
time skip


Well here we are again so yeah it's been two years and i think i become a mad training person like might guy.You know it became a somewhat habit of mine to just do run around uchiha compound and other things and i have also started increasing weight i think i have same same amount of weight when lee was taking chunnin exams and i have almost reached at a perfect chakra control now i can attach water bubbles onto my fingertips for several hours Oh and i have also learned firestyle fireball jutsu and now i can do it with only one hand seal.Well overall speaking i can defeat an early chunnin easily. but i still show my lack of talent in ninjutsu and taijustu as i don't want danzo and orochimaru onto my tails i think they have started to spread rumors about me "a trash uchiha" well that was'nt able to get me angry but i have to say father,mother and brother was very angry while hearing this.

<1 month before the start of academy>

fugaku-So we have decided that you won't be attending academy as you are not talented in neither ninjutsu, genjutsu and taijutsu Hence i have decided you will not choose ninja path so just do something else we have already chosen random uchiha.Said fugaku while the rest of the council nodded.

"But father i can prove myself just give me some more time i will prove it to all of y-"Just as i was about to finish.fugaku snapped at me.

"Shut up sasuke we have given you 2 years and there is still no improvement in you even a civillian child would have beaten a chunnin easily if we provide him the resources.Now leave"

"Yes father"I said, while leaving the room i heard the small whisper from him"Why did i think you would be like itachi!!"A sad smile came upon my face while hearing this.

Hah finally now i don't have to go to academy so when i leave this village i won't become a missing nin but that danzo will send his people against me.Looks like i have to train faster i need to become chunnin before the genocide.

"OYE you loser where do you think you are going huh"Ah god why can't these people let me train,Well this person on front of me is that random uchiha who is going to replace me by going to academy,When he knew that he is going to replace me started bullying me and you know hitting me,Well lets just ask him why did he come again."Y-yess shin how can i help you"i ask him like hinata "Haahhaaa you loser did you just came back from council now they must have told you how much of trash aren't you" "Yes shin"

"All right now trash we are going to play ninja now and you are going to become the bandit" "Y-yes shin."

<after 2 hours>

'Aah shit they might have just broken my rib fuck man now i have to go to hospital again just 1 more year' i told myself mentally.

"Aah sasuke you are here again where do you keep getting these wounds everyday" asked me henji hyuga.

"Aah big brother it's not a big problem i was just training and fall from the tree and hurted my rib" 'Well pain tolerance can be a training right'

"Hah you know you can tell me the truth right sasuke"

"huh!! you already know the truth big brother henji the villagers call me trash and my own clan people gave me these disdance look"

"Hey you are not trash!!"He strongly rejected me

"Well in some sense i could say that you are correct but in comparision of itachi talent to mine i could say that i am just a toenail."

this time he did not refute me and with a sigh he stated healing me.

"Thank you for healing me some day i will repay your kindness towards me"I said while moving out.

"Man i should get an oscar for my acting skill who is tobi in front of me nothing"

Let's just practice my chakra control since i don't have any work to do.


Well it's been 2 years since we met and i have continued to show my incompablity to become a ninja,And it's been one year since shisui has died and since hat day itachi has coming home less lately and whenever he comes home he always watches mom,dad and me like he is trying to prove something to us.

Well my father who is dence as ever did'nt try to ask him and just put the matter down since he knew itachi was depressed since shisui was dead.

I thought i was prepared for the genocide but now when i see my mother put my head in her lap i think i am not able to see her dead body in front of me.But what can i do if i tell them to stop the rebellion will they listen to me,Nope infact they will just kick me out of the shrine.I then saw my mother one last time with she was so peaceful that smile which never falter i wish i could save you mom.