


That Bastard! I ran up the stairs as fast as I could. I have to get to Aimee, I have a very bad feeling. I reached the top of the stair and breathe a sigh of relief. She was safe, sitting on the couch, with two barriers around her. Wait! Two barriers? I can't even do that. How is she doing that? She had one around her and the two guards. The other was tighter around her.

"Aims, are you okay?" I said softly as I start getting closer. Her eyes snap at me as I come through the barrier. She reaches for me as she breaks down into tears. She was always quiet when she cried, with just a few sniffles and very rarely a sob. Right now, she is crying uncontrollably. I wrap my arms around her tightly. I motion for the guards to leave us. Rocking her in my arms, I said "I'm here, talk to me? Please baby." Her sobs slowed down and her tears stopped.

She looked at me and stammered out, "That was Alester, wasn't it?"

"Yes my love, it was." I growled out. That sent her into another round of sobs.

She calmed enough to talk again, "He flashed in here right as I got to the couch. The only thought I had was to keep him from getting to me. So, I put my barrier up around the guards and me." she said. She started to calm down so I pulled back to look at her.

"Aims, did you know that you put up two barriers?" I asked rubbing small circles on the small of her back.

Her eyes go wide, " I what? Two barriers? Really?" she asked confused and amazed at the same time, just as I was when I saw it.

I nod and said "Yes, there were two." she smiled proudly. "Are you okay now?" I asked.

"Yeah but I'm still a little shook up." she said visibly shuddering at whatever thought came to her mind.

"We should ask Nichole about this. She might know why you had two barriers." I said as I stood, holding my hand out to help her from the couch.

"Good idea." she said taking my hand and rising from the couch. I intertwined our fingers and brought her close to me as we went to look for Nichole.

Aimee POV

I was completely drained emotionally after all that. I didn't tell Sam what Alester said to me. I don't want him running off to try and kill him. He would probably get hurt, not that I don't think he isn't strong enough to. I need to start my training as soon as possible. I tell him after I am prepared to stand by his side and fight.

We found Nichole in the packhouse kitchen with my mom. I felt bad for having to interrupt the lively conversation, but this was important. "Hey, Nichole. we need your help with something." I said walking over to stand by my mom, grasping her hand. I need her comfort right now. Sam came to join me and placed a reassuring hand on the small of my back.

"Sure Aimee, what is it?" she asked turning to give me her full attention.

I cleared my throat and stood a little straighter, trying to hide my anxiety. "Alester was here. he disguised himself as a werewolf to get close to me." I said, at that moment she held her hand up to stop me.

"My sister Natalia did that." she stated definitively. "Did he get any of your blood?" she asked with a more serious tone and stern expression. I lowered my head, not answering her. She just nodded. "That is going to make it easier to find you. Your cloaking ability is now null and void." she said matter-of-factly. She gestured for me to continue.

"After I ran away from him, he flashed to me. As soon as I saw him, I put up a barrier around me and the guards. He left just before Sam came up the stairs. I was still inside it when he got to me. Sam said that there were two barriers. One around me and the guards and another one tight around only me." I finished. I looked at Sam and my mom before focusing back on Nichole. She sat there nodding with her chin in her hand like she was thinking.

"The second barrier was put up by someone else." she said.

I immediately look to Sam, it had to be him. We are the only ones that have these powers. He looked at me, shook his head, and shrugged.

"It wasn't me, my love. Though I wish I would have thought of that when he flashed away. I thought he had left all together." Sam said. My eyes snapped back to Nichole with a question I couldn't bring myself to ask.

"Well." Nichole said them pausing, looking at my mom before scanning her eyes over me and Sam. A wide smile spread across her face. "Only one thing can explain this then." she said pausing again, this time for a dramatic effect. Her eyes light up when they meet mine, she glanced to my abdomen before looking at me again.

"What is it? tell us already." Sam spoke up breaking the silence. She came up to us and grabbed each of our shoulders.

"Congratulations, You're pregnant." she squealed happily.

"I, What? So, I'm?" was all I could say. My hands instinctively went to my belly. Hello, there little one. Did you want to protect mommy? I thought as I rub my belly. I look at Sam who is mirroring the pure happiness I am. "How? It's only been less than 24 hours since..." I trail off blushing brightly at the thoughts of last night. Although it seemed fast I'm sure we will get more practice.

"Well you are a werewolf and a blue moon wolf. So, all you needed was one time with your mate." Nichole said snapping me out of my daze.

"That is why Alester wants you. He will try to kill Sam, like he has done with your ancestors. Only you can give him the hybrids he desires. The others fought till their deaths or died after being captured." Nichole said. I shuddered at the mere thought of Alester trying to make me bare his hybrids. "Now that you have mated and become pregnant, Alester cannot harm you or your child. He can find you in a heartbeat but, your child's barrier is much stronger than yours." Nichole informed us, easing the tension a little.

"Tomorrow we will start your training. Before you ask, of course I will be training your child as well." she said. I stand to leave but my mom grabs my arm.

"Wait honey, not so fast." she said smiling. "We have to tell the pack and plan a celebration for this great news." she said excitedly. I groaned a little, tired and frustrated. My stomach interjected with a growl.

Sam chuckled at me, "Let me feed these two before you start planning." he said going to the frig. I sat back down next to my mom and watched him cook.