
A good meal.

[the result for the romance vote are :

-Lilith : 9

-Angel : 4

-Maya : 8

-Moxxi : 2

-Tannis : 1

-Ellie : 1

-Tiny Tina : 2

-Butcher Rose : 1

So Lilith will be the love interest, i thought Athena, Lorelei and Gaige would at least had 1 vote but 🤷.

Also i'm currently doing all the games (not the tell tales ones because i don't like them so i'll watch let's play instead) and i'm doing them 100% so it will take more time to write the chapters (i'm currently starting Pre-sequel).

Anyway good chapter to you all !]

We reported to Dr. Zed, he paid us 500 dollar each, and he asked us to do something else for him "If you're gonna head out of town, ya'll need shields, A shield form an invisible barrier around you that absorb shot's, normally you'll buy one from a machine like this one." He explained as he pointed to the vending machine on his right before continuing "But the power core is missing, there's an old machine not too far from here, and it should have a working power core. Ya get me that and i'll repair the machine so ya can buy shields and AID's kit !" He then marked the place where the old machine was on our map.

We got to it, got attacked by 3 skags that we killed easily, and took the power core that we gave back to Dr. Zed.

After a few minutes he repaired the machine and we all brought a shield.

All the shield in the machine could stop 2 shots before needing to recharge, and they could recharge 10 times before needing repair.

Then Zed informed us that Nine-Toes placed a few men at a small outpost west of here.

Suddenly we heard Angel voice from our ECHO as we headed to the outpost "People don't yet trust you. If you want to find the Vault, you'll need the help of the people. Helping Doctor Zed with his Nine-Toes problem is a good thing to do."

We gathered our gear and set out from Fyrestone towards the outpost where Nine-Toes had stationed his men.

Lilith walked alongside me glancing over with curiosity "So, Dylan, what was your life like before Pandora ?"

I thought for a moment before replying "Playing video games, reading, working out, working to pay the bills,... Just ordinary stuff to be honest." I then asked "What about you ?"

She sighed, her eyes looking distant for a moment. "Always on the run, trying to find a place where I could fit in, where I wasn't hunted for what I am."

"Must've been though." I replied.

Lilith nodded "It was. But now i'm not alone." offering a small, genuine smile "It's nice to know there are people I can count on."

Mordecai chimed in from the side, "Yeah, having a crew makes the chaos a little more manageable."

Brick, walking at the rear, let out a grunt. "And you can always have fun !"

As we approached the outpost, the conversation shifted to our plan of attack. Roland outlined the strategy : Lilith and Mordecai would take the high ground and provide cover, while Brick and Roland would lead the charge. I was to provide support from behind, covering any flanks and picking off enemies that would approach too much.

As we approached the outpost, the bandits spotted us and began firing. Mordecai took the high ground, picking off enemies with practiced precision. Roland and Brick charged in, their heavy firepower drawing the enemy's attention while Lilith used her Phasewalk ability to kill them.

When a bandit charged at me, i punched him, crushing his torso, killing him on the spot.

I saw a bandit trying to attack Roland. With a quick, precise shot, i took him down before he could get close. Roland glanced back and gave me an appreciative nod.

It seems i get better and better in the heat of battle thanks to my new abilities.

The outpost was soon cleared, and we regrouped.

"So what do we do ? Do we go kill Nine-Toes or do we get back to Fyrestone and rest for a bit ?" I asked the other as i looked at the sky turning dark.

"We should definitely head back. Plus, I could use a break." Lilith replied while stretching her arms.

Brick grunted, clearly not minding the idea of a break. "Fine by me. Let's move."

Roland and Mordecai just nodded and we headed back to Fyrestone.

"So, Dylan. Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of video games and reading ?" Lilith asked with curiosity.

"Not really but those things feel so distant now." I replied.

Lilith nodded. "I know what you mean. I used to love playing Bunkers and badasses, i even got bullied for it."

I glanced at her "Maybe when all of this is over we can play it."

"It's a date then." Lilith winked at me and chuckled.

We reached the motel and once inside, we found a relatively clean corner to settle down. The place was far from luxurious, but it provided shelter and a bit of privacy.

