
Blue Pearl

Just met by chance. I went with him to the hospital.. I was confused and frustrated what the hell happened all of sudden. I was holding his hand when one of the doctor was putting all those needles in his hand. We reached to the hospital and they told me to wait outside I sat down there on the bench looking at my hand which was covered with blood. "please don't hurt me" it was starting again. I quickly ran to the bathroom and washed of the blood. I looked at the mirror "dad" I saw him behind me with the rod he use to beat me with I turned around but there was nothing.. I felt like somebody was choking me I sat there for sometime try to catch my breath. When I came out I found namjoon near the receipter

noami_medow · Prominente
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7 Chs

chapter 7

Chapter 7

"what are you doing" namjoon asked while taking out a water bottle from the fridge.

"you are back.. Where did you go?" I asked him although knowing where he went.

"just to meet jimin he is not well." he told while opening the bottle.

"oh" I said being totally clueless.

"did you made these" he asked while picking one of the cupcake which had blue frosting above with some star sprinkled on them.

"ya..i was just bored so I asked jin oppa if I can make something"i told him takeing out the try from the oven.

"wa they really good" he said with mouth full .


It was silently for some moments namjoon was just looking around.

'should I ask.. Nah forget it'


"hmm.. "

"umm.. Who is jimin?"

"ah my friend why?" he asked being curious.

"of course he is your friend..i mean how do you know him"

He was looking at me. "we are in same college..you know him"

"what anniyo... How would I know him.." I chuckled and hanged my apron on the hook.

'you shouldn't have asked him.. Stupied'

I was about to go but he stopped me.

"you do know him don't you" namjoon asked with concerned eyes.

I was looking at him.

"how do you know him." he asked me in serious tone.

'why is he being like that can I not know him'

"Aera please tell me how do you know him"

He again asked me.

"are close to him" I asked him.

"ya..why are you asking that"

"well if you are close you might know me then" I said

Namjoon pov

I looked at her confused...

What did she mean?who is she?

When all of sudden the door flew open revealing jimin.

"jimin what are you doing here?you are suppose to be in the hospital" I asked him confused

"I didn't feel like being there anymore and my head is also fine so ya I ca_"he noticed Aera while taking out a water bottle.. He was looking at her and so was she.

"what are you doing here?" he asked her

She did not give any response.

"hyung what is she doing here?" jimin asked me.

Jimin asked me being shocked.

"ah.. I just called her over"i told him.

He was looking at me I couldn't figure out what was his emotion right now.

"I am going to my room" he said and went without any other word.

She stood there looking towards the door.

"namjoon I forgot.. something at my house... And I also have to feed Mimi.. I will com...come later" she said and picked up her bag and left without looking at me.

No you won't . Before she could open the main door I held her hand.

"you are not going anywhere just because of him"

Aera's pov

"who said I was going because of him? I told you I have to feed Mimi" I told him

"fine I will go with you" he said and took me to his car.

"namjoon I can go it's quite late go back home" I said trying get my hand out from his grip because it was hurting.

He didn't say anything and kept walking toward his car he opened the door and made me to sit on the passenger seat while he came and started the car.

I didn't say anything else.

Jimin's pov

I went to my room and closed the door.

Shit I am dead.. How does hyung know her? What if she had already told about everything or no wait I haven't told her yet but what if she had already told about Chan and suho?

Aaahh what should I do. They don't even study together how does he know her?

I sat on my bed tearing my hair apart. .

Jin hyung! Maybe he knows something.

I ran down in the kitchen. Jin hyung was arranging groceries in the cupboard

"hyung" I called him out

He looked at me with wide eyes


he shouted at me .

"I am fine hyung don't worry about me"

I told him trying to convince him.

"hyung.. Namjoon hyung brought a girl with him right now.. Right"

"oh Aera ya he did so? "

"hyung how does namjoon hyung know about her are they together?"

"I don't know much but I only know that they use to study together in library and well ya that's it's I think" he said

Since when are they studying? What should I do now.

"are you alright?" Jin hyung asked confused

"ya I am fine" I told him and turned to go back to my room

"by the way where did they both go all of sudden" jin hyung asked

"I don't know they went somewhere with car" I told him and went to my room closing the door I called Chan.

"hello Chan"

"ya jimin"

"um..i just wanted ask when do you need her"

"who Aera?"


"oh wait let me see... Next week..why?"

"oh Ahhhh.. Can we change the girl?"


"can we not use her can we make someone else for this time"

"we had a deal jimin?!"

"I know it's just—"

"have you fallen for her again.. Jimin I told you that i want the girl or you know what will happen..get me the girl.thats it"

"Chan please I can't I need time"

"fine only one week time.. I only want her"


Beep beep beep

Damn it!!

He threw his phone accrossed the room and sat on his bed moving his hand through his hair due to frustration.

Namjoon hyung why did you mess up everything.