
Bonfire Shelter Company

As the catastrophe approaches, a special containment facility called the "Bonfire Shelter Company" wakes up from its slumber and sends out invitations to people to join the city— "When night comes, someone should light a fire and shine it in all directions. ”

Threedar · sci-fi
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31 Chs

Cunning Otherworldly!


Hearing the screams, the huge human suture monster seemed to be very happy, and the back of the possum's back, on every face that had been gouged out and blood and tears flowed, showed a penetrating smile.

"Call, call, call, only you fools will believe in the call from another world, believe that when you come here, you will become a brave man who defeats everything, and believe that you will become a big man in this world..."

"You don't really think you're a savior, do you? What makes you so confident? hahaha..."

As the human suture monster spoke, dozens of faces on its back opened their mouths at the same time, emitting a dizzying laugh that overlapped and overlapped.

As he spoke, he swung his sharp knife, like cutting a steak, cutting shallow reticulated incisions on the surface of the "brave's" body.

Curiously, the incisions were deep enough to see the flesh, but not much blood was oozing.

"Help, let me go... Woo, it hurts, please don't torture me, kill me, ahhh

"Kill you? hahaha, how is it possible? Without your spiritual resonance and flesh and blood materials, how can I open the door to your world? You should be glad, glad to be a part of me, to be a part of the foundation of great success..."

"When everything is ready, I will set foot on that land..."

"Compared to here, it is a paradise, there is no shortage of food, everyone can live in a world without black fog and disasters, and the sun, I even saw the 'sun' that no longer exists in your memory, how beautiful..."

"But you, you actually gave up? just because when you called, you shouted a few words of bravery? hahahaha, you actually gave up the rich world for this reason, and turned your back on the warmth of the sun..."

"Do you want to 'save' us, the ignorant and unenlightened backward natives? to pass on to us advanced and noble values and ideas? Just because you are a modern person, you can't achieve anything over there, and you can ascend to the throne here? Hahaha, this is the biggest joke I've ever heard, what are you daydreaming about? ha..."

"With this kind of thinking of yours, if you really come to this world, even if you don't meet me, you will meet those people from the church court, you will be considered a heretic, and you will die a miserable death, they will not be as wise as me, and let your death be valuable and meaningful, hahahahaha..."

"A bunch of damned ants! Why can inferior people like you enjoy Him, and enjoy the warmth and bounty of the sun?"

The huge human body stitch monster was moody, and suddenly became angry at this moment, "Why?!The sun wants to abandon us, abandon the people who believe in Him deeply, and abandon this land?!"

As he spoke, the human body suture monster suddenly paused, and then grabbed the "brave" on the board and threw it into a coarse salt cage filled with blood on the side.

Suddenly, a hoarse and high-pitched scream came, and the large salt particles irritated the nerves of the wound, causing him to roll and wail in the salt pool, and the whole person soon turned into a bloody person.

Seeing this, he smiled again, dancing and laughing wildly.

Secretly, Colin squinted slightly, and was thinking about taking the opportunity to make a move, but saw that the other party suddenly stopped laughing, and his tone changed.

"Speaking of which, you guys also mixed in this time, and when I first came in, I noticed his anomaly. Among the nine people, he was the only one standing outside the altar position, and it was ridiculous that he hadn't even noticed it, and he wanted to start at the banquet, but unfortunately, he suddenly became guarded, and this sudden reaction showed that he should know something..."

"If it weren't for some experience that let me know that he might have some means to predict the future, maybe I would have really continued to do it, but fortunately, I evacuated in time..."

"Hahaha, I guess he won't understand, the use of that thing has a fatal weakness, people who predict the future, will definitely be vigilant about the future, his sudden vigilance, let me be sure that he may have discovered something, plus even if he found it, he didn't withdraw, it means that his strength must be above me, if I continue to attack, I will probably be killed..."

"However, the foreknowledge of that kind of object must be based on direct or indirect contact between me and him, and as long as I withdraw everything, then it is impossible for him to observe me in his foreknowledge, hahaha, stupid, despicable outlander, I am far above you in dealing with and understanding mysterious things!"

"In addition to that, there's one more thing..."

Speaking of this, the huge stitching monster paused, and Colin was waiting for it to continue, prostituting the knowledge of the "Book of Numerology" in vain, and a picture suddenly appeared in his mind-

Dozens of pairs of arms came to him from the darkness.


Saying so many words turned out to lure me into the bait?

Cunning Otherworldly!

Colin unhurriedly pulled out the revolver, pointed behind him, and pulled the trigger three times in a row.

Bang bang bang!


A scream rang out.

Colin quickly rolled sideways, turned to look behind him, and saw that the human stitch monster that had been in the kitchen appeared behind him.

"It's going to teleport..."

Because of his huge size, the three shots just now were not aimed, and they also hit accurately, and on the twisted body, three bloody holes were punched.


The human suture monster covered the wound gushing blood with several hands, and seemed to have a certain understanding of the weapon that injured him.

Colin was not surprised by this, because he had long guessed that the monster in front of him had captured more than one group of people.

But at this moment, he noticed that all the eyes suddenly locked on him as the thing spoke.

Oh no, those three shots didn't work very well on it, it deliberately made me think it was badly injured, so as to paralyze me, this guy... Likes to distract people by talking... Colin secretly said that it was not good, and sure enough, in the next second, there was a sharp stabbing pain in his brain, and the whole figure staggered.

The brain is boiling!!

Colin's eyes were bloodshot and his head was constantly hot, he gritted his teeth and raised his gun to shoot, but this time, because of dizziness and headache, he couldn't shoot at all.

A strong feeling of dizziness hits, and the world in front of me begins to spin...

Colin gritted his teeth, not panicking, reached into his pocket, grabbed a handful of powdery substance, and rounded it at the monster's head.

When the quicklime dust touched the large group of eyeballs on the monster's head, it immediately generated heat, emitting a large amount of heat.


The human suture monster hugged its head and screamed, and the head and eyeballs oozed blood, quickly washing away the effect caused by the lime.

However, this time, the continuous mental attack was interrupted.

Looking at the human body suture monster holding his head and screaming...

Colin was a little excited, if he pounced on it at this time to close the distance and use it to stop, it would be directly killed.


Although the aura emanating from the monster in front of him was undoubtedly the main body, what it did was seriously inconsistent with the vigilance it had shown before.

Judging from this guy's prudence and cunning, if he foresees the future, then approaching is very likely to step into a trap.

"No, judging from the habits of this monster, it shouldn't be the body to fight me, if it's the body, then it should drive a large number of zombies to attack, and then hide behind, now looking at it, it feels like it's deliberately selling a flaw. "

Colin's thoughts flickered, and he chose to step back and continue to distance himself from the other party.

His hard power gives him the ability to continue maneuvering around gathering more information.

At the same time, all the faces on the human body opened their mouths, and the invisible sound spread, and the air vibrated with it.

Suddenly, Colin's scalp was numb, and when he looked up, he saw all the drowned corpses above his head looking over, and there was deep malice in his white eyes.

Immediately after, one by one, they dehooked from the ceiling and fell.