
Born From Ashes

The pain she was having now is unbearable, & she deserved it for trusting the wrong person. Her Sister cheated on her with her husband, whom she loved from her childhood. She was the reason for the downfall of her family, their business, and her best friend's demise. All because was that she wanted her husband to be happy and successful. Now, the gods gave her another choice to set things right with a gift. Can she make things right? Will she get her revenge? "Credit (The image on the cover) goes to the creator of the image used herein, though their identity remains unknown. We acknowledge their contribution"

Harmika_Bharathi · Fantasie
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24 Chs


"Ring" "Ring" Veronica stirred from her sleep and answered the call. The Voice from the other side made her awake all of a sudden. She felt someone has poured a basin of cold water on her.

" It's done sir, but Dove Hayes is not dead but seriously injured" " Sorry sir it's my fault" " I will never miss again" " I understand sir if it is missed again I will be in trouble." and the call ended.

Veronica didn't know she has held her breath, That man is getting more and more frightening. It is all because of that stupid Dove, who does she think she is? escaping her death from my hands. I will make her feel that it would be better if she died in a car accident. I will be the demon who kills everyone in the Hayes family. How dare they flaunt their wealth and their family love in front of me. I will rule the Hayes family, with all their assets. I will give everyone a painful death. They only have themselves to blame. Who asked them to pick the wrong person to care for?

The whole Hayes family is innocent people. I have played under their noses and hurt their daughter and blame their daughter for everything, stupids they believed her and asked her to take care of their daughter. hahaha! what should I say? Fools! Just a little love, an innocent look, some words and a few drops of tears are all it takes to make them believe me. Dove, the more straightforward and innocent you are, the more it is easy for me to kill the whole Hayes family and escape from it.

Veronica was feeling so proud of herself and how easy it was to get the Hayes family under her. She didn't know that Dove has reborn with ample knowledge of the future and a system to support her.

On the other end. In the hospital, Mathew Hayes discussed the matter of dropping the case with Inspector John, it was very hard for him to console him. Inspector John is an upright honest man. Seeing that it was very difficult to make him understand, He explained his reason for dropping the case.

After listening to everything, Inspector John nodded, "Mr Hayes I understand your concern. Indeed, we cannot alert the enemy. I will help you investigate secretly."

" Inspector John, I appreciate your concern. But as a police officer, you can only work with certain procedures. As you know, I cannot file a complaint now. Without complaint, you cannot start investigating the person."

Inspector John understood that he cannot do anything " Let me know if I can help you with anything Mr Hayes. I'm leaving now."

" Thanks for understanding Inspector John. Appreciate your kindness".

Mathew Hayes entered the hospital room after sending off Inspector John.

"Dove, we will hire a private investigator to investigate this man. We can also know everyone he has contacted to harm us." Mathew Hayes was concerned about the safety of his family.

" Dad, it is true. He must have picked anyone, our maids, drivers, office employees, our family friends or business partners. It will take a long time to investigate and catch the culprit. We cannot wait for that long. What if something happens to our family?" Jordan clenched his hand when he said this. The feeling of helplessness irritated him.

" Dad, before starting the investigation you must open a security company. No one must know that it operates under the Hayes family. Find every retired military officer who is in their forties. Do a thorough background check and recruit them. And also approach Sergeant Marsh and make him the president of the company"

when Dove finished speaking, she saw the shocked expression on her family's faces. Their little princess shocks them with her wise decisions & it's already twice today. Their Little Girl is all grown up. They want their innocent, sweet and lovely girl back.

Mathew Hayes recovered quickly and asked "It's a good idea, Dove. We can place them in the home, or office, and we can also make them our secretaries or we can ask them to protect us in the shadows. It's a vice move. But why Sergeant Marsh?"

In her previous life, Veronica helped Sergeant Marsh with a small amount of money to buy medicine for her sickly daughter. And, that man stayed true to her and made Dove's life more difficult. This time she will snatch everything that's hers and will never allow Veronica to get any resources who can offer to help her.

" Dad, I heard it from some of my friends. He is very good and loyal. He was about to get a promotion but he retired from the military to take care of his sickly daughter. Inform him that we will take care of his daughter's medical expenses with her education and our plan for the security company and why we are opening. He must accept our offer. On the surface, it should look like he owns the company"

He nodded and took Jordan with him to meet Sergeant Marsh. It cannot be delayed, their lives are in danger. They need to take quick action.