
Blue dragon

You cannot withstand the storm, for I am the storm. This is the tale of a blue dragon causing upheaval in another world.

reader_on_world · Fantasie
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42 Chs

Broken Palm Mountains

Oser's injuries were far more severe than they initially appeared. As the young dragons transported him, the scabs on his wounds began to crack open with every slight movement, especially the deep gash on his back. The wound continued to bleed, trickling down his scales, and the significant blood loss left the pureblood blue dragon dazed, nearly fainting several times.

Thankfully, dragons are not easily slain. Provided there were no further injuries, Oser's wounds would slowly heal. The young dragons had successfully delivered him to the edge of the Oak Crown, where the feeders' kin took over his care.

After reuniting, the young dragons journeyed in silence, the mood somber. They all considered themselves powerful members of the dragon group, yet their first "real hunt" had ended in a setback. They hadn't even spotted their target before losing a comrade, a situation none of them found easy to accept.

The young dragons were aware of the Silver-Winged Griffons' habits. These large predators preferred high nesting sites and feasted on large livestock like cows and horses. In forested areas, they would also hunt tigers, leopards, jackals, and wolves. Initially, the young dragons mistook the wolf pack for prey of the Griffons. However, upon closer observation, they realized the wolves' injuries, similar to those inflicted on a python they encountered earlier, came from an intelligent species in the forest, not from the Griffons.

Without any leads, the young dragons proceeded along their planned route. They had studied the topography of the forest and could roughly determine where the Griffons might nest: the Oak Crown, Zer Peak, and the Broken Palm Cliff, all high locations with good visibility and access.

They had already surveyed the Oak Crown, finding it peaceful, possibly because the Griffons sensed the magical residue of its former master, the Green Dragon Sivvia, and avoided the area. Posa had carefully sniffed around the Oak Crown and detected no trace of the Griffons.

After a day and night of travel, they reached Zer Peak. Yongrong saw numerous eagles that seemed to have lived there for generations. On noticing the dragons, the eagles took flight, creating a whirlwind of movement. Eagles, being neutral creatures, only attacked when threatened, and the young dragons, not interested in eagle meat, left the area without conflict.

Next, they headed for Broken Palm Cliff, the boundary of the evil dragon family's territory. The terrain became more rugged and decayed as they entered, with a foul odor in the air. Looking east, even the forest darkened. The young dragons, except for Posa, the black dragon, disliked the atmosphere.

As they ventured deeper, the environment grew more desolate. The dense vegetation gave way to barren paths and sharp, crisscrossing rocks. The occasional dry grass and thorns reminded them they were still within the forest.

"Be careful," Yongrong warned. He felt uneasy, not just about the possible appearance of Griffons, but also about the dark forest to the east, beyond their family's nominal territory. The young dragons from the fortress didn't know much about what lurked there.

"There's no need to worry," Aisaria reassured him. "The Withering of the East looks fearsome but poses no real danger. It's purely a result of the declining magic from the Colton Mountains."

"How do you know that?" Yongrong asked, turning to her.

"My dragon heritage told me," Aisaria revealed, flashing her teeth, then whispered, "That's why I suggested we head east earlier."

Yongrong then realized Aisaria's full name – Aisaria Lannikore Kranegmore – shared a segment with Sivvia Lannikore, the Green Dragon. She was an offspring left behind by the Green Dragon during its alliance with the Blue Dragon family and had a deeper understanding of this green forest.

Her explanation eased Yongrong's concerns, and they continued their search, chatting intermittently about the Colton Mountains. According to Aisaria, Sivvia's legacy indicated an "evil and cunning adversary" lived there.

"Is it another dragon?" Yongrong asked.

"It seems so, but I can't be sure. My dragon heritage doesn't provide detailed information about it," Aisaria replied, shaking her head. "For some reason, it seems unable to move to other places, so we don't need to worry about encountering it. Let's leave it at that. An opponent my mother considered a rival is not something we can delve into."

Suddenly, Posa called out to Yongrong, drawing the group's attention to a pile of stones. Behind it, they found remnants of a meal, seemingly of goat-like creatures, with dried blood and a faint stench of decay.

"We've found them. The Griffons feasted here; I can smell their scent," Posa declared confidently.

"An excellent hunter, your sense of smell is sharper than a jackal's," Kazan commented, though Posa responded with a growl, taking the comparison as an insult.

"Kazan, your strength is indeed the greatest among us," Yongrong said, patting Posa, signaling him to keep moving. It wasn't the time for squabbles.

"What do you mean?" Kazan asked, puzzled.

"It means your wisdom is the weakest among us," Aisaria muttered beside Kazan, quickly following Posa. "That's what Yongrong said, not me. If you're angry, take it up with him."

Before Kazan could respond, the air filled with the sound of large wings flapping, followed by high-pitched screeches, thunderous roars, and Aisaria's scream.

"Silver-Winged Griffons!"