
Blue lock: Emperor Play

A boy watching a friendly football match got approached by a creepy guy. They both didn't realize that this coincidental meeting will become an important key to both of their dreams.

Kaiserz · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 4: The name's Enryu Kaiser. Nice to meet you, football world.

Chapter 4: The name's Enryu Kaiser. Nice to meet you, football world.

[3435 words 🍑 chapter]

|3rd person pov|

After the three reached the room, the number on the ranking device attached on their uniform changed.

Kaiser's ranking have gone up to 265th earning a praise from his teammates. Well, not all of them as the guy named Raichi just clicked his tongue clearly annoyed on getting surpassed by a newbie.

They all pretty much guessed that he would inevitably rank higher than them since it's obvious just from watching him break records upon records during endurance tests.

It won't even surprise them if he actually broke multiple guinness world records.

For example, his vertical jump alone is a whopping 167.1 cm (65.7 inches).

According to Kuon who actually remembers the world record of jumping somehow because he googled it one time, his jump was 2 cm higher than the record which is 165.1 cm (65 inches) if he remembered correctly.

Seeing his ranking, Kaiser, with his genius mind, have already seen through Ego's plans though he didn't bother revealing them for his own fun since he knows that it's vital for making his teammate's egos bloom which is the project's main goal.

Though of course this didn't stopped him from smiling knowingly and smugly at the monitor where he knew Ego is watching him through it warily getting ready to stop him from giving vital information to his teammates.

After a couple of minutes, Ego then appeared on the screen ignoring Kaiser before he explained that 25 players have been expelled from the facility shattering his not so smart teammate's delusions of actually ranking up from the bottom ranks.

Specially Igaguri who fell on his knees comically after figuring out that he is now the total last ranked player in the whole facility.

Although Kaiser and some of them chuckled as Ego used Kira's elimination video, which is him getting smacked on the back of his head by the ball as he fall face first on the ground, as his video example of the 'Lock out' individuals. What a cruel man.

After that, Ego declared that there's 2 hours left before their match as all of them goes to their team's locker room after finishing their breakfast and bath.

They then put on their team Z uniforms on top of their standard uniforms as they try to figure out what strategy and positions they will be playing for the match.

After some suggestions, they decided that the forward of their team will be decided by rock paper scissors and the other positions will be filled based on their ranks.

Kaiser then won as a bunch of complaints sounded from some of his teammates saying that letting a newbie as their striker will lessen their chances of winning.

Kaiser understands that their complaints are reasonable though he of course will not let go of the position since he obtained it through fair means.

After that, they did warm ups and random talks while waiting before Ego finally told them to go to the field.


|Isagi's pov|

*Thump thump*

*Thump thump*

I had my right hand on my chest as I felt my heartbeat speed up due to nervousness.

We are currently walking in a similar dark hallway leading to a football field.

'To be honest, I'm not expecting a game this soon...by the way, what did Ego mean by playing football from scratch? What's his plan?'

I wondered before kicking those thoughts out from my mind. I need to focus so distracting thoughts are not allowed.

Due to my rank, I will be playing on defence. It sucks but it's what we decided on so I have no choice but to follow it. And besides...

Looking at the guy who has mohawk for hair, I felt a little pity.

Iemon. Due to him losing in rock paper scissors, he will be playing as a goalie. Since this facility is built for strikers, being a goalie means that you won't get to score even if you have skills.

One could say that it's the worst position to have in this facility so...

Oh well, I don't have time to pity others.

I have my own predicament so I better focus on that.

We then reached the doors as we entered the field. It's already around 9 am so we felt the heat as the roofless football field entered our vision. Well, I mentioned roofless even though it's the norm since we are literally playing in a facility where all needs and activities are done inside a single building.

And at the same time...

"So that's team X..."

Kunigami spoke catching our attention as all of us turned towards the other entrance.

"*Whistle* Man, their entrance are so cool. We should also enter like that next time." A familiar nonchalant voice sounded as we turned to the source.

