
Bonded with my Dragon Mage Mommy

A tale of ancient magic, dragons, and a mother's love. Adam and his mother Maria are gifted the power of a magical brand - however, they discover that in order to harness the power, they must be close, incredibly close. After all, you don't get much closer than mother and son.

Jocasta_Complex · Fantasie
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20 Chs

Chapter 14

Maria looked up, wide-eyed and terrified. The red dragon roared again, spreading his wings wide. She knew that was her son, and she knew that he was preparing to attack.

Adam's senses had sharpened drastically, his hearing honing in on sounds he hadn't heard before, his sight capable of experiencing colors he'd never seen before. Within him he felt the power of his new form, and the power of his magic coursing through his veins. He focused, letting his instincts guide him, letting them take over.

He stood up on his hind legs, roaring as he spread his wings. He brought them together, creating a massive gust of wind. The two dragons flew backwards, crashing into the wall. Adam followed after them, his tail snapping at the air. He swiped at them, catching the blue dragon on its side. The force of the strike sent it tumbling to the ground, rolling around and thrashing madly. It caught itself on the wall and got back to its feet, still in pain.

Adam turned his attention to the green dragon, which had regained its footing and was now charging at him. He let out another roar, flapping his wings as he dived towards the dragon. His claws dug into the dragon's body, sinking deep into its flesh. His tail wrapped around the dragon, pinning it to the ground. The dragon struggled to free itself, but couldn't break Adam's grip.

With a quick flick of his tail, Adam released the dragon, sending it flying across the room. It crashed into the wall, collapsing to the ground.

The blue dragon was writhing on the floor, moaning in pain. Adam stood over it, roaring. The dragon raised its head, looking up at him. Its eyes were bloodshot, its mouth bleeding. He stomped its chest, the sound of cracking bone and ripping muscle echoing throughout the room.

"Adam!" Kaley yelled, covering her eyes.

"He's lost control." Maria said, getting to her feet. "I've got to stop him."

Maria ran to him, reaching for his shoulders. As she touched him, his skin became hot and his scales began to burn her hand. She pulled away, stepping back in shock.

"Adam! Stop!" she shouted.

Adam's eyes flared, he roared, throwing his head back, spewing fire everywhere. Flames engulfed the room, licking at the ceiling. Adam breathed the flames, exhaling a blast of heat that seared through the room.

Maria screamed and stepped back, falling to her knees. Her clothes began to smolder and smoke. She shook her head, trying to clear her vision, trying to fight off the hot air. She looked up and saw her son's jaw open, smoke pouring from his nostrils as he continued to breathe the fire.

"Maria!" She heard her name called behind her.

Olivia stood in front of the door, coughing, her eyes watering.

"You have to get out of here!" she coughed.

Maria looks up at Adam, who is still breathing fire. "Go!" She shouts. "I'm not leaving without Adam."

Olivia grabbed Kaley by the wrist and pulled her along with her. They ran out, fleeing the building.

Adam looked up at his mom, rage burning in his eyes. He charged at her, his claws extended. Maria stood her ground, arms stretched wide. Adam crashed into her, knocking her down. Adam stood over his mother, panting heavily. She pushed herself to her feet and took a step forward.

"Adam," she said, her voice low and calm. "it's me, mommy. I love you, Adam."

Adam snarled, his eyes flashing red. He opened his mouth wide, and a torrent of flame poured forth. Maria didn't move, letting the fire pour over her. The flames washed over her, setting her clothes ablaze. The flames were intense, the heat unbearable, and yet they didn't affect her. She took another step forward, the flames licking at her skin. Maria grabbed hold of Adam's neck and held him close, holding him in place as he thrashed and clawed at her. His eyes were wild, his tail whipping back and forth. Maria closed her eyes, concentrating. She reached inside of Adam, feeling for the connection between them. It was there, strong and vibrant. She pulled on the bond, pulling his magic into her.

His mana flooded into her, like a whirlpool surged into her, filling her, becoming her, taking over her body. In an instant, she had become a dragon, a beautiful pearl dragon.

She turned to face Adam. She nuzzled against him, his breath hot in her ear. She purred, wrapping her tail around him, an embrace that resembled their brand. His magic filled her, making her feel complete.

Adam stopped struggling, his eyes looking at her, content.

