
Body Modifier: Energy Required

Aria ate a fish. [Energy: 2] Finished, he ate another fish. [Energy: 2] ... [Energy: 3] Without realizing it, he had finished 5 fishes. He felt a little bloat, he lay down with a full stomach, occasionally burped. Even though he didn't want to be a big lump of meatball, he still had to keep eating. At least until he found another way to accumulate energy. After all, if he didn't take advantage of his advantages, wasn't that stupid? His mind then drifted imagining which one he would use the energy for. Should he use it on his eyes, so it shot a beam of laser, like a certain bespectacled mutant? Should he use it on his bones, so it regenerated infinitely, like a certain character from an anime? Should he use it on his brain, so he became a genius, like a scientist with a bald head? Or should he use it on his vital organ, so that he became the manliest person in the world? While he was imagining things, suddenly his ears felt pinched. "Ouch!" "Didn't mom already say you can't play with fire, you brat?!" There he realized, knowing that no matter what he chose, he was still a child in front of his mother. .......... Here you can support me by checking pat-reon com/diodeathend Thank you in advance

DioDeathEnd · Fantasie
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24 Chs

Path As A Sensor?



The next day, in the courtyard of an inn, two people faced each other.

"So what do you want to learn from me, kid?"

Hendrick sat casually on a large rock while sipping a cup of his warm tea. His morning tea time was interrupted, so he wasn't in the most pleasant mood right now.

Lucky for this boy in front of him because of his identity as the son of his precious friends, so he couldn't overly lash at him.

Moreover, Alisa had given a stern warning when she handed over her son's training to him. So yeah, he could never say no to her, just as he had before, all those years ago.

As Hendrick recalled the memories of the past, the boy in front of him answered confidently.

"There's a lot I can learn from you. Moreover, you're definitely not a random person if you have been my parents' partner."

Aria was really good with such rhetoric, making a disguised form of flattery. Hendrick as the listener let out a chuckle.

"You really have your own way with words. Whether you praised me or your parents implicitly. I don't know who you inherited it from or where you learned it from. Well, I think it was a good thing too."

Aria just smiled at his words. He was willing to abandon his regular morning practice in order to have an enlightening session with this uncle in front of him after getting his mother's consent.

He was quite interested in what his mother said before, about Hendrick as a sensor-ranker. His mind wandered around all night since yesterday.

He was quite interested in such stuff as he had a spark of an idea. He just needed more information and detailed explanations, free guidance was welcomed too.

And now, he was standing opposite of that person, intending to use his cards properly. Who knew if he would be generous enough to transfer his knowledge or abilities to him.

Besides, he knew Hendrick was only staying in the city temporarily. So he didn't want to miss the opportunity.

And again, his suspicions towards this person had not completely disappeared. There was just something stuck in his heart, just didn't know where it was, purely his intuition. Just thought of it as part of espionage to protect his family.

"I have a little idea of ​​your situation. When it comes to training, your father is definitely more suitable to be your mentor."

"I know it. My parents have said the same thing several times. However, I also need to broaden my horizons. Who knows which one is the right thing for me before trying it."

"Besides, Uncle, I just heard about this a sensor stuff. You're the first person I've ever seen. I'm also quite curious about that. Will you tell me?"

Hendrick chuckled hearing Aria. Then he put his cup to the side, standing up and straightening his wrinkled clothes.

"But I won't easily accept your request."

Hendrick looked at Aria with a piercing gaze. All of sudden, an invisible spiritual pressure radiated from his body as a focal point discriminately.

"No, until you show that you are worthy of it."

Aria flinched, receiving such a stare. He reflexively stepped back, his instincts screamed warning that he was in an extremely dangerous situation.

It was obvious that this person was a human, but from the pressure exerted and his feral beast-like stare, Aria couldn't be convinced with that notion. He broke out in a cold sweat.

'Indeed this person is extraordinary ranker.'

Aria, who was still in a state of intimidation, momentarily became stunned for no apparent reason.

