
Blue dragon

You cannot withstand the storm, for I am the storm. This is the tale of a blue dragon causing upheaval in another world.

reader_on_world · Fantasie
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42 Chs



Time progressed calmly, and as the last wisp of breeze faded away, the heat of high summer swept over the wilderness.

During the afternoon's combat, fewer young dragons participated, and many more spectated. Some dragons, no matter how they fought, couldn't even secure a small victory. Despite their reluctance to accept it, they had to face the reality and give up competing within the dragon horde.

This time, Yongrong encountered an acquaintance in the first round, Kaiso Roderick. The sight of Yongrong turned the pureblood blue dragon's face sour. His wounds had only just healed, and the memory of the spherical lightning bolt from their last encounter was still fresh. After fluctuating between emotions, he ultimately chose to surrender, avoiding Yongrong at all costs.

Among these young dragons, Yongrong's strength had improved the fastest. But as per tradition, he didn't fight till the end, withdrawing early instead. This time, he didn't hurry back to his nest, choosing a spot with a good view to watch the entire event alongside Belron and Hel.

The semi-finals featured "Mountain Giant" Oser versus "Inferno" Kazan, and the other pair was "Emerald Green" Aisaria against "Bone Splitter" Posa.

Regardless of their satisfaction, these famous and powerful beings in the dragon horde had already been given nicknames by the younger dragons.

Oser and Kazan were the most powerful among the young dragons. Due to his weight, Oser might have had a slight edge over Kazan in sheer strength, but not by much. Kazan's ferocity wasn't just in his strength but also in his speed, stamina, and the breath of a red dragon. Everyone expected him to win easily.

But when they fought, Oser, slow and steady, waited for his moment to entangle with Kazan. Previously, Kazan could easily break free and counterattack, but this time he couldn't escape, his tail caught by Oser. He tried to kick Oser's face with his hind legs, but Oser, indifferent to the pain, held on tightly, using his massive body to overpower Kazan.

This was "Mountain Giant" Oser's usual way to victory. Normally, a young dragon would be incapacitated by such a move, with broken bones to boot. But Kazan was still Kazan, retaining enough strength to retaliate. In a desperate twist, he spewed a scorching flame stream.

Before, Kazan could only breathe conical flames, but this time, he released a huge fireball, similar to the spherical lightning Yongrong had once breathed. The fireball, with its intense heat, distorted the air around it.

The young dragons thought the battle was over, but Oser withstood the blow. His scales revealed a kaleidoscope of colors under the flames, briefly shielding him. After withstanding the initial impact, Oser used his horned head to strike at Kazan's exposed jaw, shattering his teeth. Kazan, in pain, ceased his fiery breath.

"Elemental resistance, noted. I concede," the restrained half-blood red dragon declared, without much regret. It was nearly impossible to remain undefeated in the dragon horde, and his exhaustion was evident. Injured and poisoned, his defeat was expected.

Kazan, having dominated the horde for a month, was satisfied with his strength. "I won't come tomorrow, need a good sleep. I'll be back in a few days to deal with you all," he grumbled.

Oser, with a triumphant smile, seemed a bit overwhelmed by the cheers, unsure whether to help Kazan up.

In contrast to the power struggle between Oser and Kazan, the fight between Aisaria and Posa was much more thrilling.

Posa, unique in combat skills among the young dragons, was hindered by his lineage. His small stature, barely four meters, made him seem almost of a different species compared to the larger dragons like Oser, Kazan, and Yongrong.

Known as "skeleton dragons" for their gaunt appearance, the black dragons' skin clung tightly to their bones, with hardly any muscle visible. Despite Posa's constant training, making him stronger than the average black dragon, he still fell short compared to the superior bloodlines of the blue and green dragons.

His only advantage was speed. Using the Gaklarasu combat technique, he could inflict severe injuries on his opponents in unpredictable ways, like he did on Aisaria's spine.

Yongrong had learned and practiced the Gaklarasu technique daily, but watching Posa apply it in real combat gave him new insights.

However, Posa eventually lost. Aisaria, realizing she couldn't match him in close combat, switched to elemental magic attacks. Posa, lacking offensive spells, could only breathe acid, which was less effective in dragon battles, unable to penetrate even unhardened scales.

The final battle saw "Mountain Giant" Oser against "Emerald Green" Aisaria. Oser, slow and cumbersome, was at a disadvantage. His breath attacks were easily dodged, and his elemental resistance was ineffective against Aisaria's venom, which could infiltrate through breathing. Paralyzed, he struggled to even stand, while Aisaria remained energetic.

Aisaria, with her gem-like beauty and popularity in the dragon horde, received loud cheers for her victory, even Belron next to Yongrong was excited.

Since the feeder established new rules, the young dragons' strength had rapidly increased, a good sign for the clan.

Yongrong, calm and composed, left the spectating dragons. He had seen the battles of all the formidable ones and had answers on how to overcome them.