
The Signs

It happened too fast, and she didn't register it all yet.

She was running alongside with her friend Alex, who wasn't who she thought he was. Was there any sign? Wait no, scratch that. There were too many signs but she chose to believe there wasn't. I mean, no one could blame her for it right? She was considered a trouble maker for as long as she remembers. Changing schools too often. The signs were all there.

Y/N Y/L/N is a fourteen year old girl leading a normal life. Well, if you call having to change multiple schools for causing accidents and then getting expelled normal. But it was the longest she spent on this current school, almost a full year. Only two months until the final exams and she would complete a whole year. She was sure to stay alone with her only friend, Alex and away from everyone.

She was returning home to her family, who never seemed to be mad at her despite causing so much trouble. Her step-father, worked in a bank, and you would think this is enough to afford a good place but nope. Her home was in a dingy, crowded and closed area - where every person worked hard everyday, streets were busy, houses were unrepaired with broken water pipes and trash everywhere that caused a stench. But she didn't have complaints about it. Her neighbours were nosy, but nice people. And her parents were already losing a lot of money on her for changing schools so frequently. She was happy and felt blessed to have a home where she could be herself.

Because her experience in school was awful. Getting humiliated and laughed at in front of the whole class was kind of a daily routine to her. But she was glad for not being bullied as bad as the other students. And the reason was because of her voice. Y/N was always the lead singer. She wasn't exactly trained to be a singer, but when she started singing, it captured everyone's attention. It was a good publicity stunt for the school's image too, since she was dyslexic with ADHD. So they had no complaints, except for those in the team.

But let's get back to her current situation. It happened when she was returning home from her school and she felt someone was following her. Her home might've been in a crowded place but in order to reach there, she had to pass through a dark road. Soon she started walking faster and then running, and the footsteps behind her sounded inhumane, too loud and like a huge person was following her. She looked back to observe his face and slammed onto someone.

"What the heck are you doing here!" Alex asked pulling her along and running, "I've been calling you for hours!"

"I had music class, um, so I was late and my battery ran out!" Y/N said, "THIS IS MY WAY HOME, I SHOULD BE ASKING YOU THAT?!"

"There isn't much time to explain," he said and looked behind, "don't freak out okay? J-just follow me."

"I'm glad you're here but this isn't my way home Alex! Where are you taking me?!"

"I told you not to freak out!" he said and turned right to the main road. He looked around as if he was searching for someone when Y/N's father pulled up with a cab.

"Get in!" he said.


"Just get in!" he said and both of them entered the cab, which sped up.

"What is happening? Is mom okay?"

"Ugh, I'm taking off these. It's hard to run with this man," Alex said and pulled off...

his leg?

"Wha-" Y/N started freaking out looking at his friend's legs, which were now replaced with cloven hooves and-


Alex hit her with his fake leg and she finally passed out.


When Y/N woke up, unfortunately with a bump on her forehead, she was still in the cab, parked on a hill. Before she started freaking out again her father rested his hand on her shoulder and tried to calm her down saying, "Look, we don't have much time to explain but there's somewhere you need to go right now. There's a camp on the top of the hill there. You need to stay there, okay? Trust me."

"Why? What-"

"Listen to me...it might sound bizarre because it did sound like it when I heard it too but...your father didn't leave you and your mother behind. It was necessary because he was a..." He glanced momentarily behind her, looking at Alex and then cleared his throat saying, "god. Like an actual god."

Y/N looked at her father like he lost his mind and this was some kind of a sick joke that he was playing but her father continued, "I know it's hard to register but all those bizarre things that you saw..were all true. Your mother is in the hospital right now getting patched up. We didn't exactly have much time and I needed to hurry-"

"You left her in the hospital?! Why-"

"These monsters are after you Y/N. It was the only thing I knew what would stop the monsters from...from ruining everything."

"What do you mean?"

"The whole neighbourhood suddenly got wrecked, how we don't have idea but it happened too fast. Most of the people think it was some kind of earthquake that ruined all of their homes but that wasn't it. Your mother called you but your phone was off."

"How is she! Is she-"

"She's fine...just a broken arm. But there are a lot of others who were injured worse. We don't even have a count of how many lost their lives."

"So...if I stay away...you will be..safe?"

"Y/N we need you to stay away for your own safety. They were here to kill you."

She looked at the empty driver's seat and then at her friend.

"Take your time-" her father said but was quickly interrupted by Alex and said, "No, they'll be here soon. We need to go. The driver is kind enough to give us some space."

"Well I kind of hired him to get to office everyday. So he listens to me if I have a request." Y/N looked at her friend's feet and was about to touch his leg when he bleated and said, "Don't touch."

She looked up at his face, and noticed the horns. "Wait, what are you?"

"I'm a satyr, uh, half human and half goat?"

"Is that why you tripped all the time? Because of-"

"We should go. I'll explain it on the way."

They got out of the cab and looked at the driver, who was smoking far away from the cab. She turned to her father, half of her still didn't believe what he said but he wouldn't lie about her mom like that. It must be something urgent. He hugged Y/N and kissed her forehead.

"Please stay safe. I need to go now."

"Yeah, I'll call you. Uh..take care of mom," Y/N said.

"Nope, you can't call," Alex informed, "Don't worry there's another way."

She watched her father wave her goodbye as he left with his cab. She started walking towards the camp and stared at her friend's legs.

"Stop staring," Alex said and jumped, "See? It's real. And...sorry about hitting you back there."

"Uh..yeah it just happened so fast. I'm still processing it. You mean to tell me...all these things about god is...real? Who's my father?"

"Greek god to be specific but oh well," Alex patted her back and said, "I'll answer your every question in the camp. Let's rest a bit first. We did just run away from a monster."

"Well then atleast tell me who's my father."

"I have a hunch but...I'm not the one who should answer it."