
Sports Festival Is Now Here

POV Yuno

Walking past all the reporters was seriously annoying. The UA entrance was packed with the media, crowding the entryway. Students were barely able to pass. So much for getting to the Sports Festival on time.

"Hahh, why is everything so noisy?" Kisu complained after getting past the media.

"It's the Sports Festival, idiot." I told her as Toga hugged me while we walked. "You're just complaining about because it's more crowded this year."

"This is how it is every year, huh?" Shoto looked back at the crowd of reporters and cameramen.

"Hahhh?! Does that mean there's gonna be a lot of heroes watching us?" Denki blurted out. "That's gonna be awesome!"

For the past week, I've been helping Shoto with One For All. He seriously needed it. He was still fighting against the Quirk. I guess, since it wasn't technically his to begin with, he feels that he shouldn't use it so casually. I hope he doesn't fight against the Quirk during the Sports Festival. That would be a shame to see him do so. As for Denki, I only had a day to help him with One For All. Something good for Denki, he doesn't go dead brain whenever he uses his Quirk.

We were able to change into different clothes in a locker room, thankfully, on time. What a rush. There were so many different students wandering around and finding the waiting room for their specific class. I could tell everyone was excited to compete. Heroes from around the country would be watching. I find it boring that heroes intern students for learning. It's not like they're going to tame anyone. Besides, more then half the students competing won't get many intern offers. What's the point? Whatever, I won't argue since it's a waste of time.

"I really wanted to wear my hero costume." Mina complained as I opened the door to see the rest of my class wearing the blue tracksuits as well.

"Even so, we have to make it fair since it's a school event." Mashirao said while stretching his arms.

It seemed everyone was here in the waiting room. They were all excited. Even Kisu was pumped for the Sports Festival, even though she thinks all the students are weakling. Every student she's come across has never beaten her in a battle. Even when it's 2v1 or more.

"Yuno-Chan!" Toga jumped on me and rubbed her cheek against mine. "I can't wait for the festival to start! I wanna win so bad! I wonder if I'll end up fighting you!"

"Uh huh. Yeah, whatever you say." I answered with a bored tone.

Eijiro tilted his head at me. He was probably wondering why I said that with such a tone. I never competed in a Sports Festival and pretty much everyone in class knows about it.

"Hey, man. Why so bored? Do you not wanna compete or something?" He asked as he turned his chair around in my direction.

"Bored? Well, I guess you could say I'm bored." I answered, rolling my eyes in a way that might have made him a little annoyed. "I'm only here because hot-head over there wanted me to." I pointed at Katsuki.

"Hot-head?!" He yelled at me, standing on the table. "Who are you calling 'hot-head?!' I'll tear you to pieces! I'll smash you and win the whole thing!"

"Sure. If you're so confident, I'd like to see you try your hardest."

"Hahhh?! Oh, yeah?! I'll show you right here and now!" Katsuki jumped off the lunged at me with an explosion coming from his hand.

I raised my hand and glared. He stopped in his tracks, stiffening and struggling like he was trying to get away from something. I dropped my hand down lower, making Katsuki kneel down in front of me. I glared a him as he looked up at me, struggling to break free from my Quirk. He looked at me with shaking eyes.

"You're so stupid, Y'know that? You act like such a bully. Maybe even a villain. Do your classmates even know what you've done to others? Oh, I don't think you have. Katsuki, the only reason I agreed to your bet is because I'm going to win no matter what you do. See how it feels to be beaten by others. If you try attacking me again before the Sports Festival starts, I'll reveal all your dirty secrets," I smirked and made Katsuki stand up walk toward me. I whispered in his ear so no one could hear. "Just like I did with Endeavor."

Katsuki's eyes widened. I put my hand down and walked away from him, giving him one last glance, smirking. He stared at me, his yes still shaky. He knew now not to mess with me, especially when I'm irritated. He also knows I'm a villain. What a shame it is to see the supposed strongest kid in class, bow down to someone like me.

"H- hey!" Izuku shouted at me. He shot a slight glare at me, his expression serious. "I don't know what you have on Kacchan, but he's not what you think he is. I don't know what you whispered to him but that wasn't cool or nice."

I turned to Izuku. What a fragile boy. He's trying to be brave since he's got a Quirk now. Heh, if he's the one All Might chose, then All Might has got to work on his manner of choice. I know Izuku is the successor of One For All. But little does he know that he's not the only one with that power.

"So, d- don't be so quick to judge him! You barely know him!" Izuku continued on.

