
Bobby the Life of an Omega

In an alternate universe, on the planet called Turkey, a young man named Bobby lived in the city of Caliana. The date was 12/24/6005 and Bobby had just gone to the public pub to drink some wine and eat some cake. In 6005, humanity had reached the intergalactic age. Work and money had become obsolete in this futuristic era, as everything was done by robots and automation. Mankind had also evolved over the millennia and now had secondary genders: alphas, betas, and omegas.

JohnatenDBrown · sci-fi
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11 Chs

Chapter 10: A Happy Ending

In the end, Bobby's life turned out better than he could have ever imagined. He had found love, friendship, and acceptance in a world that wasn't always kind to omegas like him.

He looked back on his journey with gratitude for all that he had experienced and learned along the way. And he looked forward to spending the rest of his life with Alex by his side.

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