The abandoned warehouse's walls began to crumble, collapsing inward. The structure exploded into a ball of flames. The flames burst outward, engulfing the entire warehouse.

"No!" Kaley screamed.

Olivia held the mana-depleted homunculus back as they watched the building in front of them collapse. Smoke billowed from the ruins.

"We need to go!" Olivia said, shoving Kaley towards her vehicle. "Come on!"

"Adam." Rebecca whispered.

Her eyes widened, unable to believe what she saw. The flames that engulfed the building were shrinking and disappearing. Only the remains of the structure remained, reduced to nothing but charred debris.

Kaley freed herself from Olivia's grip and ran towards the remains of the building. She jumped through the wreckage, pushing aside chunks of brick and mortar. When she made it to the center, she found Maria holding Adam in her arms, both back in their human form. A circle around them, unaffected by the collapsed building.

"Come on, baby, wake up." Maria crooned softly.

Adam was unconscious in her arms.

"Adam." Kaley said.

Rebecca and Olivia join her side as they watch the scene before them.

"What happened?" Rebecca asked.

"Maria absorbed all of Adam's mana." Olivia explained. "He lost control."

"How did she do that?" Rebecca asked.

"They're bonded." Olivia said. "She has access to his magic, and he has access to hers."

Maria reached out with her hand and stroked his cheek softly. "It's okay, baby." She whispered. "Mommy's here now."

Holding Adam on her lap with one arm, she guided Adam's head to her chest, and slowly brought her breasts to his lips. Like a baby, Adam latched onto her nipple, sucking greedily. Maria sighed contentedly, cradling his head in her arms. Reaching down, she stroked Adam's shaft, massaging it gently. Adam moaned, his hips thrusting forward, his cock rubbing against her fingers. Maria smiled, moving her hand up and down his length, pumping his cock.

Adam woke, his eyes opening. He looked at her, seeing her smile down at him. His gaze lowered to her breasts, her nipples stiff as stones. As if on instinct, he leaned forward and went back to suck on her nipple. He reached up and cupped her breast, squeezing it softly. Maria gasped, her hand still pumping his cock.

"That's it, baby." She said, watching him suck her breast.

Adam continued sucking her breast, his hands exploring her body. His tongue teasing her nipple.

Maria moaned, writhing on the ground, her pussy tingling. Her clit ached with desire. Her breathing quickened, her heart pounding in her chest. It felt so good. So right.

Adam licked her nipple, flicking his tongue across it.

Maria moaned loudly, biting her lip to keep from crying out. She wanted to scream, to moan, to fuck, but she kept her composure. She wasn't going to cum until Adam was ready. His cock throbbed in her hand, his shaft slick with his precum. Maria pumped him faster, her breasts bouncing as she moved.

Adam squeezed her breast tighter in his hand.

Maria gasped, her orgasm rising within her. She felt like she was about to explode, her body trembling. She gripped Adam tightly and squeezed his cock in her fist, pumping his shaft in time with her heartbeat.

Adam thrust his hips forward, his balls tightening. He could feel his climax approaching.

Maria moaned, her fingers clenching around his shaft. She could see Adam's face change, the muscles in his neck tensing. He stared up at her, his mouth open as he groaned. They came together, their bodies shuddering, his hips bucking, his cock pumping her hand.

Maria screamed, her orgasm overwhelming her.

Adam's eyes were closed, his face contorted in ecstasy. His cock spasmed, shooting ropes of cum into her hand.

Maria pumped his cock for all she was worth, her body convulsing in pleasure, she moaned loudly again, her body shaking as she came hard.

Adam slowly opened his eyes, gazing up at her.

"I'm sorry." He said. "I couldn't stop myself." Tears glistened in his eyes.

"It's okay." Maria said, stroking his hair. "Everything is okay now."

Kaley held back tears at the sight of them together. Her head turned at the sound of muffled groans coming from behind her. She glanced over and saw rubble shifting behind the broken wall.

"Those bitches are still alive?" Kaley gritted her teeth.

She stepped forward, pushing aside debris. Coraline lay on the ground, blood oozed from her wounds. Hanna lay next to her, blood pooling around her body.

"You bitch!" Kaley snarled, grabbing Coraline by the shoulder and dragging her off the ground. She lifted her in the air, her feet dangling.

Coraline looked up at Kaley.

"Please." Coraline pleaded, struggling weakly.

"Kaley, stop!" Adam cried.