

Eun Hana, who has been writing books on romance since high school, one day has her door knocked by someone she never wants to see: Kang Dae, the person who bullied her in high school. Kang Dae asks Eun Hana to write a book for him because, unbeknownst to Hana, Kang Dae realizes that her written stories come true. Upon this realization, Kang Dae asks Eun Hana to write a story about his ex-girlfriend who left him.

The_Ghost_Author · Teenager
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13 Chs



 It's been more than a week since I sent my CV to Kang Dae's company, and I still haven't received any response. I kept reminding myself that I needed to apply to other companies as well. We had plans to meet with my childhood friends by the sea for some beer and chicken. Since the weather hadn't warmed up completely, I couldn't dress lightly. I wore a white t-shirt over my light blue jeans and added a pink cardigan on top. Before leaving home, I checked my email one last time. Of course, there was no message. Disappointed, I left the house. Even though I was twenty-eight years old, I couldn't go out without informing my mother. So, before leaving the apartment, I visited my mother and told her I was going out with the girls. After scolding me a bit, she reminded me not to be late. After giving my mother a big kiss on the cheek, I went down the stairs.

 Even though I hadn't received a message from Kang Dae's company, I hadn't lost hope. Tomorrow, when I woke up, I would send my CV to another company. When I arrived at the beach, I saw my friends lounging on the green grass. As I ran towards them, I thought I should have chosen darker clothes, but I couldn't turn back, so I went with the flow.

"We thought Hana couldn't make it. You're half an hour late. Did your mom catch you again?"

 Kim Bora teased me mockingly. Then Ha Rin, who was sitting right next to her, hit Kim Bora's arm and said:

"Hey! Stop teasing."

 Then she smiled at me and gestured for me to sit. I sat down, and Kim Bora handed me a freshly opened beer with a big smile, and I accepted it with the same smile.


"I asked Secretary Do Yun, 'Did you safely drop off Mi Cha at her house?'"

Secretary Do Yun nodded with his head down and replied:

"Manager Kang Dae, although we had some difficulty in finding the writer you requested due to their use of a fake name, we finally managed to find them. I've brought the file. If you allow, I'll present it to you."

 After Do Yun gestured for him to bring it, he put the file on my desk. I had been looking for the author of the book "Cherry Blossoms" for about two weeks now. While selecting books at a bookstore, I overheard some young people talking. They mentioned that the author of this book came from a shaman family and that what she wrote turned into reality. I wanted to take advantage of this for Hiyeri, with whom I have been together for two years.

 I know how painful it is. I'm very wealthy and I have everything, but Hiyeri told me she wanted to break up at our anniversary dinner last month. When I asked her why, she said she was tired of me and our relationship. As much as I didn't want to break up, I'm a gentleman who doesn't force a woman to stay with me, so I accepted her offer. But right now, it wouldn't be good for this to be known in the media. I didn't know what kind of rumors they would spread about me. Especially now, since I've just taken over the company, I can't deal with such ridiculous rumors. Because my uncle believed that he, not me, should have been chosen as the heir. So, I always have to be careful. While I was examining the file Secretary Do Yun had put on my desk, I said out loud:

"Eun Hana, twenty-eight years old. Graduated from Korea X High School. Went to university in Busan. So far, she has written three romantic literature books and two mystery novels. Her latest novel, 'Cherry Blossoms,' was published last year. Hmmm. Sounds familiar. We are the same age and graduated from the same high school. We may have known each other since then, which makes things a bit easier for me."

 As I was thinking out loud, Secretary Do Yun interrupted me.

"Sir, I had done some research before, but we didn't come across much information about her high school years. She led quite an ordinary life as a high school student. Her grades were definitely average. Not standing out was quite normal."

 After Do Yun finished speaking, I turned to the last page. On the last page of the file, I saw pictures of the writer named Eun Hana. And then it hit me. We were in high school, and this girl boldly asked me to be her girlfriend. How silly. While laughing at the pictures, Secretary Do Yun approached me solemnly and handed me another file. After giving him a questioning look, Do Yun cleared his throat and said:

"Writer Eun Hana sent an email to our company's human resources department a week ago, sir."

 My eyes, which had aged from laughter, widened a bit more as I listened carefully to Secretary Do Yun. Whenever I laughed, Secretary Do Yun cleared his throat as if inviting me to be serious.

"So, what did our dear writer Eun Hana send us?"

"Sir, it may sound a bit absurd, I know, but the lady writer sent us her own resume and applied to the Public Relations department."

 Just as I was about to burst into laughter, I remembered that my uncle's top men were in charge of the public relations department. If we hire her, we can't keep Eun Hana there. I guess I should deal with this directly rather than leaving it to human resources. While thinking to myself, Secretary Do Yun interrupted me again.

"Sir, if you look at her CV, you'll see that the lady writer has no qualifications suitable for our company, and hiring her would do us more harm than good. Instead, you should ask her to write a book for you for a certain amount of money. That way, you won't have to deal with your uncle."

Do Yun's words made a lot of sense. If things don't go as planned, I can offer her the job as a deal.

"Secretary Do Yun, schedule a free hour for tomorrow. Also, prepare a bouquet of flowers. But do it secretly because if Hyeri finds out, she might think I'm cheating on her. And this time, I won't have any luck in our relationship."

Secretary Do Yun bowed and left the room. It was late, so I left Eun Hana's file on my desk, left the company, and headed home.

To be continued...

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