
Blue Lock: Genius

In the World of Football... It is possible to produce elite goalkeepers, defenders, and midfielders. However, the same cannot be said of strikers. After all, a first-rate striker is one... Who appears in Football's Most Critical Moment. Japan's New Genius, Keisuke Takeyama, takes on the challenge of Blue Lock

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Team V vs Team Y

Fifth Stratum Game 7

Team V vs Team Y


"Alright this our third game we'll be going with the same formation as last time:


GK: Shitty Servant #1

DF: Shitty Servant #2-#5

DMF: Shitty Servant #6 & #7

AMF: Hiori & Kurona

FW: Ishikari & Keisuke

And let's tryout our new combinations, I want to finish this game quick I'm hungry." Said Keiuske as he rubbed his stomach on his way out.


Everybody just stared at Keisuke confused at his speech.

'Oi, we all have to actually try you dumbass.' Everybody thought at his extremely arrogant speech.

"I mean although what he said isn't the best way of saying it, it doesn't mean he isn't right. We've won every game with ease because of him. So let's just win as fast as possible." Said Kurona as stood up and walked out after Keisuke.


"Hello, my name is Yukimiya Kenyu and your name is Takeyama Keisuke, right?" Asked the boy with glasses opposite to Keisuke with his hand out.

"Yes... I am Takeyama Keisuke, Yukimiya." Said Keisuke weirded out by the sudden politeness.

"Ah, did I weird you out, sorry. I just wanted to meet the best player in this stratum according to the goal tally." Yukimiya said with a bright smile.

"I am? I mean it makes sense doesn't it? I am the strongest here, but if you can score today maybe I'll consider you a bit strong." Keisuke said with smug smirk that can piss anybody off.

"Ah, yes. I think I'll most definitely score today." Said Yukimiya a bit angry as he walked away.

Before Keisuke could start laughing he got slapped in the back by Kurona.

"You should really stop antagonizing everybody you see, Keisuke." Said Kurona as he disappointingly stared at Keisuke.

"Why should I stop? If it makes them stronger, then then I'll have more fun crushing them." Said Keisuke as he smirked at Kurona.

"I guess it is true what they say about geniuses. You geniuses are really weird" Said Kurona as he walked away.

'Am I weird?' Keisuke asked himself.


Team V vs Team Y


Start of 1st Half

The first half started with the ball in Team Y's possession with them playing in a slow tempo passing the ball around in the back.

"Oi, if you're going to talk shit then you better not play like a fucking weakling-." Said Keisuke as he stole the ball from a midfielder from behind.

As soon as Keisuke took off nobody could stop him from his rampage.

He blitzed through all of the opponents with pure speed and body feints.

He then swung his foot at an incredible speed before the goalkeeper could reach him.

Team V 1-0 Team Y

"If scoring a goal against you is this easy then I'll get bored quickly." Keisuke coldly said staring at Yukimiya while everybody hugged him.

'So this guy is the strongest in the stratum.' Thought Yukimiya as he gritted his teeth after having just seen his strength.

The game restarted soon after with the ball in Team V's possession. Except this time instead of passing the ball back Yukimiya decided to attack.

Right after Yukimiya took off Kurona decided to mark him.

"Don't think it's so easy to get pass our defense." Declared Kurona as he blocked Yukimiya's path.

Yukimiya then paused his movements as he pulled the ball back.

Kurona then attemped to steal the ball as Yukimiya dribbled to the left.

Kurona ended up missing as Yukimiya did a ball roll to the right and charged towards the goal as he next got blocked by Hiori and quickly got past him with a step over.

He easily dribbled through the rest of Team V and shot the ball into the bottom right corner.

Team V 1-1 Team Y

'That's more like it, Yukimiya.' Thought Keisuke excitedly as he saw Yukimiya score a solo goal.

"Hey Keisuke, didn't I tell you to stop antagonizing these guys. You're making it harder for us to defend." Complained Kurona.

"Don't worry I just wanted to give him a taste of victory before I destroy him. It's more enjoyable this way." Said Keisuke as he walked towards the ball.

The game restarted with Keisuke passing the ball to Ishikari who then passed it to Hiori.

Hiori then saw Keisuke who took off at full speed right after the whistle was blown, so he then unleashed a 40 meter pass to the right side of edge of the box surprising everybody.