I glanced at the fridge that was in the motel's kitchen only to find ice and something that looked like a mushroom in it.

"Hey, everyone. I have a way to get us some real food. Just give me a minute." I said, getting their attention.

They looked at me curiously but they all nodded "Sounds good. I could definitely use some food." Lilith said.

"Yeah, i haven't ate since yesterday." Brick said.

Mordecai and Roland only nodded.

So I stepped aside to a place they won't see me and made sure even Angel couldn't watch me, and opened my system shop, i looked at the food and there's a lot, there's even the fries my grandma used to do for me when i was a kid. There's also the possibility to buy ingredients in case i want to cook food myself.

[Authors note : seriously my grandma did the best fries you could ever eat in the world (and i come from Belgium, we are the god of fries so that says a lot (stop with the french !!! They can't even cook fucking pasta !!!), she always shouted at me for not finishing the milk in my bowl of cereal when i was a kid 😅 that was good times 😮‍💨🥲]

So i decided to buy my grandma's fries, 3 steaks and 2 horse steaks for me and Brick since i'm sure he will prefer that, and a few drinks.

I bought all that with the money i gained from Zed's task.

The food and the drinks appeared in front of me, i took them and got back to the others "Hey guys, look what i found !" I announced, holding up the ingredients and drinks.

Their eyes widened in surprise and curiosity.

"Is that... fresh food?" Roland asked, clearly impressed because of how shitty food is on this planet.

I found an old, but functional, stove in the corner of the motel's kitchen area. It wasn't ideal, but it would do. I started preparing the food, the familiar motions bringing back memories of my grandma's kitchen.

The scent of the cooked steaks filled the room, making everyone's mouth water.

Brick entered the kitchen "That smells amazing !"

"Just wait until you taste it !" I said with a smile, flipping the steaks in the pan.

Lilith entered the kitchen too "You really know your way around a kitchen, huh ?"

"Yeah, my grandma taught me a thing or two," I replied, feeling nostalic of that time in my past life.

When the food was ready i served it in what i could find that was the cleanest possible and we all sat down to eat.

I took off my helmet to eat and when they saw me, the Vault Hunters were shocked.

"Dylan, how old are you ?" Roland asked with wide opened eyes.

"Uh, sixteen years old, why ?" I replied.

"Sixteen ? You're just a kid !" Mordecai exclaimed, looking genuinely surprised.

"You're pretty young !" Lilith raised an eyebrow at my answer.

"Well i had to live alone most of my life so i had to learn how to take care of myself." I replied as i started eating.

Brick, who had been quiet up until now, chuckled. "Got guts, I'll give you that."

Lilith looked at me with pity.

"Anyway, let's eat or it will get cold !" I changed the subject.

Then they dug in the food eagerly, their expressions lighting up as they tasted the food i prepared.

"These fries are incredible !" Lilith said.

Brick tore into his horse steak, eating it like a savage that didn't eat for days.

As we ate, the atmosphere became even more relaxed and friendly. We shared stories and jokes. Stories of how we all got here or at least of how they got here, when it was my turn i declined by saying I didn't want to talk about it.

"Dylan what's this alcohol called ? It's the best alcohol i ever tasted !" Mordecai asked as he finished drinking the bottle of tequila i brought from the system.

"I agree ! You could make a lot of money just with a single bottle of it." Lilith nodded.

"It's called tequila ! It's from the planet i come from. Best alcohol ever in my opinion." I replied while finishing my fries.

After dinner we all got to sleep for a few hours as 1 day here is equal to 90 earth hours, a day here is 3 earth day, so when we would wake up it would still be night.

[That's the end of this chapter.

Can you tell me what you think of the story for now ? What i could make better/correct, tips of info about the characters/story i could've forgotten,...

Also if Dylan isn't just going through the enemies like the Doom slayer would do it's because i want him to first get better with weapon and to get used to his power/strength. Also i'm shit at writing romance so i just did what i think was good, (for me it's either sex or nothing so it's a first for me (those who read my Cobra kai and MHA fic knows)]