
Blue, When the Sea Calls

When the Goldman's come across a woman giving birth on the beach at their marine sanctuary, they are surprised to discover that the child is half mermaid. When the mother dies giving birth, the Goldman's take on the child as their own but decide never to tell her she is half mermaid. Blue grows up on the sanctuary and although she is forbidden to go into the sea, she has a yearning and undeniable pull towards the sea and finally she succumbs to its lure. This is a love story intertwined by secrets, lies, betrayal, and murder.

Ursula Graetz · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
28 Chs

Chapter 10

Excitement could be felt in the warm air of the festive season. The summer had been warmer than usual, with humidity levels spiking, but this did not deter visitors from all around the world to experience the tropical heat of the island and the wonders of the Hotel and Casino’s grand opening. It had been advertised as ‘the hotel of a new era; the place to be. A luxurious retreat where the rich and famous could generously give away their wealth in exchange for a memorable time only to be experienced on this small but beautiful island.

Blue was a little annoyed that her family, especially her uncle, was swept up in all the excitement. With growing agitation, she slipped into the ball gown her uncle had purchased for her to wear to the grand opening. She had to constantly remind herself to focus on the task at hand, which would get through this torment, but it proved almost impossible. The tight-fitting white dress with gold belt and straps complimented her tall, slim figure to such an extent that Blue found herself gaping at the image reflected in the mirror. Her long, auburn hair was tied up in a bun with long tassels hanging loosely on the sides. Audrey did her makeup and Blue was amazed at how surprisingly pretty she looked. The glittery white eye shadow went well with the light green streak painted in the folds of her eyelids. It brought out the brilliance of the emerald green in her eyes and Audrey gasped with delight.

“You look absolutely angelic, my darling!” Audrey cried with joy. “Stand up and turn around!” she urged like an overexcited schoolgirl.

Blue bit back a smile, not wanting to give anyone the idea that she was looking forward to the occasion.

“Are you sure you’ll be able to walk in those high heels?” Audrey asked for the hundredth time since Grant produced the matching gold stiletto-heeled strappy sandals.

“Mom! Stop it! You’re making me nervous.”

The dress, which had a slit that was too high up for Blue’s liking, had gold shoulder straps and a matching gold waistband. It matched the gold straps of her shoes which coiled around her ankles, and it reminded Blue of a painting she once saw of a Greek Goddess.

Audrey lifted her hand to her mouth in bewilderment and shook her head. Tears formed in her tiny, beady eyes.

“Oh mom, stop it!” Blue complained. “You’re going to make me so self-conscious that I’ll change my mind about going,” she blurted.

“Don’t be silly! You are absolutely gorgeous, and all eyes will be on you.” Audrey gleamed with pride.

“That does it! I’m staying!” Blue exploded. The last thing she wanted was everyone staring at her.

“Don’t you dare! I didn’t spend the last hour dressing you up for nothing,” Audrey scowled at her.

“Fine but remember why I’m doing this,” Blue reminded her but knew it was merely a reminder to herself as she was reluctantly beginning to absorb the excitement around her.

“I know, I know! But you’re still allowed to have some fun, sweetie.” Audrey could not believe that she was actually encouraging Blue to look attractive to men. She gulped at the thought that Blue might find someone at the hotel’s opening and fall in love. All the blood suddenly drained from her face leaving her with a greyish pale complex.

“Mom?” Blue noticed the change.

Audrey forced a smile but quickly excused herself. “I think I forgot to switch off the stove,” she lied and hurried out of the room.

Blue glared at her with a quizzical brow. Her mother hadn’t been cooking. Her concern though quickly slipped away when she paraded in front of the mirror once more. What she was experiencing right now was something she was totally unfamiliar with, but it felt good, and she cherished the feeling. She was quite attractive, she realized. Why had she never realized this before? Perhaps because it had never bothered her, and she contributed it to the fact that she was homeschooled and didn't know better. A wicked thought occurred to her. Maybe she could use her looks to her advantage. Nick Rodgers unashamedly used his good looks and charms to get what he wanted, and it was apparent, he never failed – of course, until he met her. A sly grin slithered onto her face – and he never would! But he did seem to want her. Smiling at her newly discovered weapon she silently conjured up a plan.

