

In a world ravaged by a relentless zombie outbreak, Mikhail Reyes finds himself thrust into a fight for survival like no other. As civilization crumbles around him, Mikhail must navigate a treacherous landscape plagued by the undead, where every choice could mean life or death

Xelestial_2th · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: Intrusion

~ November 14, 2019

The sound of a phone ringtone suddenly played, making Mikhael wake up from his vivid dreams. He tried to reach for his phone while his face was still buried in the pillow, but the call dropped before he could answer. Mikhail wanted to return to sleep, but then a dimming light slipped through his window. He lazily stood up and picked up his phone to see who had just called him; it was one of his friends who had lent him money. After learning this, he immediately dismissed the idea of calling back.

He ambled into the bathroom, starting his usual morning routine. In the mirror's reflection, a 21-year-old man named Mikhail Reyes stared back at him—dark-haired, with striking blue eyes set against his slightly pale complexion. Standing at around 6 feet tall, he had an unassuming air about him, yet it was the kind that made people give him a second look.

After dressing for the day, he switched on the television, automatically flipping through news channels

" Today, Russia's military push into Ukrainian cities intensifies, with Donetsk and Luhansk seeing increased action. NATO urgently calls on member nations for military support, emphasizing advanced weaponry, while the United States pledges $10 billion to assist Ukraine in countering Russian advances. The situation remains fluid, and further updates are imminent."

"A week ago, a dozen "Chinese" spy balloons were intercepted and shot down over U.S. states, sparking a diplomatic crisis. The Chinese government has denied any involvement, intensifying international tensions. Further developments are awaited as investigations continue….."

" Escalating Crime Rates Across U.S. States Raise Questions on Biden Administration's Handling..."

"Surging Illegal Immigration at U.S. Border Sparks Blame on Biden Administration for Border Policies. Critics raise concerns about border security as the situation unfolds…."

"A major accident near the downtown exit has traffic slowing down. Consider taking the expressway for smoother travel."

As Mikhail dug into his breakfast, his gaze instinctively drifted to the windowpane. On the distant horizon, he noticed clouds gathering. A gentle smile graced his lips, for he had always cherished rainy days; they brought him a profound sense of peace and tranquility

"Today's weather report begins with clear skies, but expect scattered showers later in the afternoon. Keep those umbrellas handy... "

After savoring a hearty breakfast, Mikhail strolled purposefully to the dedicated workspace tucked away in his cozy apartment, eager to immerse himself in the day's demanding tasks

At 8:30 AM, Mikhail reluctantly started his remote customer service job. He had no passion for this role, but with the difficulty of finding a job he truly liked and a mountain of debts weighing on his shoulders, he felt he had no choice but to accept it. Those debts had also been one of the reasons he had been hiding in his apartment for weeks. This also drive him to decide to sell most of his stuff like clothes he cosplay and his rare toys.

As 6:50 PM approached, the heavy rain outside continued without relent, casting a soothing ambiance as Mikhail enjoyed his steaming cup of coffee. Suddenly, the sound of a doorbell shattered his tranquility. He furrowed his brows in confusion; it was the first time someone had rung his doorbell unannounced

"Perhaps my lender" Mikhail pondered, he immediately feel anxiously but immediately rule out since it was already evening night, so it was probably his neighbors or the building staff, he let out a grunt and made his way to the door, glancing at the intercom to find an elderly lady frantically searching around.

Mikhail, his brow furrowed in puzzlement, extended a warm greeting, "Hello, may I assist you?" The elderly lady slowly turned to face him, her voice trembling with uncertainty as she explained that she was fervently searching for her beloved dog, suspecting it might have ventured inside his secluded apartment. His mind briefly halted, grappling with the sudden and unexpected turn of events.

Mikhail's mind raced with disbelief. "Is she accusing me of taking her dog?" he muttered, baffled by the absurdity of the situation. Furthermore, he wondered if pets were even allowed in this building.

The old lady's actions took a disturbing turn as she started banging on his door, pleading with desperation for him to return her dog. Mikhail's frustration grew as he vehemently denied any involvement in the disappearance of her pet. She insisted on checking his apartment to confirm, but a sense of foreboding washed over him.

With reluctance in his actions, he dialed the building's security staff, his hope for assistance outweighing his frustration. To his relief, they promised to send someone immediately. As the minutes ticked away, the lady's frenzied pounding on his door and incessant doorbell ringing gradually subsided. Mikhail cautiously approached the intercom, his heart pounding with anticipation, only to be met with a startling and unexpected scene that left him breathless.

She knelt on the floor, hunched over and gnawing on something, and Mikhail's eyes widened in horror as he realized she was chewing on the severed head of a cat while tightly clutching its lifeless body. The gruesome and macabre scene sent shivers racing down his spine, and he instinctively took a step back, his heart pounding, anxiously awaiting the arrival of the security staff.

The rain outside intensified, its relentless downpour mirroring his growing unease. Minutes stretched into eternity, and the security staff remained conspicuously absent, leaving the old lady to resume her relentless pounding on the door. Panic set in as Mikhail made repeated calls for help, but a disconcerting silence persisted on the other end of the line. The unsettling situation spiraled further into darkness, enveloping him in a chilling state of fearful anticipation.

Mikhail's mind raced with confusion and fear, and he couldn't help but exclaim, "What on earth is happening here?"

As the banging on his door ceased once more, he rushed to the intercom, but the old lady had mysteriously disappeared. "She's gone?" he questioned aloud, his voice tinged with disbelief. He shouted into the intercom, desperately seeking any response, but the void of silence persisted, leaving him in a bewildered state of uncertainty.

Unease gripped him as he approached the window, hoping to gain a better view of the building's surroundings and alleviate the sudden stress that had overcome him. However, when his eyes descended to the street below, a horrifying scene played out before him. The air resonated with anguished cries, punctuated by the violent crashes and fiery explosions of twisted vehicles. A grim procession of people, their faces contorted by despair, fled in frenzied disarray, while others, seized by an insidious madness, lurched forward to viciously assail their fellow human beings. Their teeth tore through flesh in a gruesome, unending frenzy, mirroring the grotesque actions of the old lady just minutes ago. The continuous wail of sirens, a mournful dirge of a city in turmoil, fought to be heard amidst this nightmarish panorama of darkness and chaos. The word "zombie" reverberated in his mind.