
Blue Cherry Blossoms

Mo Ying Conscious 1 : I truly wish the ground beneath me would open up and swallow me whole. Mo Ying Conscious 2 : Come On, Sheng Mo Ying, just pick up the phone. What's the worst thing that can happen? Mo Ying Conscious 1 : Everything! Mo Ying Conscious 2 : He literally answered your message as soon as he saw it. That has to mean something. He's Lan Jun Yi, you know his true background now, the third young master of the Lan Family. The new ceo of the Lan Inc. He's a busy man, and he's making time for you. Mo Ying Conscious 1 : he made time to take us to Hawaii for Christmas break, and the next day he told me he has a girlfriend named Chu Xiao Wan. I'm sure he's just on his phone playing games. His company has a video game Department. Mo Ying Conscious 3 : stop talking to yourself and pick up the damn phone! Mo Ying Conscious 1 & 2 : don't tell us what to do! Rated 13+ I’m also post this on Wattpad under bubble_milk-tea.

Bubble_Milk_tea520 · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter seven : Lan Jun Yi’s girlfriend part 1

Sheng Mo Ying is sitting on the kitchen table drinking warm milk when the front door opens, and a girl walks in.

Sheng Mo Ying recognize her as Ling Yi Shan. Ling Yi Shan glance over at Sheng Mo Ying, "oh yeah, you moved in today. I totally forgot. I wanted to order cake to celebrate. It seems that work has taken over my life."

Ling Yi Shan look exhausted. "Do all lawyers work till this late?" Sheng Mo Ying asks.

"If you're an intern or an elementary level lawyer, then yes. If you're the middle level or high level, you will tell an intern or an elementary level lawyer to do the dirty work." Ling Yi Shan says.


In Large Chinese law firms(a/n: don't know about other countries lol), there are four levels of lawyer-ship, and each level has three sub-unit.

Each level takes at least one year to complete, and everyone must start at the bottom and climb the ladder one by one. In order to climb to the highest level, it'll take one at least 12 years.

"What level are you on?" Sheng Mo Ying asked.

"I'm a first year elementary. I squeezed in through the back door, and started interning as soon as I got in my fourth year of college." Ling Yi Shan says.


The next day...

Lan Jun Yi just got out of a meeting. "Mr. Lan, Mr. Long and Mr. Shen are waiting in your office."one of Lan Jun Yi's four assistances says as they walk out of the elevator.

Lan Jun Yi prefers to not have secretaries, because the last time he had one, she shamelessly stripped dance on top of his office desk.

Maybe it's a double standard, but if Sheng Mo Ying was strip dancing on his desk, he would have loved it. But because it was not Sheng Mo Ying, he found the act revolting, and immediately fired the secretary and got rid of all the other secretaries by moving them to a different department.

"My girlfriend, Sheng Mo Ying, will be visiting the company soon, have the front desk keep an eye out," Lan Jun Yi says to his assistance, Li Shuo.

"Yes sir."

Lan Jun Yi walks into his office and close the door, all of his assistants are in the office next to his, "do you not have any work to do?"

"I'm on-call today at the hospital." Long Xian says as he flip the pages of a medicinal magazine, " I decided to come here because it's closer to the hospital than my work, has wifi, and friend to hang out with."

Long Xian and Lan Jun Yi have been friends since they were born. Their parents were also childhood friends, and their grandparents also knew each other.

Whenever Long Xian is on call, he would come and bother Lan Jun Yi all day.

"Don't you have wife and kid?"

"My wife is a doctor at the same hospital, I do not want to spend my free time at the hospital, and my kid are at preschool, they are at the age where they need to see other kids and build immunity. I'll go pick them up when they get out." Long Xian says.

"What about you?" Lan Jun Yi ask Shen Yan.

Shen Yan met Lan Jun Yi and Long Xian in junior high. He moved from Yun City to Hai City with his parents.

"I told my dad that I didn't feel well. He told me to go see a doctor. I went to find Long Xian." Shen Yan says as he type a long message on his phone. "I went to see a doctor."