A Team Y defender who saw the ball coming his way was about to clear it when all of sudden he saw Keisuke leaping towards the ball.

Keisuke who was in mid-air trapped the ball with a soft touch and then once he landed he kicked the ball with his right foot and gave it an outside spin.

Team V 2-1 Team Y




"Settle down, let's just finish this match." Said Keisuke as walked back to his half.

"Hey Hiori, is just me or does Keisuke look angry." Kurona asked Keisuke as he stared at Keisuke's back.

"I think he might be mad or he's just really hungry." Hiori deadpanned.

"Ah... Yes, you're probably right."

The game restarted once again with the ball in Team Y's possession. The game was stuck in a slow tempo for while until Yukimiya decided to start another attack by himself in the 30th minute.

Quickly Yukimiya took Team V's defense on the left and cut inside and before he could shoot Keisuke slid in blocking the ball.

The ball fortunately landed near Kurona who then trapped the ball, and the counter attack started on the wing led by Kurona.

Kurona ran down the right wing at full speed getting past the opponents on the wing when he suddenly cut into the middle and crossed the ball to the left side of the box.

Once the ball was in the air everybody thought that Ishikari was going to head the ball only to find out that the ball went over Ishikari's head to Keisuke.

Keisuke had jumped into the air and stabilized his position mid-air to leave himself enough time to header the ball into the bottom right corner.

Team V 3-1 Team Y




"WE WON!!!"

The game restarted after Keisuke's hattrick with the ball in Team Y's possession and with Yukimiya starting another attack by himself in the 40th minute.

Only this time Yukimiya dribbling style looked completely different instead of using the space between a 1-on-1. He's cutting between the spaces where friends and foes are scattered. So he's simply... Running through people as if he's dodging obstacles...

A dribbling style... From street football!

"Out of the way. I don't have time for you."

Just as Yukimiya was about shoot... Keisuke slid in his path and blocked his shot.

"HAH?!" Yelled out Yukimiya as he had thought he had found a way to score.

"If you can't see me coming, then what are those glasses for?"

Keisuke took off with the ball and passed it to Hiori.

As soon as Hiori got the ball he wanted to pull of a counter attack only to find out that most opponent's didn't attack along side Yukimiya, so he decided to pass it back to Keisuke who was on the left sideline.

'Figuring out what Zidane said... If only it was that easy.'

Keisuke slowly started dribbling diagonally towards the box when he swung his right foot from 30m out kicking the ball into the top right corner.

Team V 4-1 Team Y

Right after the ball entered the goal the whistle blew ending the first half.



End of 1st Half


(Flashback 1 Year Ago)

In a empty Real Madrid training pitch Keisuke can be spotted training alongside Zinedine Zidane.

"In order to know what you did you must first improve as a player, so that way when you enter that state you can control it."

"Then what?"

"Then once you improve as a player you must then know how it was that you got into that state. Once you get both those down you watch replays of yourself to see what exactly it is your doing. Remember every player's talent is different, but it can also be similar..."

"Once you do that you'll truly be among the best."

(Flashback End)


'I'm so close to joining the strong.'

'Let's finish this thing quickly.'

'Let's destroy everything.'

Start of 2nd Half

"Be quick Hiori."

The game restarted with Keisuke passing the ball to Hiori. Keisuke took off and received the ball back from Hiori.

As soon as Keisuke recieved the ball he took a pause and looked at his surroundings noticing something different.

'Ah... I can see it now... This is what Zidane meant... To control it... I've been entering this state subconsciously.'

'Now I'm in control.'

Keisuke took off with a incredible speed that was faster than before. A opponent quickly ran up to him to stop him.

"You're my first guinea pig." Keisuke excitedly said scaring the opponent.

Keisuke slowed down instantly and moved the ball to the side tempting the opponent to close in. As soon as the opponent moved forward Keisuke nutmegged him.

'1 down 6 more to go.'

The next player quickly ran up to Keisuke, but Keisuke swiftly lifted the ball over the opponent's head.

'2 down the only left are the defense.'

Keisuke ran forward towards the defender and feinted towards the left and then exploded to the right dropping the defender.

'I can feel every muscle in my body. I can fully control my whole body.'

The next defender came from his left as they tried to push him down. Keisuke immediately did a shoulder block with 100% of his strength that is physically impossible, but because of the state he's in he can go over his limits.