It was the first time that Blue had actually viewed the magnificent structure of the hotel. The theme was African-styled in all its magnificence. A wide stairway of approximately fifty steps was marvellously decorated in African art. It reminded Blue of the history of the rock paintings of bushmen she had seen in one of the many books she loved to read. The stairway to the entrance of the hotel had parallel wooden rails, carved into the shape of elephants, running up along the stairway. On the one side was a waterfall rockpool. It looked so real it was hard to believe that it was man-made. The huge entrance was dressed in solid oak doors which bore carvings of rhinos. A massive, thatched roof overhang greeted the guests at the door. The doors opened up into a magnificently decorated entrance hall. Roughly textured tiles, the colour of blood mingled with gold patterns, adorned the floors. The thatched roof had a high ceiling that was held together by sturdy black logs. Blue was amazed at how the simplicity of the natural materials still managed to create an exquisitely glamorous look. Large burning torches ran adjacent along the hallway and the scent it expelled, Blue recognized, was that of Citronella, a mosquito repellent, which was needed due to the humidity of the island.

Blue was drawn to the sound of music and walked towards it. As she entered a large dining hall, she was welcomed by a massive elephant carved out of black stone. Her focus was then drawn to the various African masks and spears that decorated the stone-washed walls. She was truly amazed. Nick Rodgers had outdone himself, she had to admit.

Large wooden dining tables were home to numerous exotic fruits and nuts which appeared to fair well with the guests. Most of the guests, Blue realized by all the different languages that were being spoken, were foreigners and the experience was obviously new to them, and clearly delighted them. The round kitchen was a lapa that was built half inside the building and half outside which led to a burning boma. The outside part of the kitchen was adorned by the stars. How clever. Then there were several spitbraais with various assorted types of meat cooking and the aroma made her taste buds water, despite the fact that she was a vegetarian. What caught Blue’s attention next was the pathway that led outside to where various African dancers, from different cultures, were all dressed in their ancestral traditional wear. Some wore headbands that matched their leg bands and leather strips that hung around their waists while leather bangles decorated their arms and ankles. The rhythmic beating of the drums absorbed all her anxiety and she felt tempted to join them in the sandy dance area and dance around the boma with them, despite the heat. Kicking their legs into the air in unison, the bear-footed Zulu dancers landed softly on the sand. Blue looked around and noted that the chairs and tables in this area were also made of carved wooden animal legs and varnished with a dark overcoat. Everything blended in nicely with the natural environment Blue wondered if perhaps all this time she had been wrong about Nick. Perhaps he did have the island’s best interests at heart and not just his own. This was creating jobs and all while keeping the African cultures alive with their spirited dances.

“Well, I’ll be …! If it isn’t my little fiery redhead!” Nick pulled her into his arms.

“I was just thinking about you, Mr. Rodgers.” She tried to push him away but wasn’t strong enough, and to her dismay she found herself blushing profusely. Nick looked dashingly gorgeous in his tuxedo and her heart skipped a few beats.

“Oh? And where did your thoughts lead you?” Nick smiled roguishly after noticing her blush.

When he let her go, she quickly cleared her throat and said, “I must admit, this is not what I expected. It has brought a sense of joyfulness to the island, hasn’t it?”

“That it has and I’m glad you approve. Allow me to show you around.” He took her by the arm.

“Those large outbuildings there,” she pointed to a cluster of buildings that stood a distance away from the hotel. “What are they for?” she asked curiously.

Nick swallowed hard as the unexpected question hit him.

“Just storage facilities. One can never be too cautious when you have important celebrities on your guest list. Imagine running out of milk or sugar. Yes, sure, we have a helicopter but just the inconvenience of having to wait while my pilot flies to the town to buy sugar and milk, I’m pretty sure won’t go down well with the guests. If you get my drift.”

Blue frowned. Surely such large outbuildings weren’t necessary just for supplies.

“Where’s your uncle?” Nick swiftly changed the subject. “Isn’t he coming to the opening?”

“Oh, he’s here already. I was a little late. It takes time for a woman to look her best,” Blue jested with a sly smile.