Kaiser had his hands on his shorts like it's inside a pocket composed as always.

'Give me some of that composure, man...' I thought enviously. I want to be as composed as him though my mind and body seems to not agree with that little wish of mine.

"Eh? What cha mean by that?" Asked Igaguri tilting his head.

"Well, you know, don't you see that they radiate some kinda black air force energy? We could've also entered like that if not for some of us being a bunch of bag full of nervousness." He said as his eyes drifted towards me and some of our teammates for a second before turning back.

Seeing that, I laughed awkwardly. I'm pretty sure I'm one of the 'bag full of nervousness' that he mentioned.

"Yeah, I agree. It would've been way cooler and we could've atleast gave some pressure to them." A deep voice came from behind me as Gagamaru agreed to Kai's words while doing his weird hand gestures.



I felt a slap on my back as Raichi also stepped forward before shouting.

"Yeah! The hell are ya sweating for, Isagi!? You too, Iemon! We just have to win, right!? What's there to be nervous about, you morons!" He encouraged us in his way agreeing to the other two.

"Well, we can fix all the minor problems after the game. For now, let's crush the team ahead of us."

Said Kai as we all nodded and got in our designated positions.


I exhaled a deep breath as I looked at the other team on the other side of the field.

'That's right. All we have to do is win. No need to be nervous. We might be in the last ranks but there's still a chance to win as long as we play this game right.'

After both of the teams got in their respective positions, Ego's voice sounded from the speakers.

[To assist with determining fouls, a VAR system will be used for this game.]

Video assistant referee...that's the thing that they used on 2018 world cup in russia if I remember correctly...

[Now, it's time for the first 45 minutes of fifth stratum's very first game!]

'I might be a low tier player, second to the last in all of the players of blue lock...but...'


'I just need to fight until I'm the last one standing!'


|3rd person pov|


"So, how do you wanna play this, Kai-chan?"

Asked Bachira while stepping on the ball. Due to his rank which is second only to Kaiser, he will be taking the supporting striker position who will partner up with Kaiser in scoring the goal.

After thinking for a second while observing the enemy team, Kaiser grinned as he answered.

"Let's do the "Kaiser version"."

"Gotcha~♪" Bachira then passed the ball to Kaiser lightly while humming starting the game.

During the 3 days of training, on Kaiser's suggestion, the 2 of them agreed to partner up with each other during games as they created and trained play patterns that can bring out each other's best play.

"Kaiser version" is one of the plays that they created during those 3 days and is one of the simplest but most effective play against a team purely made of strikers.

It's also the play that they trained the most as Bachira agreed to let Kaiser shine the most atleast for their first match so that doubts on him being a newbie and a baggage on the team will vanish.

After trapping the ball and stepping on it, he then proceeds to warm up first as three players of the enemy team approach him.

"Ah. Behind you, Kai-chan." Warned Bachira as Kaiser is still warming up moving his head to left right, and front back.


After he's done, his whole demeanor changed from carefree to battle ready before speaking as he got on a running stance a little.

"Run with all your might so that you can keep up with me, Bachira." Said Kaiser before using his left arm to block the approaching individual Bachira warned him of.

He already knew what was going on in his teammate's mind ever since Ego explained the way to pass even without your team. Knowing that, he was sure that some of them will steal the ball from his own teammate just for their own goal.

"I will be taking th- *Kuk!*" Raichi was about to speak attempting to steal the ball before he was surprised from Kaiser stretching his arm as it hits his chest with some force to block  him before running as he immediately left him in the dust.

He then fell on the ground as he groaned from the pain on his chest and clicks his tongue from his failed attempt realising that Kaiser already predicted what he will do.

"*Tsk!" Guess great minds do think alike huh!"

Seeing his state, the other team Z members kicked away the thoughts of stealing the ball from Kaiser out of their minds as they just ran forward hoping that a pass would come their way letting them score.

