.“Well, I can’t get up with you still on top of me.”

“Maybe that’s what I should do,” He says with a mischievous smile.

“If you guys don't come down soon... I don't know what is going to happen but I know Liam is driving me crazy,” Daniella shouted from downstairs. We both chuckled and get up.

William got dressed and I went to bathe. I’m still self-conscious of my scars. I run into Liam who's wandering in the kitchen literally shovelling meals in his mouth.

He stopped and looked up at me. “Are you hungry? Should I get you a plate?” He asked, looking embarrassed.

“Oh no, I’m not hungry. I'm just thirsty.”

I then went to the fridge and a bottle of water.

“Oh hey, I want to tell you something. I've observed you are a bit self-conscious of your scars. It's though but I heard some werewolves can thicken their skin so their scars don’t show. I don't know if your wolf is strong enough to do that or if it works however you can attempt to try it sometimes. Personally, I suppose you want to be bad a**. Like you’ve adapted to things. But I get it, people ask questions, Questions you don't want to answer,” Liam said before stuffing his face with food.

I'll be surprised to see if that works. I kinda want to give it a try. I’ll ask Deli later, maybe she’ll be aware of how I can do it. Liam cleaned up the dirty dishes.

“Thanks, Liam. I would like to give it a try and see if it works.”

“Hey, this is the first time you’ve me as Liam instead of Beta. Sweet,” Liam chuckled and put his hand around me as we walked outdoor. Outside, I saw William releasing one of the boats into the water. When he looked up and saw us, he growled.

“Did he just growl?” I asked Liam.

“Haha, yes he did,” Liam lifted his hands in the air. “Just being a friendly man. I just don't want any problem.” I jolted and so does Daniella. She came over and linked her hand to mine.

We cross over to the dock and wait until the guys help us on the boat. I’ve never been on a boat before so I'm not sure what to expect. The boat has a driver seat and seats that line up in rows.

There are seats in the way of the boat and seats all the way in the front. Daniella laid down on one side of the boat and I lay down next to her in one corner.

The guys take a seat at the front. The boat pulled away from the dock. Daniella and I talked about what happened this morning between me and William. She asked me how I feel. She is the nicest person I have ever met.

I even made her know about what Liam told me about my scars. She looked angry that he did not inform her about it.

“Do you want to give it a try?” she asked. “I think yes.”

Daniella sat up and comes to stand beside me. “Maybe try focusing on one spot. It might be easier. I don't understand how it makes sense,” she said, taking my hand. There are a few scars on it.

“Deli, can we do this?” I asked about my idea “I will try.” And just like that, they vanished. Daniella gasps, drawing the attention of the guys.

“Sandra, are you okay?” William asked, rushing over. “It worked.” Daniella hit Liam’s shoulder. “Why didn't you inform me about this?” Daniella scolded him.

“Ouch! I love your scar and I’m the only one who sees it,” he replied cheekily.

“I’ve never worn a bikini because of my. . Oh, you jerk. You did not inform me because you watch me wear bikinis!” Daniella stood up and she was raging mad.

“Come on babe, you are amazing. I don't want other guys to have a reason to stare at you. I do not want to be put in chains for ripping someone's throat out,” Liam pleaded and gave the cutest puppy face.

“Don’t give me that stupid face,” Daniella hits his shoulder again.

“Fine, how about I tell you this then?”

Liam pulled out a little jewellery blue box and opened it. Daniella gasped again “Daniella Rivers, will you do me the honour of turning into my spouse?” Liam knelt down on one knee.

Daniella looked like she is going to cry and she nodded her head. Liam put the ring on her finger and hugged her. They look adorable. I and William are holding hands and I am leaning on his shoulder.

“They are so lovely that it almost makes me sick,” He leaned down and whispered.

“We heard that,” They said at the same time which made them laugh and kiss each other.

“I have to agree with William,” I say. Everyone turned to me and then start laughing.

“Now that is over. Congratulations you two crazy kids. Tell m what happened earlier,” William asked us.

“Oh, Sandra's scars. Show him,” Daniella said. I showed off my fresh skin free of scars to him.

“Oh wow, that’s crazy. But you don’t have to conceal your scars. I love you just the way you are.”


“I am going to feel comfortable this way now that there won't be people staring at me or feeling bad for me,” I say and I got rid of all my scars. I’ve never felt so free and I like it. William pulled me to sit on his lap and he leaned in.

“As long as you are pleased baby,” He whispered. His hands round my waist. “I am. It makes me feel. . normal.”

“Oh Sandra, you are normal. In every possible way,” he kissed my forehead.

“Yo William, we have company,” Liam says looking out the lake. William moved me off his lap and stood up.