“Time well spent; I assure you!” Nick agreed as his eyes ravished her long slender legs and perfect figure.

Once again Blue blushed unwillingly.

“I love it when you blush, Blue,” Nick whispered in her ear, and it sent shivers up her spine. Abruptly he stopped to face her. He placed his muscled arms around her tiny waist and stared into her eyes. His heart began to beat faster, almost faster than the beat of the Zulu drums. Blue’s own heartbeat started to race, and she began to feel queasy.

“Ah, am I interrupting something?” Grant smiled. Victory at last! He thought happily. It looked like Blue was falling for Nick after all.

Embarrassed, Blue pulled herself free from Nick’s embrace. “If you don’t mind, I need to go to the lady’s room.” She quickly excused herself. Saved by her uncle. What a relief, she sighed.

Nick greeted Grant with a warm handshake after giving Blue directions.

“I liked what I just saw!” Grant admitted to Nick.

Nick smiled victoriously, grateful he had won over Grant’s trust, especially since his feelings for Blue were growing out of proportion. The thought of taking her and making her his, constantly gnawed at him like a rat.

“I must admit, she was a thorn in my side,” Nick confessed. “Through this entire development. With all her ‘save the island campaigns. I was almost sure she would succeed, if not at stopping the construction works, then in making me go insane,” Nick laughed.

Grant whispered almost apologetically, “I’m glad she didn’t succeed.”

“Me too,” Nick exclaimed. “This hotel is going to be the best hotel in the world. People are so intrigued by the exquisite African culture that they’ll come from all over the globe to experience a taste of it.”

Grant agreed. “It truly is breathtaking. Well done. I’m glad to see Blue is also coming around. She was set in her convictions that you had ulterior motives for coming to the island.” Grant admitted.

Nick forced a smile. “She sure does have a suspicious mind.”

A couple of guests interrupted them, introducing themselves to Nick, and then showered him with compliments on his hotel before continuing their exploration.

“Well, if you will excuse me, I had better mingle with the guests.” Nick excused himself before scurrying away and disappearing into the crowd.

A cool ocean breeze welcomed Blue as she stepped outside. She walked along the wooden balcony and stopped to lean over the railing. It was a full moon and the bright, soothing light fell over her, calming her. How could she have allowed herself to be so easily taken by Nick’s good looks? She growled at herself in anger. Nick Rogers may be handsome, but he was up to no good and she would find out what that is, she told herself. But in the meantime, she should steer clear of him. Then she frowned, maybe her suspicious nature was getting the best of her, she thought glumly. Firstly, she had been wrong about her uncle, and so perhaps she was wrong about Nick. She took in a deep breath and sighed out loud. What was wrong with a little flirting and fun?

“Ouch!” A cry pierced the darkness which immediately startled her. She strained her eyes to see into the surrounding bushes and was grateful that she had been blessed with the ability to see well at night. After noticing two people lurking suspiciously behind the bushes, she called out boldly, “who’s there?”

“What is it, Blue?” Blue jumped with fright, right into Nick’s arms.

Gladly taking advantage of this, Nick pulled her close to him and wrapped his arms tightly around her.

“Who were you talking to?” Nick asked, his breath was so close to her face, that it warmed her cheeks.

Blue quickly looked into the bushes again. “There are two people hiding in the bushes over there,” she pointed towards the bushes.

Nick reluctantly let her go and made his way down the few steps and onto the walkway leading to the bushes. “Is someone there?” Nick called, clumsily feeling his way into the dark.

“I told you, Dino, we must find it. Keep looking!” Dowen quickly said out loud, pretending to have lost something in the dirt.

“Gentlemen, can I help you perhaps?” Nick was surprised that Blue had been right.

“Um...um,” Dino stuttered but Dowen quickly saved the moment.

“Yes, I seem to have lost my ring. It’s an extremely valuable heirloom and I must find it.” The concerned look Dowen pasted on his face, and the exaggerated frowning seemed to convince Nick

“Well man, you’re not going to find it in the dark. Let me bring you a torch,” Nick offered and left without waiting for a reply.

