
Booty Conqueror

{ Part of the Zoniverse: Nova } Waking up in an unfamiliar room, a young man holds his head as he tries to remember what happened to him. He was interrupted when he felt a wave of pain as memories began pouring into his mind. Taking a few minutes to organize these thoughts, he finds out his name is Alex. Although everything is very fuzzy, he understands that he is not in his hometown... and maybe not even his home planet. The words that stood out to him in his memories were "reincarnation" "system" and many more related to novels and fantasy plots. Just as he was wondering what to do next, an attractive young woman appeared on his lap with an audible pop. "Hi there cutie! I'm Aria and I'm the goddess of life and love." Armed with the knowledge given to him by this sexy goddess, Alex must go out on his own journey throughout this new world, Nova, to discover his purpose in this new life. A path that is paved with blood, sex, alcohol, and more sex. - - - This is an R-18 novel so there with be sexual scenes. I will be trying to use a wide range of kinks but I will NOT be labeling my chapters R-18 so you are forewarned hehe. If you do not like a certain kink or preference then tough luck cuz it's my book and I can do what I want. I will leave warnings for chapters that contain more risky topics so be aware of those. Chaps are also about 2k words sometimes more, up to 3k. - - - Don't know who the cover belongs to, I found it on the internet so if it is yours, and you would like me to take it down, please leave a comment or review and I will respond.

QueiterNoises · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
117 Chs

Hidden Beauty

Alicia ran away from the problem known as Kaya and went in through the back door for employee housing and entered the main building. As she walked through the halls, workers couldn't help but stop and stare.

The men were stunned and almost dropped whatever they were holding or ran into walls, while the girls stared at her curious as to who she was or commenting on how pretty she looked. The few who actually recognized her were the most shocked.

When she entered the kitchen it was the same reaction. When Sharla turned to look, her face lit up like a Christmas tree. She ran over to Alicia and held her hands together.

"Oh my Goddess sweetheart, you are adorable! I've never seen you so dressed up before!" Sharla was ecstatic seeing Alicia now. She had gone through a similar phase in her life where she was shy and closed off, but it all changed when Marie helped her realize her feelings for Alan.

Her world had suddenly turned into vivid bright colors and everything looked much more beautiful. Alicia was now going through that same transition period and she couldn't be prouder. Although she didn't really approve of who it was considering his notoriety, she was very glad that she was much happier than she once was so she had to thank Alex for that.

"T-Thank you, Mrs. Setter. I wasn't sure if I looked okay considering this is my first time using makeup." Alicia shrunk back a bit to her shy personality but that was alright considering this was a big step away from that.

"You look wonderful sweetie so don't worry about a thing! I'm sure he will be drooling over you in no time." Sharla smiled brightly while Alicia nodded sheepishly.

She was quite red again but lifted her head when Sharla placed something in her hand. When Sharla removed her hands, a small blue ring was there with some engravings she couldn't read.

She looked up confused and Sharla promptly answered,

"This is known as a stun ring. If he for whatever reason did something you don't like and doesn't stop, don't hesitate to use it. Just a little bit of essence and it can even knock out a 3rd Ring evolver." Sharla smiled a smile that wasn't a smile.

Alicia shivered, "A-Alex isn't like that! He is very kind and treated me like a princess the last... time..." She trailed off at the end as she remembered their first time.

At first, he might have treated her like a princess, but she quickly learned the pleasures of being dominated to the point that she hated the idea of being a princess and it might be more worthwhile for her to be a slave... at least in bed.

Sharla on the other hand thought she was just embarrassed about talking about it so she comforted her.

"I bet he does! Otherwise, he isn't a man at all!" Sharla's comment hit home but Alicia didn't let it show.

'If he isn't a man to you, that's fine because he will still be a man to me. Not like he's going to fuck you and risk dying.' She retorted in her mind.

Ever since learning of the rumors about Alex she had been hearing them more and more. Some were straight fairytales while others had hints of truth that made him out to be a complete monster. She feared what kind of rumors would start when people saw them together in just a second.

Sharla closed the ring around Alicia's hand.

"It's just a precaution sweetie. If he's smart he wouldn't do anything to hurt you."

Sharla hadn't heard about the large number of hickeys found on her neck but that was a good thing otherwise she would have killed Alex earlier.

With that, Alicia said goodbye and left the kitchen. When she entered the dining area, a similar scene happened where many of those around her stopped and stared before the silence eventually affected the entire room.

Alan walked over to her with a slight smile on his face.

"You look lovely Alicia."

"Thank you Mr. Setter."

He nodded and went back to work although there wasn't much to do that second with everyone frozen. Many commented on how pretty she was or asked who she was as most patrons couldn't recognize her. There were many "oohs" and "awes" and even some catcalling and cheers.

During this time Emma came up to her and did a similar thing as her mother.

"Here take this! Shock his dick if he tries to stick it somewhere he shouldn't." She had to yell in Alicia's ear over the noise the patrons made.

"I-I already got one from Mrs. Setter, but I'm sure I won't need it!" Alicia felt like crying. All she wanted to do was go into town for a bit, maybe a little sexual relief, and then come back.

She was sure Alex wouldn't hurt her as he didn't really do that last time unless it was wanted.

"It never hurts to have two!" Emma didn't take no for an answer and directly put the identical ring on one of Alicia's fingers. Some of the patrons who had experienced the ring firsthand cheered encouraging her to shock him. Not really knowing what they were cheering about anymore.

