
Bonds and Fates | Chapter 5

"Little dog my ass!" Kagome growled out, watching morbidly as Chance scratched behind his ear, "You're a monstrous son of a bitch!" The enormous black hound dog merely licked an entire side of Kagome's head enthusiastically. She stared in shock for a moment before glaring at him and stalking upstairs to remove the slobber in her hair via shower.

"If you've torn anything up when I come out, I'll make mince-meat of you, Chance!"

He happily roamed the village for the majority of the day, picking out sights and smells that were appealing to him, and avoiding things he would rather not touch with a ten-foot kunai. Itachi was still debating on whether or not the wall scroll in his hands was worth purchasing when he was intercepted by a lovely voice.

"Itachi-san?" The S-class criminal flinched, though he would never admit it; not even under pain of death. He hated being recognized... by anyone. Turning, he prepared himself to face the one thing he had hoped to not run into in the village. Kagome. 'So much for avoiding tea shops today... And I did not just think her voice was nice.'

"How did-!"

"You have very distinctive hair. It's quite long," the priestess answered his query before he could finish. The Uchiha bit his tongue in an effort to not correct the girl. He also disliked being interrupted.

'Note to self: Cut hair.'

"So how are you? I haven't seen you around or anything. I'm glad you're safe and all," Kagome chattered brightly, grinning in the Sharingan wielder's direction and making his traitorous heart stutter slightly. He was at a loss for what to say; her questions seemed innocent enough, but any wrong answer he could give would potentially tip her off to his lifestyle. For once, he didn't want that. 'Damn hormones! Skipping heartbeats is bad for my lungs!'

"I'm... well. I travel a lot so I don't stay in one place very often," Itachi responded. She nodded and he relaxed minutely. He then proceeded to keep from laughing out loud as the small girl was unceremoniously dragged several steps by an enormous looking black dog. Despite putting her full weight against it, the hound seemed completely unaffected and continued walking.

"No! Chance stop! Stop please!" Kagome begged, digging her heels in for extra effort. The dog, dubbed Chance, amazingly did as she asked.

"That... dog... is massive," the Sharingan wielder stated the obvious, banging his head repeatedly against an imaginary wall inside his mind. 'Of course, Uchiha. State the obvious, why don't you? It's no wonder that she wouldn't need a protector; She's got super-dog right here.'

"Yeah... But don't worry!" the priestess grinned happily, petting the dog on the head gently, "He doesn't bite. He's just old."

"I... see..." Itachi replied hesitantly; which, in all honesty, he didn't. 'Chance' probably outweighed him by at least eighty pounds and could happily squish him should he decide to do so. 'This is why I hate dogs. Monstrous, abrasive creatures that rarely show signs of intelligence.'

Interestingly enough, said unintelligent canine was happily circling the duo and sniffing the newcomer with intentions of mischief. Who knows? Maybe this one would rub his belly if he rolled over. With that thought in mind, Chance dropped to the floor and rolled over. It pulled his leash taut and jerked Kagome and Itachi together suddenly.

The two humans went down in an unceremonious scramble of limbs and curses, causing the massive hound to jump up in alarm.


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