Blue stayed right where she was, not convinced of their story. They were up to something; of that, she was convinced. So, she decided to keep a close eye on them.

Dowen looked directly at her now and his heart leapt into his throat as their gaze met. His bones seemed to turn into jelly and his heartbeat did a few summersaults. He wasn’t sure why he suddenly felt that way, perhaps because he recognized her as the woman on the balcony back in the city or was it because she was so enchantingly beautiful. Either way, he wasn’t planning on sticking around to find out.

“Ah, Look Dino! Here it is. It’s a good thing the moon is so bright this evening. We can go now.” He pulled the confused Dino with him and hurried off towards the beach where several large torches lit up the beaches.

“Oh no, you don’t!” Blue removed her heeled sandals, cast them aside, and ran after them, determined to get answers.

“Where do you think you’re going?” She bravely pulled Dowen on the arm, forcing him to turn around and face her. He was even taller than Nick, she realized. His shoulder-length hair was golden blonde, and his fringe fell loosely over his left eye. Even in the dark, she could see his eyes. They were a strange blue that seemed to penetrate her very soul. At first, he seemed a little nervous or frustrated but then he smiled at her, revealing the most gorgeous smile she had ever seen, with a cute dimple. It stole her breath away. Then her eyes drifted down to his unbuttoned shirt, and she gasped. His abs were superbly formed. Hungrily her eyes drifted down to his trousers. They were far too tight for him, but she gulped at seeing his muscly form. Although he was slightly taller than Nick, he was not as robust in build, but he was the sexiest man she had ever seen. Distraught, she bit her lower lip as an unexpected fire of desire filled her. She put her hand on his chest and then gasped at her lack of self-discipline. Horrified at her behaviour, she stepped backwards, almost tripping over her clumsy feet, but Dowen caught her and helped her steady herself.

“I’m fine, you can leave my arm now,” she scowled at him, but it was more out of disgust with herself than for him. Then she added, to hide her embarrassment, “are you going to tell me why you were hiding in the bushes, or am I going to have to beat it out of you?”

Despite her boldness, she just realized the beach was empty. She was all alone with these two strange men. Panic suddenly threatened to weaken her resolve.

Dowen stared curiously at her and again marvelled at how beautiful she was. So much so that for a moment he found it hard to think clearly, or even breathe.

Suddenly their eyes met, and they seemed to be held in place by an invisible glue.

In a moment of weakness and just for a split-second Blue imagined his lips on hers. The outrageous thought sneaked into her mind so unexpectedly that she gasped out loud yet again. Not even Nick, in all his dark, tall and handsome glory, could summon up such a fire of desire within her, as this man did. What was happening to her? Her imagination went further as she pictured lying on the sand intertwined in his arms and drowning in his kisses. What is wrong with me? Pull yourself together.

“What?” Dowen asked Down who was tugging at his arm, but Dowen was still so enraptured by her beauty he couldn’t move.

“Your Highness, we must go!” Dino urged.

“Your Highness?” Blue echoed. A prince? Nick did say there were important people attending the opening. Her jaw hung open in disbelief. He was a prince and she had rudely demanded to know what he was doing there. And she had touched his bare chest. Oh my gosh. She was so embarrassed she just wanted to bury her head in the sand like an ostrich – as if that was going to make things better. Really!

“What is your name?” Dowen asked her, the intensity of his emotions clouding his judgment.

“Blue Goldman.” She offered the information too quickly. Now he could find out where she lived, she frowned at herself for her carelessness. Maybe they would lock her up for touching him. Her breathing became jagged. Pull yourself together.

“Blue, there’s something I need to ask you.” Dowen wasn’t sure how he should broach the subject, but with a sigh of determination he began, “I noticed you speaking to someone the other day and happened to overhear you mentioning the dangers that the oceans were facing. Can you kindly elaborate?”

“You saw me the other day?” Blue was astounded. How did he even know it was her? And surely, she would have noticed a sexy man like him staring at her. Especially if he was a prince. Speaking of which, why wasn’t he surrounded by several guards for his protection? This single man surely couldn’t be his only bodyguard.

“Yes, I just happened to be passing by.”

