
Chapter 3 This Is Not a Game_3

The only thing to be thankful for was that Lu Bu'er had passed by Huaxi Road's Ginza Mansion on the way.

This was the school district housing for Fengcheng City No. 2 Middle School, including many of He Sai's classmates who lived here, and there were obvious signs of combat nearby, along with a pile of animal carcasses.

Clearly, someone had been active in this area, though it was unknown whether it had been He Sai.

This offered Lu Bu'er some comfort, hoping that he was safe.

The closer they got to the source of the light, the thicker the fog became, and just now, someone had almost fallen into a manhole, saved only by Officer An's quick reflexes as he pulled them back up.

Given the current situation, no one knew if they could return to normal life. In fact, Officer An had no obligation to keep to his duty as a public security officer, but he still did his best to lead the team to protect everyone, even though he looked very exhausted.

"Everyone, be careful."

Officer An gestured for everyone to walk behind him, but he took the lead, his steps unsteady and wavering.

"Low blood sugar?"

Realizing he was exhausted, Lu Bu'er handed him a package of egg yolk pies.

Officer An was clearly taken aback before he pushed his hand back, "Keep it for yourself."

Everyone's eyes suddenly focused on the egg yolk pie, and just as the middle-aged tycoon was thinking of snatching it, Boss Zhang immediately said, "Stop, stop, stop, look ahead."

Lu Bu'er silently put down the knife in his hand.

If that guy dared to come over and cause trouble, he would strike first.

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice.

They felt the warmth; the cold air no longer made them shiver, and the tree roots penetrating the ground were equally warm, like charcoal that could be held for heat.

The light pierced through the fog, illuminating the silent graveyard in front of them.

They had actually walked into a graveyard.

"Hey, we found the source of light, so we've cleared the game, right? We can't get out because of a bug in the game. When I get back to reality, I'll sue Orola into bankruptcy!" The middle-aged tycoon took the initiative to leave the group, walking ahead.

It seemed he was convinced that the world he was in was a game.

Officer An, helpless, waved his hand to signal people to follow.

"Hey, what's this?"

Someone's weak hand pointed out.

Lu Bu'er turned to look, and there stood a huge stone monument in the graveyard.

Officer An signaled for people to come over and inspect it, with faded inscriptions on the stone carving.

"The decay of corpses nourishes the breath of spring, spreading out into blossoms, exhaling a gentle fragrance. The sunlight is like scent, the flowers like stars, burning death brightly, mocking the worms crawling in the soil."

Lu Bu'er softly recited the last eight words, "Land of the Departed, The Forbidden Zone of Life."

This phrase vaguely released an aura of sinister foreboding, and the survivors shuddered, feeling they were gradually approaching some terrible taboo.

Lu Bu'er took a deep breath.

Yes, this was the place.

It was here that he had cleared the level before.

If there was any hidden item in this instance, it had to be in this place. Only when his parents had warned him before, if that thing really appeared in the world, it would surely bring about a great disaster because it involved the secret of the gods!

"Does this world really have gods?"

Lu Bu'er was also uncertain.

"Hahaha, I've finally found it, I've found it at last!"

A middle-aged nouveau riche's cheers erupted ahead.

People exchanged glances and followed, only to see a huge cocoon lodged in a low building, so purely white in the darkness, like a lost pearl at the end of time.

The middle-aged nouveau riche kneeled before it as if he had stumbled upon a rare treasure.

Most, however, did not see this as an opportunity to return to reality, because they had all emerged from cocoons themselves and were more inclined to think this was yet another survivor who had not woken up.

"How come someone hasn't come out yet, is this a difficult birth or what?"

Boss Zhang leaned in for a closer look, "Why haven't they come out from the cocoon yet?"

"God damn difficult birth, is that even human language?"

Lu Bu'er was at a loss for words, unsure of how to respond.

"I want out! I want out now!"

A young man rushed forward, frantically tearing at the cocoon.

Others exchanged looks, thinking that the person inside the cocoon might have food, and swarmed over.

As the silk was peeled from the cocoon, a girl in a white dress was found sleeping inside; her black hair spilled out like a waterfall, her delicate features serene in slumber, her skin as white and flawless as snow. Her hands were crossed over her chest, as if praying in her sleep.

The scene was like a mural silent for a millennium, lifelike.

The silent, empty world, the girl sleeping in the cocoon.

A mysterious aura began to pervade.

The young man was awestruck by her sacred, inviolable beauty, holding his breath for a moment, captivated by her alluring curves, at a loss for what to do.

But when the cocoon was opened, Lu Bu'er felt an urge to vomit.

In his youth, he had worked at a crematorium in the suburbs and had seen more than a few rotting, stinking corpses. The so-called stench of death was this odor, striking at your soul, forever unforgettable.

That's right, he remembered now.

His parents had warned him that when some people broke free from the cocoons in the Land of the Departed, accidents could occur, turning them into extremely dangerous monsters!

Lu Bu'er stopped the rest of the crowd, "Don't go over there!"

For as soon as the girl in the cocoon came in contact with the air, she withered away rapidly like a mummy eroding over a thousand years, opening her eerily enchanting eyes like a ghastly demon from hell.

A snap.

The young man's head was crushed like a watermelon, and the thick, bloody scent mixed with white brain matter splattered out, spraying onto people's stunned faces, clumping together.

Only a headless corpse remained, falling stiffly.

A drop of fresh blood stained Lu Bu'er's cheek; his heart pounded wildly in his chest, cold sweat pouring out.

Someone had been killed.

Officer An and Boss Zhang's hearts raced.

If it weren't for Lu Bu'er stopping them.

By now, they too would probably be dead!

The crowd suddenly realized that this young man was not simple, seeming to have a relatively accurate prediction of all the changes that were happening!