
Book behind the Day

Several stories of good and bad characters in the same universe

PlayerOliver · Horror
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12 Chs


Lautaro arrived at the meeting place, a rundown warehouse on the outskirts of town. He was greeted by his former partners in crime, including Carlos, who had convinced him to take on the job.

As Lautaro walked into the warehouse, he was hit with a wave of nostalgia. This was the same place where he, Carlos, and the others had planned their previous heists. He couldn't believe that he was back in this place, agreeing to take on another dangerous job.

"Hey, Lautaro! Long time no see," Carlos greeted him with a grin.

Lautaro tried to keep a straight face as he nodded in greeting. He didn't want to show any sign of weakness in front of his former partners.

"Let's get down to business. What's the plan?" Lautaro asked, trying to sound confident.

Carlos outlined the plan, which involved breaking into a heavily guarded bank and stealing millions of dollars. Lautaro knew that the plan was risky, but he also knew that he needed the money to start a new life with Sofia.

Lautaro and the others spent the next few days planning the heist, going over every detail to ensure that everything went smoothly. They scouted out the bank, studied the security measures, and planned their escape routes.

Finally, the day of the heist arrived. Lautaro and his partners got into position, ready to execute their plan. They broke into the bank, quickly disabling the security systems and making their way to the vault.

For a moment, everything went according to plan. They opened the vault and started filling their bags with money. However, things quickly went wrong. The police had been alerted, and soon, they were surrounded by officers with their guns drawn.

Lautaro knew that they were in trouble. He tried to think of a way out, but it was too late. They were caught, and there was no way to escape.

As Lautaro was led away in handcuffs, he couldn't help but think about how he had let himself down once again. He had taken the job for the money, but he knew that he had made a mistake. He had put his life and the lives of others in danger.

As he was escorted to jail, Lautaro knew that he had to face the consequences of his actions. He had learned that sometimes, the lure of money can be too great, but in the end, it's not worth the risk.