Passing by? How did she not see him? she wondered again. She wasn’t even aware at the time that someone had been listening to her conversation with the mayor.

“Well?” Dowen asked anxiously, keenly aware of the danger of lingering too long.

“I’m sorry, I just can’t believe that I didn’t notice you?” Blue apologized. “I’m babbling – you wanted to know about the dangers facing our oceans?” Blue wondered where she should begin.

When he nodded, she explained, “well as I’m sure you’re aware, as it’s all over the media, there are several major factors impacting our oceans...”. She was suddenly interrupted.

“Oh, there you are!” Nick joined them. “I was looking all over for you guys.” He seemed genuinely concerned. “Did you find your ring?” he asked Dowen.

“Yes, thank you!” Dowen replied politely and used the sudden intrusion as his queue to leave.

“Look, I have to go. But I’ll see you soon, Blue,” he promised and before she could stop him, he and his friend hurried off in the opposite direction.

“But...” Blue wanted to learn more about this mysterious prince. Was he married, and what part of the world did he come from? His voice had a heavy English accent to it. She was also sure she had never seen him in any tabloid. Surely a handsome prince such as himself would be a continuous victim of tabloid news? And why hadn’t it been on the news that he was visiting this part of the world? Suddenly she jumped on her suspicious wagon.

“I missed you!” Nick enfolded his arms around her waist, forcing her to face him. He drew her soft, slender body close to his own hard masculinity.

Blue tried to push him away, but she was no match for his strength. No matter how hard she tried, she could not even budge an inch. “Mr. Rodgers, you’re hurting me,” she blurted but he ignored her protest and held her even more tightly.

“Let me go!” she yelled.

“Okay, okay, but only if you promise to accompany me tomorrow on my yacht.” He gave her a wry smile that instantly wiped away his attractiveness.

“I can’t!” She tried to breathe but he was holding her so tightly she was growing faint.

“Come on! What are you afraid of? That you might just begin to like me?” he asked her as he reluctantly let her go.

“Don’t flatter yourself!” she replied weakly as she tried to recover her posture.

“Not even an hour ago you were willing to accompany me around the hotel, arm in arm. What made you change your attitude toward me in such a short space of time?”

Blue frowned. Maybe she was being unfair in her judgment of him, but she disliked the way he made her feel – so powerless and even dirty the way he looked at her. But when Dowen looked at her, it was different. A fire had ignited within her, and she doubted it would ever die.

“Well?” he insisted on an answer.

“Fine, I’ll go with you on your yacht, but you must promise me that you won’t go sailing too far out. I have an allergy.”

“An allergy?”

“Yes, I’m allergic to seawater,” Blue reluctantly replied. A part of her screamed that she should keep her distance from Nick Rodgers but another part of her desperately wanted to go out to sea and that part was overwhelming, so much so that she yielded despite the dangers it could impose.

“Allergic to seawater?” It sounded so absurd he wanted to laugh. Maybe she was just making it up, perhaps as an excuse. “If you don’t wish to go sailing, whether it’s because you don’t trust my navigational skills or whatever the excuse, we could just stay anchored close to the island, and enjoy a quiet romantic day on the yacht’s deck sunbathing. Does that appeal to you?” Nick asked as he drew her into his arms again.

Blue pushed him away. It did sound farfetched that someone could be allergic to seawater, she admitted, but she was in no mood to defend herself. Being on the yacht was still appealing, as it was surrounded by seawater. It was just a pity that she would not be sunbathing with the sexy prince, she thought somberly.

“Fine. I’ll go with you!” she finally sighed.

“Wonderful,” he said and hurriedly added, “I’m looking forward to seeing you in a bikini.” A mischievous glint sparkled in his eyes. “Or you could come without it. I really won’t mind.” He winked at her.

She wanted to puke.

He ignored her look of disgust because he was determined that after tomorrow, she would have a different look on her face. One of devotion. He would show her such a good time that she would certainly be leaving his yacht without her bikini. The thought sent a thrill up his spine. The future was looking brighter, and he could hardly curb his excitement.

“Mr. Rodgers...”

“Please, call me Nick!” he whispered breathlessly.

