
BLUE HOUR: The Primes

The story of ten magnificent beings. Merged and living in the same world. Despite their big differences and history. Samuel took the initiative to lead their team for a common purpose. And they are the first ever unity that came from both sides, either from evil or good. In this story, you will find how they will relate to and learn each other's culture. ᴅᴀᴛᴇ sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇᴅ: 09/03/22

SuitorofHell_v2 · Fantasie
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ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 11: ᴛʀᴇᴠᴏʀ

It's already past 5pm. A half an hour more and Trevor's shift for his new part time job will begin.

After taking a quick bath. Trevor hurried his way out of the dorm and made his way to the streets to find a taxi.

"Geez. Is it always this hard to find a ride?" Trevor mumbled to himself as he whips his head left and right. Waiting for a taxi to arrive.

Trevor decided to just go on foot. The public eatery he'll be working at isn't that far and only a few blocks away from the university dorms.

It took him atleast fifteen minutes to arrive at the public eatery. He quickly changed into his uniform and get started with his first ever real humany job.

Trevor began by serving drinks to customers and would also take their orders.

Slowly, the eatery gets more crowded than usual.

Maybe because some wanted to have an early dinner. But most of the customers were young. And clearly showed interest to the new worker at the eatery.

It's no doubt that Trevor have a natural beauty. Which may be the reason why the eatery attracted many customers on his first day of exposure among city people other than the college students at school.

Trevor had no idea at first why there were many young ladies swarming in the eatery. And most of them even requested him to serve for them.

When ladies began asking to take a picture with him. Trevor finally realized and even read from their minds that they find him very attractive.

He had to politely refuse saying it might affect his first day in the job. Besides. Trevor didn't wanna use his powers to his advantage again and want everything he'll gain from now on, be coming from his own hardships.

"I think I'm gonna keep you in! You raked in tons of customers for me!" His boss said to him when Trevor entered the kitchen to get bottles of sodas.

"Those people who came in tonight. They're a total of my one week customers! And you got them all to come within hours!" He added as he laughed and patted the sorcerer on his shoulder.

Trevor grimaced to himself when he caught a glimpse of his boss' dirty thoughts about him.

I should get use to this...

He thought and decided to just ignore him and return to his work.

A few hours later and the eatery gets more busier. Trevor finds it exhausting, nevertheless he was enjoying himself.

"Over here kid!!!" A newly arrived customer called for him.

A woman in an all black attire. Except for her black and white hair.

Her fitted dress, her nails. Even her high heels and her expensive-looking bag are all black.

She looks kind of elegant and somehow hip at the same time.

Trevor briefly dazed. Sensing something different from her.

She have the same aura as that guy...

He thought and remembered the guy who stalked him in the hallways during first day of class.

"May I take your order ma'am?" He asked politely and took out a notepad and a pen while flashing a smile.

"Any drink you can recommend?" She asked with a simple shrugg.

"Uhm... I'm kind'a new here. But, I'm pretty sure you'll like everything in our list." Trevor said and nervously chuckled. 

"Okay... I'm still waiting for my friend but he'll be here soon. You can just get me a glass of water for now!" She said and Trevor slightly bowed his head before leaving.

Trevor started to feel a little uncomfortable at her strange presence. He quickly went to the kitchen and got the customer a glass of water as her request.

But as soon as Trevor returned to her table, the man sitting across her gave Trevor the deadliest goosebump.

What's wrong with me!?

I thought I said I'll never let him win again!

But what the hell is this????

Why am I scared again?

The demon turned to look at him and casually waved with his fingers while wearing that sly smirk on his face. Eventually gesturing him to come close.

Trevor felt like he's gonna be sick. He became pale and very bothered-looking. He felt like wanting to cry and forget everything and ran away to never cross path with the demon ever again.

"I didn't believe her when she said you'll be here..." the man chuckled while looking at Trevor as if shooting holes in him.

"Now that my friend's here. Give him your best dish. It should be enough as his dessert after all those souls he had taken today." The girl said casually as if it was the most normal thing to say.

Trevor shot his eyes wide and looked at her with disbelief while the demon simply rolled his eyes.