'I get it now... I'm not just in full control of my body, but I can also use my body at 100%.'

Pushing the defender off with his shoulder he quickly analyzed his surroundings and realized that he can sense where everybody is and can even see the best path towards the goal.

'I can also use my brain at 100%.'

Keisuke then took off at an blinding speed breezing past the rest the of the defense and swung his foot at the ball towards the top left corner.

Team V 5-1 Team Y

'This is what I've been looking for... I can surpass my original potential in this state. If I can implement this into my regular state then I'll have everything I need in my arsenal.'




"That was the first step into becoming the best in the world." Keisuke said with an aura around him that surprised everybody as he clenched his fist.

"Let's keep going I wanna have some fun." Keisuke said smirking.

'Huh...? What the hell was that...?' Yukimiya thought as he stared at Keisuke.

The game restarted with Yukimiya about to launch another attack, but before he could accelerate Keisuke was already stealing the ball from him.

"Try to keep up Hiori." Keisuke said as he passed the ball to Hiori as he kept running forward.

Hiori kept up with Keisuke as they started trading passes once they got past the halfway line Keisuke passed the ball to Kurona who was nearby.

Keisuke immediately took off leaving Kurona and Hiori behind as he ran through the opponent's using his new off-the-ball movements.

'Just like Otoya did last game.' Thought Hiori.

Hiori then saw what Keisuke had been trying to do. He then sent long pass in front of Keisuke right outside the box.

Right as the ball was about to land in front Keisuke safely Yukimiya ran up from behind while somebody went to block Keisuke's path.

"I'll stop you." Yelled out Yukimiya

"Out of the way." Keisuke said as he put his hand behind blocking Yukimiya as he then trapped the ball towards the right avoiding the defender in his path.

Keisuke then swung his foot at the ball at blinding speed that was so fast that even the goalkeeper didn't even notice the ball entering the goal until the alarm went off.

Team V 6-1 Team Y

'This time the goal was possible because my vision in this state allowed me to predict how everybody was moving. Which in the end led to the most efficient space.'

'I see... This how my brain would work at 100%. Then that means I need to get so used to it to the point I won't even need to be in this state to be able to do this.'




The game restarted with the ball in Team Y's possession and this time Team V didn't even press up. The game continued at slow tempo with nothing but dull plays going on. Meanwhile Keisuke used this time to test how much he can see and how well can he read the field.

Up until the 80th minute Keisuke was just wandering in the midfield passing the ball around. When all of a sudden he suddenly took off after he passed the ball to Kurona.

Kurona reacted quickly and took off behind Keisuke as he then passed the ball to Keisuke who had reached the final third.

'Let's see how much better my dribbling has gotten.'

Keisuke quickly started doing step overs once somebody went to block him as he then got past him.

'I can go faster than this.'

Keisuke then took off with an explosive acceleration and used his 100% control to keep the ball stuck to his feet. Keisuke then was swiftly moving through the defenders before the they could even see him.

From the point of view everybody else it looked like Keisuke was just surfing past everybody so fast yet so smoothly.

Once Keisuke reached the goalkeeper who had ran out instead of getting past him he just did rabona chip shot over the goalkeeper.

Team V 7-1 Team Y

'This is... Complete Dominance.'

After that goal Team Y was just too shocked to keep playing so once the game restarted nobody even tried doing anything anymore until the alarm went off.

End of Match

Fifth Stratum Game 7

Winner: Team V


"Thus concludes the seventh and eighth match in the fifth stratum. See the screen for the results and current standings"

Game 7 Team V 7-1 Team Y

Game 8 Team W 4-0 Team Z

1st Team V 9 Points Goal Diff. +12

2nd Team W 7 Points Goal Diff. +4

3rd Team X 4 Points Goal Diff. -1

4th Team Y 3 Points Goal Diff. -6

5th Team Z 0 Points Goal Diff. -9


Blue Lock Observation Center

In a room Anri could be seen watching the replays over and over.

"Ego-san... What was that...? How is a player even capable of that...?" Said Anri shocked after having watched the replays of Keisuke's goals.

"That Anri-chan is an example of when a play enters into the state of flow. However, how he entered flow at will and what exactly it is that he did when in flow... Even I don't know, but what I do know for sure is that Takeyama Keisuke is one of a kind and that he is a true genius."