He immediately closed his eyes for a moment, acting as if he tried to reorder his slightly stifled breath while suppressing the feeling of being watched by a predator.

"That's it? Did your father never teach you not to take your eyes off your opponent? If that's all you're capable of, you'd better go home. There's no point in you being here."

Hendrick was mock-taunting the boy, as he saw Aria's reaction.

"Sorry for putting on such a disgraceful appearance just now."

A moment later, Aria opened his eyes. Now, there was no longer any sign of fear or intimidation in his eyes. All that remains was a firm gaze, filled with fighting spirit.

"I don't know if you would steal a start like that. So, can we start all over again from the beginning?"

Aria's right arm reached his behind, at the hilt of his broadsword that stretched down at his back. He leaned forward, taking a stance ready to draw his sword at any moment.

"Oh? Not bad, at least you're a fast learner."

Hendrick raised his eyebrows, not expecting this boy to be able to collect himself so quickly, ignoring his pressure.

"Alright, you have your chance! Don't waste it or I'll send you back home!"

Hendrick gestured with his hand so Aria could start making his moves. However, he did not reduce his pressure one bit. He wanted to see how long this child could endure.

"Then, sorry for my impudence," Aria didn't hesitate anymore. He dashed forward as he drew his sword, making a big swing without holding back.

Fast, swift, and powerful without a doubt. Although according to Hendrick, Aria's attacks were still very raw and there were many openings here and there in his defense, but his basic physical fitness quality was slightly above the average adult.

The man then stretched his hand towards the sword that was coming to his face with a gentle move, slow enough in Aria's eyes so that every detail of his finger movements was clearly reflected in his vision.

However, it changed abruptly with a fluid and slippery turn, just like a snake. His hand made a maneuver, avoiding the sharp edge of the sword, aiming for the wide side of its body.

From there, Aria saw his opponent's index finger tapped on the body of his sword as if someone would knock on a door.

There was no sound to be heard, barely any force that could be felt by Aria's hand. But that one little tap immediately changed the sword's direction, dodging Hendrick's body as it kept slashed down to his side.


'With just a finger?!'

Aria, who couldn't understand how his attack was neutralized so easily.

Feeling humiliated, he wanted to launch a horizontal slash towards Hendrick's body as a follow-up. He believed, with a much bigger target, he could force his opponent to dodge or use his hands to stop his attack.

Aria shifted his hands as he was about to launch his next attack. The broadsword that had almost hit the ground just now abruptly changed direction, making a horizontal swing.

In the midst of that slash, Aria suddenly felt pain in his wrist. The slash that hadn't had time to reach its maximum momentum stopped abruptly. The broadsword slipped from his grip as his hand became numb, unable to hold it any longer.


Aria, who was now wincing in pain, covered his right wrist. He was unable to believe that his move was being effortlessly disabled for a second time. He only saw an index finger that poked at the outer side of his wrist. And that's enough to put an end to his attack.

"That's enough."

Aria saw Hendrick, who was now a few meters from his position, sitting again on a large rock while sipping the rest of his tea leisurely, just like before.

He couldn't help but sigh, a little disappointed. He sat on the ground, beside his broadsword, waiting to hear what Hendrick would have to say next.

"How old are you again?" Hendrick asked, wanting to be sure.

"Less than seven years," Aria replied, slightly annoyed.

Hendrick nodded, "Since it was less than a year since your enlightenment, I guess you still don't have a new affinity that you awakened."

Aria just listened quietly, not contradicting the man's words. Normally, that would be true. To acquire a new affinity with one's own efforts, would take years of practice.

"So, I guess your meditation process isn't going so smoothly, either?"

Hendrick again said which earned a nod from Aria, an affirmation.

"Didn't your father teach you the technique of utilizing spiritual energy?"

Aria shook his head, "No. Dad said it was useless. I was asked to focus on only two things, sharpening my sword arts and meditating to increase my spiritual energy."

"Your father is right," Hendrick nodded.