"Rhian. Can we not talk about it in open place. This kid right here is clearly clueless." The man scoffed and crossed his arm.

"I-I'll get you your order." Trevor said and quickly sprinted back to the kitchen.

He was at least thankful that the demon did not harm him like he did when they first met.

Probably because the place is very crowded and many watches him since earlier.

Trevor brought them their best selling dish and attempted to leave right away after doing his job. But the woman; Rhian had beat him to it and said...

"We talked to your boss. Your shift for today is over so come sit with us." She said and the man patted on the empty spot beside him wuth a giddy expression.

Trevor quickly whipped his head to where his boss at.

At the counter, sneakily counting the money that Rhian paid him just to end Trevor's shift.

Trevor refuse to sit with both of them. But there are no other available seat except the two empty spaces beside each.

Trevor decided to just sit beside Rhian. Seeing it as the best choice instead of sitting beside the demon.

"Now that's offensive." He scoffed and started eating while the two just sat across him and waited for him to finish his meal.

"H-How did you find me?" Trevor asked with his head lowered to avoid both of their piercing gaze.

"I could hear you being the talk of the town even from my own house." She said and looked at the demon who had just finished eating.

"I assume you two know each other." She added.

"No!" "Yes!"

Trevor quickly squinted his eyes close when he felt how the demon harshly stared down at him with clear offense. If it wasn't for the other customers, this demon had already dragged him to hell.

"W-what do you want from me?" Trevor managed to ask.

"We should talk about this somewhere else. I hate we're gaining too much attention from your fans." The demon snickered and turned to the tables at the far corner where a group of girls had been sitting and watching them as if they're a CCTV camera.

"Get your things first." Rhian said and Trevor was quick to stand up and head to his locker to get his things.

He didn't know why exactly but he followed the demon and Rhian to a very luxurious lamborghini. Fashioned in a color of black matte.

The demon sat on the driver's seat while Rhian sat beside him. Leaving Trevor to the back seat.

The sorcerer tried to invade their minds but it was all clean and blank.

Like they know this skill of him that he can read minds.

He had no other choice but to wait. Somehow regretting that he followed them.

And eventually. They arrived at an old yet grand looking mansion. It's quite far from the suburbs and can be located very close to a forest.

"Where are we?" Trevor asked.

"You're in my house. So try not to do anything funny." Rhian said as she and the demon both got out of the car. Trevor doing the same and followed behind them.

The three entered the mansion and a loud voice could be heard coming from a certain place in the house.

"Stay away from me!!!" The same words were echoing all over the place.

"I assume that's the one you're talking about." The demon snickered and followed Rhian to where the screams are coming from.

Now that I thought about it...

Her scent is quite familiar.

She must be a pureblood vampire.

Trevor thought as he observe the woman from her back.

A few minutes later and they had arrived in a guest room where the screams are coming from.

"Blue." The woman said simply as she stood up in front of the door. Seconds later and another woman walked out of the room with a clearly exhausted expression.

She was surprised seeing both Trevor and the demon so she immediately retreated to her office the sooner she told her master what the problem is.

"Rhian! I told her to stay away! She kept coming close to me!!!" A panic voice came from the room as Rhian finally went in.

Trevor and the demon walked closer to the door to peek in. The sorcerer had to maintain a safe distance away from the demon.

"He's the angel of death?" The demon's question made Trevor looked up to him then to the boy wearing a very flabbergasted expression.

"The angel of death?! Like the grim reaper!?" Trevor shot the demon a question with a very bewildered expression.

"He looks nothing like it." The demon scoffed and leaned on the door frame with his arms crossed.

Trevor took his time to observe the boy once he had calmed down.

He has it all....

Every single traits he needed to prove himself as the angel of death.

But he doesn't want it....

He doesn't want everything...

Trevor couldn't help but felt a painful sensation upon reading the boy's mind.

He had a very unfair share of pain. And it's not the very nice story for someone who used to be bright as the sun. Unfair for someone whose life is dedicated to guide others to the light.

"So this is the guy who kills everyone who touches him. He looks weak for me!" The demon said with a grimace.

Blue immediately looked at him surprise. His eyes slowly welled up and felt ashamed at the same time.

