
My first loyal warrior

Aimee POV

Sam called the new female to his office this morning to talk to her and assign her a job. He can tell if someone is lying so, I allowed him to go on without me. I took a soothing bath while I waited to find out what was going to happen to her. By the time I was done with my bath and dressed Sam was entering our room.

"Aims, good news. She is one of the most honest wolves I've ever met. Her name is Aniya Summers. She will be your new guard and self-defense trainer." He said as he sat on the edge of our bed.

I leaned over and hugged him tightly. "Where is she?" I asked.

"She is waiting outside. We both have to agree to allow her in the pack before she is officially a member." He said getting up and heading towards the door. He opened it as soon as his hand touched the knob.

Aniya walked in and kneeled in front of me. "My Luna. I pledge my life to you, to my Alpha, and to the pack. Will you accept me?" She asked.

"Yes." I said without hesitation and wrapped her in a hug. I felt her flinch from the surprise embrace at first then she relaxed into it. I could feel her and her pups connect with the pack. "Welcome to Full Moon. We will have a banquet in a few days to celebrate your arrival." I declared as I brought her away from me to look at her.

"Thank you my Luna." She said with a smile.

Later that afternoon we walked around the gardens and talked about her old pack, mate, and pups. I told her about my life and that I was the special wolf to unite our kind. She knew from the day we met in the woods who I was. She said she could feel it and she knew I was pregnant by my smell. I giggled at the way she was so alert and watchful. Other than Sam and our parents no one has coddled me this way. I rather enjoyed it.

After dinner, we sat down in my office to discuss the upcoming training. Nichole joined us because she needed to meet this warrior of mine and coordinate my training. Neither one of them wanted to wear me out. Sam came in to check on our progress to find me asleep on the couch and Nichole and Aniya drinking tea and going over a book about Alester.

"Oh Sam, when did you get here?" I asked as I stretched from my little unexpected nap.

"Just now my love." He said as he knelt beside me. He looked over at the girls, "where did you find that?" He asked pointing at a book.

"It's a book I stole a long time ago from the vampire royal library." Nichole responded. "I felt the head of the queen's guard should know about her absolute enemy. I'll leave it for you all to read it. Since the last Blue Moon wolf was born I have collected a lot of things to fight that blood-sucking bastard." She said with such fury I swore I saw heat radiate from her.

"Thank you, Nichole." I said sitting up.

"No need for thanks. I treasure your existence as much as Selene does. It is my duty as her closest friend." She said with a bow and left the office.

Aniya came to my side and bowed. "My Luna I must retire to attend the pups. I will be here tomorrow morning to do our training." She left after I nodded in approval.

Sam quickly picked me up and took me to our room. He laid me down softly and crawled in next to me. I was instantly surrounded by his scent and swiftly fell asleep again, this time in his arms.

I had no dreams last night however I did wake up with a foreboding feeling. Sam felt me stirring and woke up shortly after I left the bed. He joined me in the shower and dried my hair afterward. Once we finished our morning routine we headed downstairs to the kitchen. My mom had made breakfast for the family, Aniya and her pups, the beta and his family. She had just finished making my plate when we walked in. Aniya quickly pulled my chair out for me as my mom set the plate down. That earned her a low possessive growl from Sam, she stuck her tongue out. I just giggled and rubbed Sam's back to soothe him while I sat down.

"Mom, this smells delicious. I don't think I'll be able to finish it all." I said looking at the mountain of food my mother had placed before me.

"Don't worry, Dear One you will finish it. You are eating for more than just you anymore." she said beaming with the thoughts of her grandchild.

Since I gained all this knowledge I have been storing these warm and lively moments to strengthen our bonds and make us stronger. At that moment I saw Anyia's and Sam's eyes gray over receiving a mind link. I turned to bring a fork full of food up to my mouth. When out of nowhere Sam smacks the fork out of my hand and scoops me up in his arms. Anyia was already in front of us on alert.

"What is it? What's going on? I was going to eat that you know?" I asked quickly.

"Some uninvited guest." he said walking us towards his office. "Aniya take the Luna and everyone to the safe room that I showed you yesterday." he ordered and handed me off to Aniya. He kissed my forehead and took off out of the packhouse.

"Wait!!" I yelled but he was already gone.

Aniya lifted a painting we were standing by and placed her hand on the wall. the wall opened up to stairs leading down. We all went in and it shut behind us. An alert sounded on our phones warning the rest of the pack to get in their rooms. I had no idea we were on that high alert this whole time. It wasn't long before we reached the room. It was huge! There was a wall covered in monitors, a control desk, there was a bed, a big comfy couch, and several comfy chairs. Anyia gently placed me in the biggest chair facing the monitors. Everyone else found a place to sit and the pup found some toys to play with. Aniya sat down at the control desk and started flipping through cameras searching for Sam. My mom and Sam's mom came up to hold my hands and watch with me.

"I found them!" she yipped, making the three of us jump.