
Boruto: Naruto ero generations (18+)

Kawaki kidnapped Naruto. Young shinobis are adults now. They are facing adlut issues now. How will our heroes go through this adventure thoughout the narutoverse. This story will explore not only Boruto's but other characters' life too. So, their experiences would have some spotlight This fanfiction contains elements of gender bending, NTR and incest. Warning will be there to alert readers so they can avoid these chapters if they want. I don't encourage the topics like incest. I am just using them here as a fiction. credits to image goes for the respective owner

Av_of_destruction · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

Ch9: Secret of a special jutsu

Boruto and Sasuke sat on a rooftop. Boruto used his ability to hide their presence.

"So, you want me to fuck your wife so that you can go fuck this best pussy you were talking about?"

"Yes, that's correct"

"Seriously that's messed up. What happened to you? Don't tell me we are just here to fuck people from the past!"

"Listen I've been waiting for this pussy for a long time."

"Why can't I have her?"


"You can go fuck your wife. Sakura is younger here. I know you love young pussy."

"What did you say?"

"Never mind. Tell me who she is? I want to fuck that best pussy".

"Hey you have a girlfriend"

"Says the guy who told me to fuck his wife who is also the mother of my girlfriend. I am going to fuck this best pussy". Sasuke sighed and said "It's complicated. It's also embarrassing. "

"Try me"

"Do you know about the nature of sexy jutsu?"

"Nature as in chakra nature?"

"No, it's not like that. Sexy jutsu is a transformation when it comes to the real body. But when a clone transforms, it's considered as an illusion body."

"I know it's an illusion. What does that..." Boruto realised who this best pussy is. "Don't tell me it's..." Sasuke stopped him and said "Let me finish. It's not like you think" Boruto had his thoughts messed up. Sasuke continued,

"A transformed clone of sexy jutsu doesn't share memories or feelings with the main body after it's done. It will fade away without giving any information to the main body. So, a sexy jutsu clone is just an illusion body we use to satisfy our needs. They are like a sex toy that Naruto created to masturbate. It's not Naruto. We call them Naruko. The best pussy that I've fucked in my life. It's too bad she's not real. That's why this technique is unique, only few people can use it."

Shocked Boruto, tried to get everything correct and said "So, you want me to fuck your wife because you're going to fuck a clone of my father."

"Well...yes that's right."

"That's so much messed up" Sasuke put his hands on Boruto's shoulder and said

"Do you know why there are more active kunoichis at their 30-40 in our time?"

"I've never thought about it. But it's true. We have more kunoichis as much as the men nowadays. Which wasn't the case then in Konoha"

"You see some married men didn't let their wives to work as kunoichis because they wanted them home to satisfy their needs."

Boruto listened to him carefully. It's like he was learning some life lessons from his master.

"Naruto convinced the men to let their wives to work as kunoichis in exchange of his sexy jutsu clones. It was the reason why he found this uniqueness in his technique. He can make more than a thousand clones. He lets some to use sexy jutsu in their home. Those kunoichis are happy nowadays because their men understood what they felt over time. Naruto stopped sending his clones after some time. It's some of Naruto's achievements we can't tell to the world."

Boruto was thinking about it for a minute. "I want to meet him. I came here to change the past. I can't prevent everything from happening"

Sasuke thought 'I shouldn't have talked about Naruto this much'. Then he said

"Then what's stopping you from doing it? I am sure it's neither me nor my wife's pussy"

"Be serious master. You know why I can't. I don't know what I would lose in exchange if I change past". The idea of losing his friends haunted him.

"You're a smart one Boruto. Let's enjoy our time here. I promise I know how to save them. Be patient. All you have do it is to have good mindset."

Boruto smiled but he had a thought "Your wife would thing I am you. Isn't that wrong."

"Don't worry! Sakura of our time has a thing for you. She hasn't eaten you yet for her daughter sake."

"Wait what?"

"You look like me Boruto. She thinks you're a mini me"


"I know you're an adult. Now listen to me carefully. You must to exactly as I say. Otherwise she will suspect and our present would change"

"Still I feel like it's wrong"

"You want her or not"

"I do"

"So this is what we are going to do"


In front of Uchiha's home door, Sasuke rang the bell. Sasuke opened the door. Sasuke used his new learned genjutsu of mangekyo on Sasuke. Sasuke fell down.

"Young Sasuke is weaker than me, even with a rinnegan. It's a good thing I started training like Naruto". Both Boruto in Sasuke's transformation and Sasuke took Sasuke and hid put him on the dining table. Sasuke whispered

"Remember once you're done, don't forget to copy your memories in his mind"

"Don't worry my jougan can do anything."

They positioned him correctly on the chair and Sasuke said

"If you'll excuse me, I am going to fuck the best pussy"

"Yeah an imaginary pussy. Please stop watching movies with big brother Konohamaru! It's a bad influence on you."

Then Sasuke left Sasuke's home. Boruto closed the door and thought

'Best pussy huh!'