"Hey kid! Didn't you know you could do something like that? You're the angel of death! You're suppose to know about it!" The demon slowly said with no sign of remorse.

"You should have taken responsibility for their death. You should've guided them all to the light after you stole their souls."

"Stop! You don't know anything!" Blue exclaimed and glowered at the demon.

"But I know one thing! You have a purpose. And a duty to fulfill! But here you are! Whining for your own faults and hiding!" The demon laughed as he came close and eye to eye with the boy.

"Yalex! What are you doing? You can't get near him! Stay back!" Rhian warned and held the demon on his shoulder to push him back but Yalex remained unperturbed.

Yalex?... That's not the very intimidating name for someone like him.

Trevor thought and briefly looked at Yalex who were clearly immersed at Blue.

"S-stay back! O-or I'll kill you!" Blue warned as he took one step back from Yalex.

Yalex let off a devilish chuckle. And without hesitation, he grabbed Blue by his hand causing the boy to panic and attempt to break free from him. But Yalex held him on place while glaring down at him with his now fiery red eyes.

"Try me if you can kill me!" The demon laughed.

"Fu**ing stop Yalex! This is not why I called you for!" Rhian yelled at him.

"Oh please! I'm doing exactly what you called me for! I'm teaching him a lesson!" Yalex harshly scoffed as he turned to briefly looked at Rhian.

"The road is made for people to walk on...."

"Not for you to run away from your duties..." the demon said directly to Blue with the clear attempt to offend him.

Eventually. Blue had started crying and tried to push the demon off but his emotions got to him first and it only made him more weak.

More vulnerable in front of a very strong and powerful dark being.

"I didn't want any of this! If you're so fu**ing powerful yourself then fu**ing take this all from me!!! I don't need it! I would never want it!!!" Blue yelled with pure rage and pain.

"Don't say that. You are chosen for this. Now you must do your part for receiving such a heavy duty." Trevor said to him calmly as he approached them.

Unlike earlier, Trevor held Yalex on his shoulder and gestured him to step back.

The demon furrowed his brows and stepped back anyway. Standing beside Rhian, both observing the black sorcerer and angel of death.

"This task is given to you for a reason. And I'm sorry that you had to pay a very hefty price for this when you never wanted it." Trevor stated.

His eyes were glowing purple as he re-invade the boy's mind. Trying to plug in some kind of hope. To help him calm down.

"But it's already here. And your duty is to serve its purpose. As far as I'm aware now, you have been doing a great job on it and you haven't even realized that at all." Trevor stated and lightly chuckled upon seeing fragments of images from his mind.

"W-what are you talking about?" Blue asked while wiping off his tears with his sleeves.

Something from Trevor made him feel calm and comfortable.

Unlike Yalex earlier. Whenever he's near. Blue felt like drowning in insecurities and resentment.

Usually, Blue would have feared for encountering dark beings like them. But looking at the black sorcerer and a pure demon felt like looking at ghosts. He doesn't even know that this two are such but it's not like it will scare him to find out.

Their action will just make sense to him. Like how a demon would really pull him down to the bottom until he gives up.

He had seen almost thousands of ghosts asking for directions. Blue would show them to a door that magically appears whenever he tries to think where he'll point for the ghost to go.

He found it weird at first. But soon got used to it not knowing what it means.

"You can trust them. This is Trevor and he's a sorcerer who knows many things about who and what you really are. And this is Yalex." Rhian said as he looked at the demon with a glare.

"He's a demon and he can teach you how to execute your very own role." She added and Blue suddenly pouted while playing with his fingers.

"I-I don't trust them... e-especially him..." he said and glowered at Yalex who simply raised a brow at him.

"Of course you don't! Which sane person would trust a demon?!" Trevor exclaimed with pure aggravation as he threw a grimace at the said demon.

"But you did!" Rhian chuckled.

"Hell no!!!" Trevor half yelled in defense.

"Yes you did. Otherwise you wouldn't allow him to mark you and claim you as his property!" Rhian stated upon rolling her eyes. And both Trevor and Yalex couldn't be more surprised.

But totally not so shocked after hearing her next statement.

"In simple words. You literally have a demon as your mate!"