
Bonded with my Dragon Mage Mommy

A tale of ancient magic, dragons, and a mother's love. Adam and his mother Maria are gifted the power of a magical brand - however, they discover that in order to harness the power, they must be close, incredibly close. After all, you don't get much closer than mother and son.

Jocasta_Complex · Fantasie
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20 Chs

Chapter 3

"Mom, did you just ask me to drop my pants?" Adam asked.

Maria rolled her eyes. "If you want me to help this girl, both of you are going to do what I say."

"Absolutely." The girl affirmed. "I know exactly what to do."

The girl dropped to her knees, pulling down Adam's pants. She stared intently at his cock before taking it in hand. She stroked his cock as if it was a long-lost friend. When she finally leaned forward, he felt her warm mouth engulf him. He gasped, his cock pulsating in her mouth.

Adam closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation of her tongue swirling around his shaft. He opened his eyes and saw her looking up at him with hungry eyes.

"That feels good." Adam breathed.

"Mmmm." She moaned in response, licking her lips.

"Make sure to ejaculate in her mouth." Maria instructed.

"Yes ma'am." Adam said.

The girl bobbed her head up and down his cock faster. Adam watched as she took him deeper, her nose pressed against his belly button. Her eyes were shut, giving full concentration to sucking his cock. As much as Adam enjoyed feeling her hot, wet mouth on his cock, he knew he wouldn't last for too long. After mere seconds, he felt his balls tighten.

"Here it comes." Adam said.

He placed his hands on her head, pushing her down. He thrust into her mouth, forcing her to take him all the way in. His cock pulsated inside of her, sending jolts of pleasure throughout his body. A few seconds later, he felt his cum shoot down her mouth. She stood up, cheeks puffed, and walked over to Maria.

"Mmmm." The girl stated, mouth still full.

"Okay." Maria said, opening her mouth wide.

The girl fed her Adam's load. It was thick, creamy, and tasted sweet. Maria swallowed it all without missing a beat. Once finished, she licked her lips clean, and cleared her throat.

"Now that we're done with that, let's take care of the homunculus."

Adam could still not believe what he just saw. This girl just snowballed his cum into his mother's mouth. Not only that, but she didn't seem to mind. Taking care of the pursuing homunculus must be at the top of her priorities, he thought.

"Let it know where you are." Maria said to the girl.


"Yell." Maria instructed. "The homunculus might follow your voice."

Adam looked over at the girl who seemed to be struggling with how to start.

She turned around and started walking away from them. "Hey!" She yelled. "Follow me! Follow my voice. Come here. We have to talk."

Adam and Maria hid nearby, behind a tree.

"If she tries anything funny, I have enough mana to kill them both."

"I bet." Adam said under his breath.

A moment later, they heard a loud thud. They peered over the tree trunk and a small, brown-skinned man with bright red hair walked towards the girl.

"Since you're still alive, I assume you killed the mages." He stated.

"Uh, yeah." The girl replied. "They're over this way, follow me."

The man followed her, his footsteps heavy.

"For a second there, I thought you were trying to run away."

"Nah." The girl said. "This is my fight. I'm gonna finish it myself."

She turned and faced him, getting ready to attack.

The man stopped in his tracks, surprised by her directness. "Alright. Let's see what you got."

Taking advantage of the situation, Maria stepped out from behind the tree, revealing herself. "You two better run."

The girl turned into her smaller, slimmer form and leaped next to Adam. "Get on." She said.

Adam got on her back, holding on to the horns on her shoulder blades. Before the man had a chance to react, she ran off.

"A mage helping a homunculus. How sweet." Taunted the red haired man. "Do you have any idea how many of your kind she's killed?"

"Do you have any idea how many of your kind I've killed?" Replied Maria.

The man sneered. "Bold of you to stand up to me by yourself. You're a brave little thing, aren't you?"

"This will be over before you know it." Maria assured him with a smile.

Adam and the girl had covered a decent distance when a loud boom echoed through the forest. The ground shook, dust rose up into the air.

"What the hell was that?" Adam asked.

