
Chapter 5 - Visit

(A/N: Disclaimer, the world is somewhat AU which is to make the plot more convenient for me. Idk if Inko and this character are friends canonically, but ye :)

Inko woke up from her long slumber, she got her upper body up with a struggle before leaning against the bed as support.

Her right arm flinched in pain from the movement, causing her to scrunch her eyebrows. Though, the small pain didn't matter as she sighed in relief after seeing her son sleeping peacefully on the bed beside her.

The previous day's event really took a toll on her. The brief period of joy when she coddled her son just wasn't enough to offset everything else. Though, something tells her that they will be doing that even more often after this.

She tried to stand with difficulty but decided to just wait until her son woke up while watching his cute sleeping face. There was little that she could do right now with a broken dominant arm and a few aching bruises on her back.

The sudden appearance of the black hole-like ball emerged back in her mind. Though a bit fuzzy, she remembered that the ball came out from Izuku's body.

In a world full of unique and powerful quirks, there's only one logical explanation that came to her mind.

'Izuku awakened his quirk!' Her thoughts, if anyone could hear, were filled with childlike wonder. She felt giddy. The thing her son had been wanting for so long had finally happened.

It brought a big smile to her face. She was hurt by his awakening, sure, but it was nothing compared to the joy it will bring to her son for the rest of his life.

She then remembered their time together, when Izuku confessed that he will stop his nonsensical dreams of becoming a hero. She felt that the way of the world was quite wicked.

The day she decided to support his ridiculous dreams is the day he gave up on his, and when everything seemed perfect, god thundered in a quirk for him. It's as if they were just being played back and forth.

Though, none of that mattered to her. From her initial contact with Izuku's quirk, it looked strong enough to at least keep him somewhat safe.

Of course, she would still very much rather have Izuku a normal and safe job, but if his burning passion for being a hero was reignited after this, she wouldn't blame him. She had made the commitment to support him when he had none, and even more willing now with his newfound quirk.

While Inko was occupied with her own thoughts of Izuku's future, the door to the ward opened. She looked up in surprise as she recognized the incoming woman.


"Yo," Mitsuki Bakugo replied with a smile. She placed the filled grocery bags she brought near Inko's bed and sat on the nearby sofa, staring at Inko's injuries.

She received a call around 10 pm yesterday, stating that Inko had listed her as one of her emergency contacts should anything happen.

Although Mitsuki wanted to immediately check on Inko, her son, Bakugo was causing trouble for the umph-th time. After confirming that Inko's and Izuku's injuries were mild, she decided to postpone the visit until the next morning.

Mitsuki wouldn't necessarily say a broken arm is something mild, but after remembering the advancement of healthcare due to various unique quirks, she kind of understood why.

Besides, Inko was brought into the hospital by none other than All-Might himself. Everything is and will be fine if the number 1 hero in japan was involved.

"So, what happened?" Mitsuki asked. She expected a grim or somewhat deflated tone from Inko as she looked like she had just suffered a villain attack, but, Inko's tone was anything but that.

Inko proceeded to explain the whole situation, from Izuku's sudden fainting to the awakening of his quirk. Though, she omitted anything that she felt was too personal between her and Izuku.

Mitsuki's expression changed in-between Inko's lines as she listened to the story. While many thoughts rang through her head, she was ultimately relieved that it wasn't some sort of villain attack.

"So Izuku actually had a quirk all along," Mitsuki said, happy for the Midoriya family. Latent awakening of quirks is not unheard of, but definitely uncommon. Much more uncommon than being quirkless.

Based on Inko's description of Izuku's quirk, Mitsuki considered that Izuku's quirk can be categorized as an emitter. And some studies believed that emitters' personalities are more prone to be affected by their quirks than others.

Take her son as an example, explosive and hotheaded, exactly his quirk in human form.

Mitsuki looked at the sleeping freckled boy with guilt. It was unfortunate enough that he was quirkless for the first 12 years of his life, yet her son, of all people, decided to make it worse.

Her guilt made her avoid the Midoriya family altogether for so long, even going so far as to abandon her friendship with Inko. If not for these circumstances, she wonders when the two would've met again.

"I hope Izuku doesn't change a lot due to this, He's a good boy," Mitsuki muttered. She herself believes Izuku will definitely change, it was just a matter of how much.

After all, it was as if a thirsty man had suddenly found the dource of water he'd always looked for. He can drown too much in its pleasure.

Inko voiced her agreement. Izuku might have had his share of flaws, including the big one of him living in his own fantasy, but, it was her son after all. Even if he changed a lot, as long as he stays true to himself, she will still love him regardless.

"By the way, since when did you adopt a cat?" Mitsuki asked, pointing at Izuku.

"A Cat?" Inko parroted, "We didn't,"

Mitsuki didn't refute Inko, rather, after seeing her struggling to get up, she went ahead and took a photo of Izuku sleeping with a tiny black cat, no more than 15 cm big, all cuddled into him.

The angle at which Izuku slept prevented Inko from noticing the small cat. "Where did it come from…I wonder," Inko definitely would've noticed if Izuku, at some point, adopted a cat. She's not that unattached to her son.

"Should I take it out? I don't think it's safe keeping strays inside a hospital," Mitsuki offered.

"I think it's okay. It being here is weird but I don't think a stray will go up and sleep with someone like that," Inko rejected. Surprise after surprise kept coming after Izuku fainted. She didn't know whether these surprises were for the better or not, but everything seemed to go well. At least for now.

Inko and Mitsuki caught up with each other for a few hours after that. Being a housewife, their lives were filled with nothing but mundane and monotonous actions. Having someone to talk to was rare, so they capitalized on the current situation.

Before Mitsuki left, she promised to catch up with Inko more often in the future. With Izuku awakening his quirk, she hoped her son would hold less grip on the innocent boy, possibly even letting him go.

It might be a stretch to see it happen immediately, but she believed it was about time, long overdue even, for everything to be settled. She hoped to educate more sense into her son before finally making it up to Izuku. One way or another.

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