Oh, boy. If only you knew what I knew. If only you knew what I do. But it's sad you won't discover anything about my life. If only you were just a bit smarter.

"Izuku Midoryia," I turned around to face him and took a few steps toward him. Nose to nose, I whispered to him. "All Might's successor. One. For. All."

Izuku flinched as he backed away, looking me up and down with shaky eyes. Revealing his secrets was something I could do anytime. But I'm nice enough to just whisper a few words out. He'll understand much better then Katsuki would.

"I know everyone's secret." I said as Kisu snorted at me, crossing her arms and showing that she already knew what was happening. Shoto, Denki and Toga, of course, knew as well since we're practically a family and a team. "I can reveal anyone and everyone's secrets. I'll even let you in on a secret since I may be freaking everyone out." I put a finger to my lips and grinned. "But you have to be hush hush about it. Otherwise, you're all going to be dead within a day."






"HEEEEEEY!" Present Mic yelled into his microphone before the crowds started cheering loudly. "It's the Sports Festival, yo! Where little fledgling super heroes sharpen their swords once a year! Anyway, here are the newbies, right?! The class with an odd an amount of students! The ones who have mysterious stories! It's Hero Course, class 1-A, yo!"

The entire class walked out, nervous. Of course they were nervous. Not only because of all the people watching, but because of the people they were surrounded by.


"I'll let you all in on a little secret." I had said in the waiting room. "But you have to be hush hush about it. Otherwise, you'll be dead within a day."

A cold shudder traveled through the class. Nervousness, fear, shock, all of the above. Shoto sighed and walked over to me, grabbing my wrist and pulling my hand down. He whispered into my ear with concern.

"Now isn't the time." He told me. "Don't risk anything. You could get yourself killed.

All I did was grin. He was anxious. Poor him, he can't stop me from revealing anything. I held his wrist with my free hand and smiled.

"Don't forget," I then looked around at my class. "You shouldn't be oblivious to the people you surround yourself with."


"T- T- There's so many people." Izuku managed to spit out through his nervousness and fear.

"Will we be able to give our best effort with all these people watching?" Tenya said with a feeling of determination. "This just the beginning of the path to become a hero."

"Man, he's taking the praise way too easily." Eijiro said nervously. "Uh, Katsuki. Are you nervous?"

"No, I'm just getting more into it." Katsuki smiled wickedly.

Present Mic continued yelling his annoying voice into the microphone. "And here come more of our competitors, yo! Not much glory has come to them but they're chill a class full of talents! It's class 1-B, right?! Next up, general studies, classes C, D and E! And Support Course, classes F, G and H are here too! And here's the business course, class I, J, K!"

All the first years, gathered in one place. It's a shame they're all going to lose their reputations and egos. Everyone was so excited to get things going. This year, the R-Rated hero, Midnight would be the chief umpire for the first years. I guess that means for me and Kisu as well. Every single guy that could seen was blushing and staring at Midnight, wearing her hero costume. Ugh, how immature.

"Quiet, everyone!" Midnight smacked her short whip in the air, making a cracking sound. "Let's get in with it! There's actually two people representing the students this year. Kisuma Aoni and Yuno Tsumuyuki!"

Kisu deadpanned. What a weirdo. I know she hates representing shit like this but that reaction made me laugh.

"Hah?! You want me to represent these newbies and weakling?!" Kisu got rid of the expression and pointed at the students around. "Whatever! Yuno can do it himself for all I care!"

"Asshole." I grabbed Kisu's ear and dragged her up to the stage. I shoved her in front of the microphone. Glares came from students in the crowd. She smirked and put a hand to her mouth, then laughed. "Fine, you want something? I'll give a few words. Make sure I don't beat you!"

"Are you kidding me?" I pinched the bridge of my nose while a few students booed and yelled. "Get out of the way, you dimwit." I tabbed the collar of Kisu's shirt and pulled her back. "Mental idiot. Never mind this pathetically behaved woman. Man, I really don't wanna be here. Why'd you have to go and drag me into this situation?"

Every class except for my own class had dumbfounded looks in their faces. To them, I sounded lazy. But my own class, I'm glad they know we'll not to think such things about me.

"Whatever," I rubbed the back of my head and gave a slight glare at the crowd, sending a cold shiver around. "Let's just have fun, shall we?"

(A/N) Sorry for the short chapter! I'm on a trip with my family and I have a tournament coming up in two days. I've just been preparing and driving over to the tournament so I don't have much internet, not to mention that I've been visiting family in the way. But I will keep making new chapter as frequently as possible! Thank you!