“It’s Todd and Kelvin,” William says. I don't know if it’s a good or bad thing.

“Sweet,” Liam says. I assume it is good. William and Liam head to the front of the boat. Daniella came over to me.

“Okay, you will love Debby... She’s Jeremy's mate and a little dumb but very sweet. She'll like you since you are William's mate and also an alpha descendant. She’s very bloodline focused. Stephanie is Todd’s mate. And he is like a second cousin or something, I don’t know aware of they are all related somehow,” Daniella explained as our boat slows down and Todd’s boat comes alongside ours. William and Liam tied the boat.

The guys greet each other with hugs and laughed while two women head toward us.

“Daniella!!,”A beautiful lady with black hair and brown eyes runs up to Daniella and almost tackled her to the floor with a hug.

“Debbie, it's been so long!” Daniella hugged her back. Okay, that's Debbie. Stephanie walked over to me. She is tall, tanned and a blondie.

“Debbie, you are going to crush her with your She-Hulk strength,” Stephanie says. It makes Debbie self-conscious and she lets go of Daniella.

“Daniella, it is great to see you out with your mate. They always appear so busy,” Stephanie kissed Daniella on every cheek.

“And who is this?” Stephanie turned to me.

“Oh, this is Sandra. William mate,” Daniella replied. “Oh my goodness, how exciting!” Debbie exclaimed and wrapped me in a hug. Her excitement is infectious.

“Well, it is interesting. Debbie, release her! Tell me, what pack do you come from?” Debbie let go of me and Stephanie takes a step closer to me.

“Oh, Bloodsucking forest,” I say. “Oof, it truly is some tough terrain,” Stephanie says.

“What about your parents?” “They are fine. My dad, being the alpha is too busy...,” I replied, remembering what Daniella told me about her.

“Oh good. Your kids will have strong bloodlines then. But you better mark him before Sienna finds out. She’s kinda the worst,” Stephanie says. Who the heck is Sienna???

“Oh, let’s not bring this up now,” Daniella chirped in with a scowl. Whoever Sienna is, I'm assuming Daniella doesn't like her.

“Drinks, ladies. We need drinks!” She says that the closing part is loud enough for the guys to hear.

“You obtained it, princess,” One of the guys says. He and William go to the other boat and come back with drinks. “Todd, this is Sandra. My mate,” William says as he hands over a drink to me and wrapped his arm around my waist. I kinda like it.

“Hey Sandra, it's nice to finally meet you. This one here has been crying about discovering his mate when you consider that he was as soon as a pup,” Todd says laughing.

“What’s this I hear about a mate?,” another man chirped in I am assuming is Jeremy, comes over.

“Jeremy, this is Sandra, my mate,” William says. “Hey, Sandra I'm Jeremy. Nice to meet you,”

Jeremy shakes my hand. Debbie goes over and stands beside him. This is nice. “Wait a minute! What is that!” Stephanie exclaimed, pointing to Daniella’s hand.

Daniella laughed happily, “I’m getting married Y'ALL!.” All the females cheered and the boys drink.

“Guys, are we going to stand around or are we going to have exciting?” Leave it to Liam to break the moment.

Stephanie giggled and turned on some music. Todd grabbed two inner tubes and tied them to the end of the boat. Daniella and I climb in.

“Stephanie likes you. Like I knew she would,” Daniella told me.

The rest of the day was filled with ladies speaking of the wedding ceremony ceremony, drinking, swimming, and laying out in the sun. It’s the most exciting day I’ve ever had.

When the sun went down, we left the boat and made our way to the lake house. We are all determined to watch a movie though we are all exhausted. I took a quick shower and joined them in the sitting room.

When I got to the sitting room, they have prepared a bunch of snacks and William is ready waiting for me with a comfy blanket. I take a seat next to him and he wraps me up as I lean toward him. This is the best day of my life.

Not even ten minutes into the movie, Liam and Daniella are asleep. I also fell asleep and I felt myself being carried up the stairs and put into bed. I felt William get in next to me, his heat washing over me. I nuzzled into him and kissed his chest before wrapping my hands around him.

He played with my hair and ran his hands down my back. My body reacts to the sensation and a moan escaped from my throat.

“Sandra, I have feelings for you,” He stated silently. I look up at him.

“You do not have to be glamorous. I didn’t say it to hear it back. I said it because it's the truth,” He removed a strand of hair from my face and continues to run his fingers down my back. I didn't say it.

This used to be his time and I don't want to take it away from him. “Thank you,” I whispered.

“For what?” he said with a low laugh.

“For being excellent.”

“I am not certain about the excellent part. But I am happy that you think so,” he held me closer and planted tiny kisses on my face.

I lay my head on his chest as I slowly fell asleep.



