
bokugo depressed x reader

Jalia_Thompson · Teenager
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17 Chs

at U.A.

you;(walking down the street) I really don't want to go to school but if I want to do what I want then I'm g- AHHHHHHH

Random guy:hey girly

you:hey leave me alone (struggles to get away)

random guy:I just want a beautiful girl to hang out with

you:I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN NOW LET ME GO(tries to reach for phone)

random guy:(kicks phone to the street)


random:come on I just want your pretty body


(portal opens up)

you:waaa..... ahhhhhhhh

random guy:ya got away this time but I got ya next time

{at U.A}

Mr. awasiwa:okay today were gonna test how your quirks have improve this year

denki:but Haven't we done this before

Mr. awasiwa:cause we need to see how you are improving here at this this semester and because I said so

denki:my bad gezzz....

Kiri:well I'm ready

sero:same I'll bet I do better then what i did last time

denki:.... you okay bokugo you normally be like "I'M HELLA READY FOR THIS I'M GOING TO BEAT ALL YA EXTRAS NO PROBLEM"

Kiri:yeah man what's wrong

bokugo:nothing... (sees the portal) what the hell is that up there

all:(look up)

you;AHHHHHHHHH(Falls in bokugos lap)

bokugo:... get the hell OFF OF ME WHO EVER YOU ARE

Kiri:I think she out man

sero:yeaah.... where did she come from

bokugo:I don't give a damn who she is she needs to get off of me now

Kiri:then gently push her off

mr. awasiwa:is she okay bokugo?

bokugo:I don't fucking know she past out or some shit

Mr. awasiwa:then see if she has a pulse


Mr. awasiwa:I'll do it my self(checks) she okay but she fell hard

deku:do you want me to take her to the recovery girl

Mr. awasiwa:yes pretty sure she is going to be fine

deku;(runs over to pick you up) excuse me Kacchan


deku;I am(picks you up)

{with recovery girl}

recovery girl:(humming)

deku:recovery girl I hope your not busy right now

recovery girl:of course not izuku.... what did you break this time hun

deku:heh I'm fine it's just a girl fell from the sky and she fell pretty hard and everything

recovery girl:well then I should check her out... she pretty fine just a few brusies here and there.....but they look old like they been there before the fall


recovery girl:yes but there's no new ones like she's not even scratched at all

deku:huh maybe Kacchan broke her fall then but I still think there would be at least one scratch

you:(wakes up) huh.... where am I... (here's bokugos voice)

bokugo:I'M FINE I DON'T NEED TO GO TO RECOVERY GIRL(has scratches everywhere)

huh.... (sees his scratches) (gets up and grabs his hand)

bokugo:.... what the hell are you doing

(heals bokugo)..... (let's him go) sorry about that but...? (by you being a fellow weeb and you watch anime which means you know what my hero academia is so you just stare at bokugo like your the one that has gone insane)

bokugo;thank you I fucking guess.... why the hell are you stareing at me for

deku:is she okay

bokugo:you fucking think I know or something

(snaps back to reality which is being in your fav anime of all time).... are you katsuki bokugo?

bokugo:yeah and

.... (turns) and are you izuku midoriya

deku:yes..... is something wrong

.... am I dreaming or some shit

deku:no not at all

so anime is really real


.... ya know shows that are animated in mainly Japan... which I guess is here

deku:ummm is your head okay

(shrugs shoulders)

{hey guys sorry I haven't posted anything since the first chapter but I kinda forgot and thought no ones was going to look a this but I'm back.... and I hope everyone is safe and washes ya hand cause I hope that no one gets rona so stay safe and indoors asuch as you can have a good day or night}