She forced a smile. “Thank you for the lovely evening, but I really should be going.” She was just about to leave when she remembered something. “Oh, before I go, I need to ask you something.”

“But you can’t go, you haven’t tried our delicious cultural dishes, like the pap and boerewors, or the steaming potjiekos, not to mention the meats that have been cooking on the spit all day, and all for your delight.”

“I don’t eat meat,” Blue responded, anxious to get answers.

“Well, we do have a few delicious vegetarian dishes on our menu. One of my Chefs swears by his dishes and will have you begging for more. Come, you must try them,” he pleaded. His persuasive techniques were a little rusty as he was not used to having to force women to remain in his company.

“Maybe some other time.”

She looked simply irresistible, and it took every bit of strength to keep himself from pulling her back and holding her until the sun rose. That was an idea, he smiled. Tomorrow he would have his chance. Tonight, however, he would have to work on his patience. ’What was it that you wanted to ask?” he asked.

“Those two men we were with earlier, do you know them?” It was strange that he hadn’t mentioned that the man was a prince. Maybe he wasn’t aware of the fact. Maybe the prince was here secretly.

“No, actually I have never had the pleasure, why?”

“The one person called the other, “Your Highness,” Blue informed him.

This information certainly surprised Nick. “I certainly have no royalty on my guest list,” he replied matter-of-factly. “They were probably just trying to impress you,” he added.

Blue nodded but remained unconvinced.

“Okay, well, I’m going now.” With a nod, she turned to walk away, lost in thought.

“Let me at least walk you to your door,” he offered but she abruptly turned him down. “Thanks, but I need to clear my head.” When he was about to protest, she quickly added, “besides, you have guests to attend to,” she reminded him.

“You have a point. Well, see you tomorrow then.”

Nodding, she turned and strolled off.

Nick sighed regretfully before heading back towards the hotel.

As Blue walked along the beach, she silently cursed herself for not accepting Nick’s offer for dinner. She was starving. Why did she have this urgency to get away from him? It was as if every cell in her body protested being near to him.

Dowen’s step faltered a little as he walked, as troubling thoughts stole his focus. There was something strange about Blue that he could not quite put his finger on. And there was a distinct pull he felt when near her. Was it just her beauty? Could he be that fickle? He tried hard to shove out any further thoughts about the woman, but the harder he tried, the more they rebelliously stuck around. Thinking about her drained him of all clarity. Was he lovesick? Absurd, he had only met the woman once. Yet, somehow, his reason for leaving the sea seemed less important now as every part of him wanted to be near her. Desire filled him to his core and his very reason for existence suddenly seemed to point to her. But that was impossible. She was a human. Yet, that fact failed to quench his desire or need to be with her. He rolled her name around his tongue over and over and then cursed himself for being foolish enough to fall for a human. “Absolutely and utterly ridiculous!” he snarled at himself.

“Your Highness?” Dino was traipsing along behind him, stumbling every now and again over something.

“Dino, what did you think of Blue?” Dowen had no intentions of revealing his true feelings to his loyal companion, but he did wish to clarify a few emotions he did not understand.

“Sire, she was extremely attractive for a human,” he replied honestly. It was a fact that mermaids were the most beautiful creatures to exist. “And she seemed, well, I’m not sure, almost approachable. And did you notice how well she could see at night? Her eyesight is almost as good as ours...” He trailed off in mid-sentence as he stumbled over a loose rock.

“Dino, watch where you’re going! The way you’re stumbling over everything, you wouldn’t say you were a merman,” Dowen rebuked. Then he added, “yes, she could see quite well.”

“It’s amazing actually. I had no idea that humans were so like us,” Dino expressed earnestly.

Dowen pondered on that thought and wished he knew more about their kind. Blue would be quite an interesting subject. This thought suddenly gave him an idea and conveniently released him from any guilt he felt for breaking the law of the sea by coming on land. Even though he wasn’t an appointed merman land official he would appoint himself as one and then study their ways, for educational purposes. The sea needed protection, especially considering what he had overheard Blue mentioning about the dangers the sea was facing. He had to learn more. But he also had to find the people who killed his parents, that goal would never change.

Copyright © 2022 Ursula Graetz

My book is also available on Webnovel