Many people began to joke a bit with their friends to ask her out but none had the balls to do it. Just before the atmosphere began to get awkward, Alex came down the steps. Everyone was too busy cheering to notice him coming, but when he came in close proximity to the beauty who latched onto his arm, the entire room turned into a gladiator ring.

"What the fuck is the freeloader doing touching that woman! He gonna get his slimy, shit-stained hands all over her! Blasphemy!" Yelled a miner.

"What he's not dead! Let me over there! I'll kill him myself this time for ruinin' that lass!" An older lumberjack yelled as he was held back by his buddies.

"Electrocute his tiny dick until it shrivels inward so he won't be able to defile you!" Yelled a muscular woman with a battle axe that hung from the back of her waist.

"Fuck you bastard! You killed my dog!" A drunk yelled, not even pointing in Alex's direction.

"Yeah! You killed his dog!" Someone pointed at Alex.

The curses got crazier over time but Alex and Alicia seemed to block out all the noise.

"You ready to go?" Alicia asked.

Alex nodded but held her by her arms and looked her up and down. Alicia was nervous but when he was satisfied, he nodded and said,

"You look amazing Alicia. I didn't realize how beautiful you were naturally until you put on makeup. You really are stunning!" Alex said with widened eyes.

While the two were in their own world, Alan spoke in his normal quiet tone.

"Too loud."

Instantly the noise died down in the restaurant. His voice may not have been loud, but it still reached everyone's ears with the power of essence. Although there was still talking, it was much quieter now and many kept throwing curses from across the room.

Eventually, Alex had enough. He had been tormented by these people for far too long but he didn't want to ruin his time with Alicia because of it.

He put his hand up looking around him. Hopefully people would get the signal. Most ignored it, but with the help of Alan saying "Listen," everyone shut up.

"I know I've done some shitty stuff in the past," Alex lied since he hardly had any knowledge of the shit he did other than being an asshole thanks to his body's previous owner, "but don't let your hate for me, ruin this amazing girl's day off today."

He gestured to Alicia who fidgeted nervously with all the eyes on her.

"Through circumstances, this angel has given me a second chance at redemption and I don't want to let her down," Alex continued to come up with some BS on the fly that still had truth to it, "find it in your hearts to let go of your hate for one day so that I can give her, my friend, the best day off I could possibly give."

Alex used a lot of hand gestures and emotion in his voice to hopefully capture the audience. Somewhere in his memories, he found something about public speaking but it was only enough to know how to sway some emotions. Hopefully, with the slightly drunken atmosphere, it would work.

It worked for several of the drunks, who broke down crying halfway through complaining about their failed marriages but for most of the sober people it didn't work so much. The way he acted just seemed too suspicious to them.

"Liar! You just want to take advantage of her!" Yelled a random miner as he threw a wooden mug at Alex.

Alex easily caught it and didn't get anything spilled on her or him, but the miner's words brought everyone back on the "hate Alex" bandwagon.

Alex thought he did a pretty good job but he was fighting an uphill battle. He raised his hand again to try and get attention, which Alan helped him out once more.

Alan pitied him a very small sliver amount since he had heard some of the rumors. He didn't pay attention at first, but as he got to know that Alex was a genuine hard worker, he had to admit that some of the rumors were absurd and hurtful.

The ones that seems to circulate the most was that he held a knife to a worker's neck and said he would kill them if he didn't get treatment. Some also talked about how he assaulted some of the female workers and that moans could be heard from his room several nights ago.

They were all lies with sprinkles of truth mixed in to give a fake but believable story if someone for example, heard those moans, they would piece together those false puzzle pieces to get a fake picture.

The room quieted once more.

"I know many of you are agitated, but you will have to be patient." He said and slowly looked around to build anticipation, "but if you want a date with me, you'll have to wait your turn in line~"

"Fucker! Go crawl back into the hole from whence you came!" Someone shouted and all hell broke loose.

Cups and plates of food began hurling their way toward the two. They mostly aimed for Alex but in their rage, they would undoubtedly hit Alicia. Knowing this would happen, Alex smiled and already had his arms around her as he dashed through the front door.

Nothing managed to hit them as they reached the outside world. A couple of cups could be seen rolling out from under the door but the rowdiness quickly quieted down when a deep growl echoed through this part of town.

"No throwing food," Alan growled as he threw a knife at a sign that said those exact words on one of the walls. It happened to be right next to a table, but with deadly precision, he managed to hit the sign and sink the knife into the wall while passing the ear of a patron by less than a centimeter.

The sign had some rules and the one the tip of the knife sunk into was one that mentioned no throwing of plates, cups, food, weapons, etc., etc., as the list was very long.

The patron who felt death whisper in his ear lost control of his bowel movements but nobody blamed him. Everyone was deathly quiet and some directly passed out.

"Clean up this mess." Alan growled once more and the patrons soon turned into temporary workers as they all quickly grabbed anything that was on the ground, tables, chairs, or walls that shouldn't be there.

The workers on duty enjoyed this, as they got a bit of a reprieve while the duo who caused trouble fled the scene. Alicia was laughing the entire was which was a beautiful sight to see, but Alex was pale, wondering what punishment he would get when they got back.

"So where to?" Alex asked as he turned to Alicia.

They were holding hands like it was natural and she smiled brightly.

"Lets go shopping!"

I have over 60 chapters in waiting rn so I'm thinking of giving a mass release or something just cuz I'm way further ahead in the story than you guys and forget some things. Thoughts?

QueiterNoisescreators' thoughts