Kaiser ran for a few meters as the three defenders from before approaches him getting ready to steal the ball with the same thought: 'He's fast!'

With this thought, they tried to shake him up with some provocations.

"Looks like even your team wanna steal the ball from you. Poor boy."

"Wanna give the hot potato to us? We will take care of it."

"Just give up on winning, you team Z suckers."

Kaiser observes them for a second thinking on what he should do.

'Looks like the one in the middle is ready to slide tackle me huh...that will be a bit dangerous.' He thought before responding to their provocations.

"Befitting words for minor characters."

He at first thought that he should just ignore them like the mature minded he was but...

'I'm in blue lock. A facility where Egos clashes. A bit of trash talking is atleast needed to set up the mood.'

"Who are you calling!-"

Before one of them finished his useless comeback, he cut him off as he proceeds to pass the ball to the right where there's no player present.

'Where is he passing...' player A wondered as he traces the ball with his eyes.

He tried to run towards it thinking that it's a stray ball before an arm blocked him from going towards it.

Kaiser ran forward as he blocked the trios way towards the ball for a second which is enough for his partner to finally catch up.

"What a nasty pass, Kai-chan~" Bachira said as he caught the stray pass before dribbling forward as the other defenders approach him.

"Well, that's your fault for being slow...you know what to do, Bachira." He said before accelerating more.

Player A tried to hold on his shoulders to stop him from getting too far however...

"What the!-" His grip on Kaiser's shoulders immediately loosened and let go as if he tried to stop a moving train causing him to fall on the ground.


Ignoring him, the other 2 tried to stop Kaiser though it's no use since he is too fast for them.

Seeing that, one of them decides to just stand on the space between Bachira and Kaiser to prevent Bachira from passing flawlessly and to put pressure on him.

The defender who manned Bachira then proceeds to confront Bachira not knowing what kind of a dribbling monster he is.

Seeing only one defender going against him, Bachira grinned as he proceeds to do scissors while rolling the ball sometimes confusing the defender as he clicks his tongue.

"Nyahaha~♪ one defender is not enough to stop me, ya know~"

Said Bachira as he did a La croqueta baiting the defender to steal it before he proceeds to nutmeg him kicking the ball with his right foot between the legs of the defender as he ran passed him and made the defender fall on the ground.

"Pass, Bachira!" Shouted Kunigami who is on the left flank while being approached by one of the defenders.

However, Bachira didn't even looked at him as he proceeds to dribble the ball forward.

"Sorry Kunigami chan, this is Kai-chan's time to shine so there's no pass coming for you~"

Seeing his teammate falling, the one who tried to block their pass course tried to stop Bachira though to no avail as Bachira already gained a clear vision on where Kaiser is as he did a long pass towards him.


Seeing that, the player warned his teammates.

"Long pass incoming! Intercept it, you morons!"

Hearing that, 4 players approached Kaiser huddling him to obstruct him from approaching the ball's landing place leaving only two teammates and the goal keeper to catch the ball themselves while they hold Kaiser back.

Meanwhile, seeing the pass, the other team Z member glared and shouted at Bachira.

"What was that pass, Bachira! You clearly saw that Kaiser has no help there!"

"You fucking morooonnnnnn!!!"

"You and Kaiser deserve a punch if the ball gets stolen!!"

Towards team Z's complains, Bachira's only response is...


He sticks his tongue out as every single one of the complainers had a vein pop out on their forehead from anger at the weirdo.

Meanwhile, Kaiser, who is running while being huddled by 4 players is just staring at the ball approaching at a very fast pace.

After a second of observation, he decides that the distance was enough as he shook the crowd huddling him with his absurd physique causing two of them to fall on the ground as he got off them and ran near the goal where two people and the goalie is waiting for him.

However, to his irritation, the other two people who did not fall on the ground held onto each sides of his shoulders with all their might holding him back.

Seeing this, he charges nonetheless as he dragged both of them with him.