However, it made him surprised more. He really didn't feel any spiritual energy in the boy's every move. However, the power that was contained in each move was unreal for his age.

He had thought that Aria was so skilled at harnessing his spiritual energy that it could not be detected by a sensor like him. But given his age and situation, Hendrick denied it.

With such a state, it would be good if he progressed like the majority of people with affinity. Perhaps, he had too little spiritual energy to be detected.

Then, where did that power come from? If he had a special physique, it's even more absurd. All special physiques were supported with spiritual energy usage. So, with his unexistent spiritual energy, it was very unlikely.

Even though Hendrick was lost in his confusion, he didn't stop his words.

"Too much will only distract you, make your efforts unfocused. Your efficiency will be greatly reduced and your time will be wasted and fruitless," Hendrick continued, "Especially with your situation."

Aria looked down discouraged.

Hendrick, who witnessed this, paused for a moment. Then he continued. He didn't mean to embellish his words so that they sounded comfortable to the boy's ears.

What the boy needed was not flowery words, but to face reality openly. After all, if he was really a descendant of that person, he was sure this boy wasn't that fragile.

"Look, I'll be honest. From what you've shown, though I don't know how a kid your age can be that strong…"

"From the food!" Aria cut in quickly.


"From the food! You need to eat more to grow faster. You need to eat more to make you stronger."

'Really?! You can be this strong just by eating more?! How much did you have to eat to become this strong?!'

Hendrick was speechless hearing this. He shook his head and continued.

"Yeah, whatever. With you being this strong, you have an advantage over the other children who are still struggling with their spiritual energy. However, that is only for the beginning."

Hendrick became more serious with his words.

"Without spiritual energy, you will lose your advantage over time. So back to the first two things that should be your focus."

"From what you pointed out earlier, I will not comment on your swordplay, you already have a good mentor. However…"

"You don't have enough control over how you use your power. Control, whether it's in terms of the use of spiritual energy, coordination of your body, and other things, it will make a pretty big difference."

"I can assist you in this, but I won't be here for long. Within that time frame, you can find me here every morning at this place."

"Okay, thank you, Uncle." Aria bowed, "Then what about that sensor-related things?"

"Huh?! Do you want to learn it?" Hendrick asked.

"If that's allowed, I'd love to. Perhaps, I can detect my surroundings better when I go hunting."

Hendrick sighed, "If that's what you mean, then I can't help you."

Looking at the still unconvinced Aria, Hendrick straightened, "Listen carefully. My ability as a sensor is closely related to my major affinity. So I can't teach it to you if you don't have the same or related affinity."

"May I know what is your affinity, Uncle?" Aria became very curious.

"Elementalist, earth elemental," Hendrick replied.

"Huh? How can it relate to a sensor?" Aria became confused.

"How to develop the abilities depends on the wielder itself. Two identical twins with exactly the same affinity and perception might develop their abilities in different directions."

"As for me, I won't go into detail, but there is one key. Vibration."


"Yeah, every movement and change will more or less produce a vibration that will vibrate the surrounding area. That's what I caught through the medium of the earth."

"See, it's not something you can learn. What you mean is about the sharpness of your senses. It's something you can only learn and practice on your own, and I'm no expert on that. I can only give my perspective."

Aria was contemplating those words. It was clear Hendrick's sensor-ability method wouldn't suit him, who was still struggling with upgrading his affinity.

Generating a new affinity was not an easy matter. He didn't even know how to trigger a similar affinity. He couldn't play mud all day, could he?

Moreover, he really couldn't spend his [Soul Map] points on something unreliable, when harvesting points itself became quite a challenge.

However, that didn't mean it will diminish his desire. Those words actually inspired him to a path that might suit him. With his [Physique], he might be able to obtain something similar.

Out of his five senses, the ones that related and corresponded better to things like these sensors and vibrations were his senses of touch and hearing, his skin and ears.

Although there was uncertainty whether he would actually get the results he expected, this was worth trying. What's more, if he failed, he wouldn't have much to lose, right?

So, which one was better to try first? Ears or skin?