
Born Again In Pokemon With Six Digimon Starters

Pyrite Serpentine, an avid fan of monster taming games woke up in a room that he did not recognise. There was nobody else in it, but there were six strange creatures sitting on the floor beside the bed. He recognised these monsters as Digimon which were in the in-training stage. He found this strange, but approached the Digimon which began to follow him around. Unlike in the games and anime, they did not talk but did seem to understand what Pyrite was saying. Despite being very confused, he went down the stairs connected to the room and out of the downstairs area to find that he was in Striaton City which meant he was in the Pokemon world, and more specifically, he was in Unova.

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Pokemon World With Digimon

'Where am I?' A sixteen year old boy with light blue hair woke up in a bed in an unfamiliar room. He looked around before sitting up and swinging his legs over the side of the bed. The room seemed quite empty apart from six small creatures which were sat lined up on the floor. As Pyrite, who was the teenager in question was a big fan of monster taming games, he recognised the creatures.

The first monster in the line was pink and small, with smooth looking skin and red eyes, sharp teeth and long ears which were darker than its body.

The second monster had orange fur and a peach coloured face with red eyes and two sharp teeth. It also had a large horn-like protrusion sticking out of its head.

The third monster was brown and scaly with a white underbelly. It had blue eyes and a mouth full of sharp teeth as well as an orange horn which looked like a flame.

the fourth monster had pink skin with eight pink tentacle-like feelers. It had big green eyes with four black lines around them and a small closed mouth. On its head was a blue flower with a yellow inside as well as yellow and orange parts sticking out of it.

The fifth monster was on all fours and had green plant-like skin with two leaf-like areas on top of it. The rest of its body was a yellowish-white, and the monster had large ruby-like eyes and a closed mouth.

The sixth, and last, monster was fully yellow, with two ears which looked similar to those of a cat. It had two small but sharp teeth and dark red, large eyes. As well as this, it had a purple and yellow tail.

Upon seeing the six monsters, Pyrite recognised them, in order, as Koromon, Tsunomon, Bukamon, Yokomon, Tanemon, and Nyaromon. They were six in-training rank Digimon which were one form above their lowest rank.

Seeing them shocked Pyrite, but made him realise that he was likely in the Digimon world so he stood up and began to look around. The only exit to his room was a flight of stairs which he proceeded to go down without hesitation. As the bottom floor of the building was also quite empty, Pyrite went to the front door to see what was outside.

However, the view that he was greeted which shocked him even further and made him more confused. He could clearly tell that he was in Striation City which was the location of the first gym in Pokemon Black which was in the Unova region of the Pokemon world.

He was so confused as there were six Digimon, which had been following him around the entire time that he was walking, despite him being in the Pokemon world. Despite his confusion, Pyrite was interested in becoming a Pokémon trainer as he had no reason not to, as if he was dreaming then there would be no consequences, and if he wasn't then he could have a great adventure.

Although he was in the Pokemon world, he also wanted to only use the Digimon which were seemingly his own as Digimon tended to be much more powerful than Pokemon, and looked much cooler as well.

He wondered if he could see the stats if the Digimon like in the games, but he could not find any way of doing it. He assumed this was because the rules of the Pokemon world were more like in the anime rather than the games. This would mean that a lot more than just levels would matter and his bond with the Digimon as well as his strategies would be necessary to have a strong team.

He assumed that the Digimon following him were already his own, and left the building as it had no value to him. As the Digimon that he had were in a weak form, he wanted to go to one of the first routes with weak Pokemon so that he could train them up.

Luckily for Pyrite, who had no way of seeing the Digimon's statuses, he remembered most of the moves that a lot of Digimon had which would make battling easier. Even if he was unsure of a move, he could just get his Digimon to demonstrate their abilities and then name the powers by himself.

He walked through the small city and ignored all of the people as he did not know any of them. After a few minutes, he made it to one of the earlier routes that you go to in the game. He looked around the area for a minute before seeing a wild Pokemon. It was a patrat and upon seeing it, he sent the Digimon closest to him into battle. He commanded it to use the move 'wolkenapalm' and the patrat became covered in flames before dropping to the ground.

As all of the Digimon were out and in Pyrite's team, they all seemed to gain experience and they all flashed white and Pyrite assumed that they had levelled up. Instead of just using one Digimon at a time to train them, Pyrite set all six of them off into the grass.

All throughout the route, fire rocks, leaves and water could be seen attacking all of the patrat, lillipup and purrloin that Pyrite's Digimon could find. While he was waiting for them to return, Pyrite took in his surroundings and thought about what his plan for the future would be as well as the evolution routes for his Digimon.

He wanted to become champion and not get too involved in anything like evil teams, and after that he wanted to travel to other regions and become their champions as well.

He had a general idea of what he wanted his Digimon to eventually become as he had a good knowledge of the potential routes that they could go.

While he was thinking, his Digimon all came back to him and they were flashing white and it was not stopping. Pyrite wondered what it meant, so he touched one of them and the knowledge for why they were flashing came to him immediately.

They were ready to Digivolve, and he had the list of possible options in his mind for Koromon which was the one that he had touched, and Pyrite assumed it would be the same for the others.