'I guess it's a stain on their pride if it only required two players to score on them...' he thought as the ball reached the height of around 15 feet.



He then jumped with so much force that the two koalas was forced to let go causing them to also fall on the ground like their other two teammates before.

"This is not enough to stop me."

At his words, the two who ate the ground has similar thoughts as they savour the taste of the grass on the field...

'This fucking monster!!!'

Although not as high, he still reached an astonishing height with his jump as the long pass was trapped by him smoothly.

After cutting its momentum, he then let himself and the ball fall on the ground before dribbling again as he finally entered the penalty area where three players, including the goal keeper, is waiting for him.

'That one's different...'

He thought as he saw one of the two players on the last line of defence.

A spiky haired and muscular guy stood waiting for him to approach.

From his instincts alone, he noticed that he is different from the rest of his team which is full of average players that can be passed easily as he stopped the ball before gesturing him to come at him for a one vs one with a grin.

Seeing that, the guy shoved the other player away.

"Get out of the way, peasant. I'll face these freak of nature alone."

He then approached him with full of weariness as he felt the threat that Kaiser carries.

Seeing that, Kaiser's grin widened before dribbling towards him slowly.

"This will be my very first official goal so I think it's befitting to atleast have a decent opponent as a last hurdle."

Hearing his words, the guy glared at him.

"Decent? Know who you are talking to, freak of nature. I'm the king of this field. I am way pass decent."

They then had a staring contest for a few seconds with the guy glaring at him while Kaiser looks at him with his chin up and a grin as if looking down on him.

After having enough of the staring contest, Kaiser proceeds to do multiple scissors while rolling the ball left to right and right to left in betweens.

In response, the spiky haired guy just waited for him to actually try getting pass him.

Noticing his intentions, Kaiser decided to change tactics a bit as he did multiple body feints before doing an elastico with his right foot towards the right side.

Seeing that as an opportunity, the spiky haired guy tried to tackle the ball away before clicking his tongue as Kaiser immediately chopped the ball back towards his left foot before using it to kick the ball in between his legs nutmegging him.

Kaiser then ran pass him towards the right side as the guy tried to catch up to him by holding his shoulder.

Due to the guy having a decent body, Kaiser wasn't able to shrug him off easily like the others.

"I guess you're really beyond decent...at being a fucking koala, that is. I'll call you the king of koalas from now on."

Kaiser trash talked him as he thought of using more force to leave his grips but decided against it since he wants to be a little flashy for his very first official goal.

Deciding what he would do in a split second, he did a rabona with his right foot as the ball goes backwards before he caught the ball with his left foot stopping it from its tracks faking the king of koalas once again as he chopped the ball away succesfully getting away from the extremely persistent king of koalas.


Before the guy got infront of him again, he proceeds to slide his right foot underneath the ball causing it to bounce up a little before he kicked it lightly up in the air towards the persistent koala as it reached around 15 feet.

"This is the end of the dance, you annoying king of koalas."

After saying that, he then stepped towards the guy before turning backwards making his back face him as he lifted his body with his right foot in a familiar bicycle posture.

"This is my debut as a football player so...might as well introduce myself..." He said while in the air.

"The name's Enryu Kaiser."

When the ball fell around 10 feet, he then kicked the ball towards the goal not holding back even a bit of his strength.

Meaning, the force backing the ball is a full powered kick from a superhuman who can jump 1 and a half plus meters in the air...


Due to his aim becoming obvious because of the difficulty of his shooting posture, the goalkeeper managed to extend his hand infront of the track of the ball...




However, contrary to everyone except Kaiser's expectations, the ball still flew inside of the goal as all of the goal keeper's extended hand was only able to do was alter the course of the ball a little bit before the sheer force behind the ball slapped his hand away as it entered the goal.

"Nice to meet you, football world."

[Team Z - 1|0 - Team X]







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I don't know if it's okay to put it there since I've never seen an author do that but whatever...



Drop stones or I start dropping bodies.
