
The Hidden Halls of Stone

Far beneath the mountain old

Lie realms of dwarven folk untold, 

Carved from stone are vaulted halls,

mighty pillars, lofty walls.

In the dark deep delve their dreams,

By lantern light their city gleams.

Through granite wrought and limestone hewn,

A labyrinth stretching to earth's deep tune.

Linked tunnels delve through darkest night, 

Lit by lanterns burning bright.

Under roots of ancient trees,

The dwarven city grows with ease.

Through stone archways lies the hub,

Market square and pub, 

Anvil rings and hammers pound,

Ale flows as hearths abound.

Children scamper, miners sing,

As through the halls their voices ring.

Beyond the mines and mushroom farms,

Lie barracks strong, training grounds for arms.

For in the deep they must keep guard,

Against threats crawling up from the dark.

So dwarven warriors ever prepare, 

Danger and trouble to ward off there.

Through carved gates the High King presides,

In throne room of columns wide.

Petitions from dwarves he hears,

Judging fairly without peers.

Law and order he maintains,

While rune-sorcerers he retains.

Below dungeons delve still more, 

To treasure vaults and mystic lore.

Gold and gems fill king's coffers,

Fruit of their dedicated labors. 

Arcane tomes line archives old,

Stories of dwarves from days of old.

Beyond the citadel's confines, 

A vast network of mines.

Following seams of precious ore,

Deep into earth's primordial core. 

With pickaxes they carve and ply,

Unearthing earth's bounty from on high.

On rails and wheels ore gets conveyed,

To great forges flames are stoked and relayed.

Elven steel sings and takes form, 

Beneath dwarven smithys' hammer and horn.

Mail and plate for warriors made,

As well as gadgets for craft and trade.

Through all their halls echoes resound,

The change of shifts, closing time sounds.

Work and rest cycles round, 

As seasons above ground.

Beards are braided, ale flows free,

Songs and stories shared with glee. 

Beyond their cities' stronghold doors,

Where light from sun no more pores,

The dwarves delve ever deeper and longer,

Their will and perseverance make them stronger.

Into the darkness they drive their mines,

Uncovering earth's well hidden finds.

For dwarves love the muscle and sinew strain, 

The sweat and toil made worthwhile by gain.

But also the ash hearth's glow at end of day, 

Comrade's laughter, myths relayed.

They find joy in work, song and lore,

Within their mountain halls evermore.

So if you find yourself lost or wandering,

In the mountain roots rambling,

Follow the echoes of picks chiming, 

Lantern glow through darkness climbing.

A dwarven city you'll chance upon, 

Full welcome they will give before long. 

Share meat, mead and stories a plenty,

In their stone halls sturdy and earthy.