
Bought by the Mafia

[MATURE CONTENT AHEAD!! THIS STORY IS MAFIA MEANING IT HAS A LOT OF VIOLENCE AND STRONG MATURE LANGUAGE] [NO RAPE] [NO CHEATING] [Note that the Male Lead in this story is not a prince charming who will change for his woman. He's a man with very questionable morals] I was bred in the mafia, born in the mafia, raised in the mafia, would marry into the mafia, and I would die in the mafia. In my house, my father’s word was law. Failure to adhere to the law came with dire consequences. Sometimes physical, mental, or emotional. He treated us like commodities and assets he would sell to the highest bidder and make some quick buck. It didn’t matter that we were human or that we had opinions. Antonio Agosti was a monster for a father. He killed any man who tried to get with my sister and me and made us promise to preserve our virginity until marriage. And he saw it fit to sell mine to the most dangerous gang in all of Italy, the Cosa Nostra (Sicillian Mafia). He sold me to the most feared man in all of Italy, Nikolas ‘The Beast’ Mancini. He was rumored to have crushed a man’s skull with his hands, but I didn’t know if it was true. Either way, he was ruthless, fearless, intimidating, and dangerous. He had eyes as cold as ice and a gaze as calculating as ever. He was also strikingly handsome and hot. Every woman wanted him and feared him at the same time. But he chose me. The way he looked at me scared me. Especially when he told me, “You’re mine now, Viola. Till death do us part.” And he was right. The only way out of a Mafia marriage was death. Whether it was arranged as in my case or not. If I tried to leave Nikolai, the whole Cosa Nostra would hunt and kill me. And so the question remains, was death better than being married to the devil incarnate? ***EXCERPT 1*** “Any man who looks at you suggestively, I take his eyes. If he so much as touches you, I take his hands. If he sniffs you, I take his nose. If he kisses you or talks to you, I take his tongue.” Every word sent a chill down my spine, colder than the last. What kind of a monster did I get married to? “You’re sick!” He walked closer, covered in Leon’s blood. His stride was powerful and scary. On a normal occasion, I would have stood my ground. However, he had shown me a side of him I’d never seen before. “You know what the problem is, Principessa? I showed you that I was a gentleman and I was good. I’m not. You’ve taken my kindness for weakness.” “But—” He cut me off by grabbing my neck and pulling me closer. My heart raced wildly against my chest and I couldn’t tell if I was turned on or scared. “You’re my whore, Viola and I don’t share. Don’t you ever forget it.” Using his leg to spread my legs, he hiked up my skirt using his hand. Goosebumps coated my skin and a trail of fire was left in the wake of his touch. For a moment, I couldn’t breathe. “You only spread these legs for me. Got it?” “No. I’m not a whore.” “You’re right. You are MY whore. Now go upstairs and wait for me on the bed before I cut off your lover’s other hand." ***End of Excerpt*** (Second Excerpt inside)

Mellovesbooks · Urban
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21 Chs

Wedding Night


"My wife and I are leaving," Nikolas said as he got up from the table. The men hollered and the women cheered because they knew what a wedding night entailed.

I couldn't say I was excited but I was I was buzzed and a little tipsy from the whiskey he'd given me. It would help with the whole thing.

I got up to go with Nikolas but he pulled me in his arms and carried me bridal style. The hollering and the cheers didn't stop until Nikolas and I went into the Mancini mansion. Once we were in the house, he put me down.

We were right in front of the flight of stairs when he gave me a look I couldn't decipher.

"You know where my room is. Go up and wait for me."

I was shocked. I thought he would have been eager to have sex once we were married. Most men were eager to lay their mark and show their new wives to whom they belonged.

Since I was supposed to obey him, I nodded my head and went up the stairs. I went straight into his room and stood in the middle of it wondering what to do. Reaching behind my back, I unzipped my wedding dress and took it off.

Under my wedding dress was a white lingerie Mother had forced me to wear. The lingerie had intricate floral patterns that looked amazing.

It had a halter neck style that accentuated my shoulders and neckline but also provided a secure and comfortable fit. The adjustable straps ensured it was a perfect fit.

It had a stunning gold chain that was connected to a thin unsupported collar on my neck. It ran down the center.

It consisted of a lace bra that offered gentle with an underwire providing an additional lift and shape. The set had a matching garter belt that perfectly complemented the bra and thong.

The belt also had adjustable straps that ensured it would fit, while the garter clips held my stockings in place. There was a matching thong that completed the set.

I went to the bed and lay down on it, waiting for Nikolas to arrive. I had to cooperate so the sex wouldn't be as painful. I didn't have hope that he would take it easy with me.

He may have been hot but he was rough around the edges. He would take what he wanted and when he wanted, regardless of whether I enjoyed it or not. All mafia men were like that.

I waited for him to come but about thirty minutes passed and he hadn't arrived. I was starting to get cold but I didn't want to cover myself. I would rather have gotten sick.

After what felt like forever, the door opened and he stepped in.

The room was a bit dark because the lights on the chandelier were not on. Only the fixtures on the walls were on. I couldn't see his face but he lingered by the door for a long time before he came in deeper and stood by the bed.

His suit jacket was off and the sleeves of his shirt were rolled up to his elbows. His hair was a mess unlike how neat it had been when we were getting married.

My heart raced as he stared at me. He was still a distance away, and I couldn't see his face. But I could feel his gaze trailing all over my body. I tried not to show that I was shaking in fear, and I hoped he was buying it.

"Come closer," he coerced. I got up from the bed and walked towards him.

There was a darkness in his gaze that shook me to the core. His eyes were so dark that you could barely tell they were green.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked. He was close enough that I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

Was he drunk? I didn't think so. He must have been tipsy. He didn't look drunk but his eyes were glassy which made me think he had been drinking…a lot.

I was also confused by his question. I was doing what Mother told me I should do. She had experience. The lingerie was for him so I would be appealing on our wedding night.


"Go to sleep, Viola."

Before I could ask him what he meant, he turned around and left. He left me stunned and confused. For minutes, I just stood there wondering what happened.

I disappointed my husband and parents. I wasn't appealing to him which must have been the reason he refused to sleep with me.

He was going to cheat on me and Mother was going to find out and find a way to punish me. What if Angie suffered for my shortcomings? I had to find a way to redeem myself.

I couldn't be a disappointment. I had to make sure he found me appealing and I was willing to do anything to achieve it.



More chapters are coming!! Please share, comment, and gift me some of those beautiful powerstones and golden tickets!!

Thank you!!

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