
Chapter 43 : Strangers in the Night


I woke up in the middle of the night, not quite knowing why. I blinked into the darkness a moment, then groaned and rolled over onto Mateo’s side of the bed, breathing in his scent on his pillow.

Another sound had me peeling one sleep-sealed eye open. I sat up and stared into the darkness again, sniffing the air.

A hand clamped over my mouth, and I let out a muffled scream.

“Shh,” Felix whispered in my ear. “They’re here.”

I stopped screaming and looked up at Felix as he slowly took his hand away. Rochelle was cowering behind him. “Who’s here?” I asked.

“Agustin’s men, I think,” Felix replied. “We’ve been found.”

Shit. I scooted quickly off the bed. “Miriam? Celeste? Lucia?”

“Came here first,” Felix said. “Going there n—”

An ear-splitting shriek filled the air.

“Oh, Goddess,” I gasped. The three of us made our way to my door and peeked out into the hall.

A shrouded man was hauling Miriam out of her bedroom.