"Your mom probably took care of the homunculus." The girl replied.

"We should go back and make sure everything is okay."

They returned to the clearing in no time, finding Maria standing over the corpses of the homunculus. The body was charred, unrecognizable.

"What happened?" Adam gasped.

"Don't worry about it." Maria said. She turned her attention to the girl back in her human form. "Now I want answers."

The girl nodded. "I was sent through the dragon ritual site after it detected the presence of mages. There was no way to tell that you two were mother and son, otherwise they would have sent someone stronger."

"What does that have to do with anything?" Adam asked.

"We gather more mana through intimacy because we're mother and son." Maria responded. "Because of the nature of our relationship."

"I'm just one of many." The girl continued. "I didn't ask for any of this. I've tried escaping many times, but they always catch me." She begins to choke up.

"Do you have any idea of who I am?" Maria asked.

"No." The girl sniveled. "Just that you two are good people. I owe you my life."

"That won't be necessary." Maria asserted.

"Please, I have nowhere to go."

"Mom." Adam pleaded. "She's telling the truth. I don't think she's lying."

Maria sighed. "One last question. Do you know of what happened to the seven brands that sealed away the Thrakur?"

"Just that two pairs have been confirmed to be dead."

"What?" Maria exclaimed. "How long ago was this?"

"A couple of years ago. All I know is they suddenly demanded we kill each mage we encountered. They no longer expected us to bring them back alive."

Maria's face went pale. Adam looked at her, confused.

"What's Thrakur?" Adam asked.

"How?" Maria asked the girl. "Was it your kind?"

"No way. No amount of homunculi could handle a fight against any of the seven. It was our masters, your kind, that killed them."

"We have to go." Maria stated.

"Please let me go with you." The girl pleaded, hugging Adam's arm.

"Would you share what you just told me with my people?" Maria demanded.

"Of course. I said I owe you my life."

"Then you can come." Maria started to walk back to the road where she left the car.

The girl looked up at Adam and smiled. "Thank you. Thank you so much, big brother." She hugged him again.

Adam wasn't sure how he felt about being called that. He shrugged it off and nodded towards his mother's direction. "Come on. We need to get out of here."

Maria had reached the car first, with Adam and the girl close behind, when a patrol car pulled up next to them. The officer that got out was a large muscular guy wearing a tan uniform.

"Everything all right out here, folks?" He asked.

Maria gave him a fake smile. "Yes, everything is fine. Thank you for asking."

The cop looked over at Adam and the girl still wrapped around his arm. "Why is she naked?"

"Her clothes, uh, were snatched by an eagle while we were dipping in the river." Adam explained.

The cop's eyes widened. "An eagle?"

"Yeah. A big one. It swooped down and flew away with her clothes." Adam added.

"Uh-huh." The cop said, a quizzical look on his face. "You got something else you can change into?"

The girl laughed. "Not at all."

"She's joking." Maria said, opening the trunk and throwing her camping bag at the girl.

The girl looked inside the bag and found a pair of sweats and a shirt. She quickly put them on, then picked up the backpack and strapped it to her back.

"Well, glad to hear everything is okay. Saw your car on the side of the road and thought something might have happened or you needed some assistance. Dispatch said there was a huge explosion around these parts. But I don't see any smoke."

"I think I heard something, too. I thought it might have been a tree falling down, or something. Everything is fine here, officer. Thank you for your time." Maria said.

The cop nodded. "Well, hope you have a safe trip. Have a good evening." He waved goodbye, got back in his patrol car and drove off.

"That was close." Adam said once the officer was gone.

"Yeah." Maria agreed.

The girl looked up at Adam and smiled. "Thank you so much, big brother. I'll never forget you and mommy for saving me."

"Mommy?" Maria made a face.

The girl wrapped her arms around Adam and hugged him tightly. "Yeah. You are my new mommy and big brother."

Maria rolled her eyes, Adam just smiled.

"What's your name?" Maria asked her.

"I don't have one. No one has ever given me a name." The girl said. She stayed silent for a moment. "How about Kaley."