Long Xian shakes his head, "didn't you just started working in your dad's company? Is it okay to skip work?"

"My dad doesn't really care. He's happy that I'm working at all." Shen Yan says.

"Speaking of not working, when are you on break, Brother Lan?" Long Xian asks.

"Around now." Lan Jun Yi says after looking at his watch.

"Then why are you acting annoyed?" Shen Yan says, "let's go find food before the hospital calls Long Xian."

"I have other arrangements." Lan Jun Yi says. "Can both of you leave now?"

"We can't. I'm sick remember." Shen Yan says as he fake cough, "Long Xian says that I must sit here for three more hours."

"And I am supervising him," Long Xian says.

There is a knock on the door. "Mr. Lan, there is a Miss Sheng is on her way up." Li Shuo says.

"Go downstairs and walk her up." Lan Jun Yi says.

"Yes sir."

"Ooo, a girl?" Shen Yan says. "At your office." Men love to talk about their friends romantic relationship too. "It's about time."

"Iron tree has fruit flowers," Long Xian recites a Chinese Idiom, meaning man that has been single for a while finally got a girlfriend.

"Tell us all the details right now. When did you end up in a relationship? Who is it? Did you have sex yet?" Shen Yan asks.

"I'm 24 years old. I don't think it's weird to have a girlfriend. Besides, I did mention her a couple of times." Lan Jun Yi says. "And our sex life is none of your business."

"They've definitely had sex." Long Xian smirks, "He said 'our' sex life."

"Is she a girl your parents introduced?" Shen Yan asks. "Maybe another relative?"

"Is she from a prestigious family?" Long Xian asks.

"We met in America, she's the ninth child of Sheng Guo Che." Lan Jun Yi says.

"You mean the little dongman artist?" Long Xian asks. "I heard that she has a really nice figure. You have good fortune."

"I will have my security guards throw you out of the building," Lan Jun Yi says, his eyes pierce into Long Xian's, Long Xian felt the temperature around him drop by at least 10 degrees Fahrenheit.

Lan Jun Yi is very hot tempered, he rules the company with an iron fist. Usually Lan Jun Yi is a great person to be around, but you don't want him angry. Lan Jun Yi has said before, that 'I never punch to kill, but I don't mind sending you into the hospital.' Long Xian gulps.

"Long Xian is joking around. Ever since his child is born, he hasn't had sex with his wife, as a result it's all he thinks about," Shen Yan says trying to save Long Xian from going back to his workplace.

"Act like a human in front of her." Lan Jun Yi says with the realization that Long Xian and Shen Yan plans to stay.


Sheng Mo Ying is amazed that the internal structure of Lan Inc. In term of large corporations, she has only been inside Sheng Inc. Lan Inc is a lot bigger, and more complex in terms of office departments, yet somehow more organized. Although, a large company like this would be impossible to manage either wise.

Li Shuo keeps glancing over at Sheng Mo Ying as they walked in silence. In his mind, she is very pretty, and has an artistic aurora, very different from the girls that are usually around Lan Jun Yi. It's no wonder she can win his heart. They step into an elevator with a girl already in there.

The girl has a bunch of brown paper bag with drinks and food from different restaurants. The girl keeps eyeing Sheng Mo Ying.

The girl, like all of the other workers Sheng Mo Ting has walked passed, all have a name tag with their position — Xu Xiao Wan, Intern floor 32. Xu Xiao Wan is dressed in the classic uniform for woman employees : white blouse, black a line skirt, and black high heels with hair in a ponytail.

"Are you one of the new intern under Mr. Hua?" Mr. Li asks Xu Xiao Wan. Xu Xiao Wan nods her head rapidly. "Tell Mr. Hua to come by Mr. Lan's office around 4." Mr. Li says.

"Yes—yes sir." Xu Xiao Wan says.

Then the elevator stops at the 32 floor, Xu Xiao Wan quickly runs out of the elevator, and the elevator precedes to go to the top floor—105.

   As soon as the elevator door opens, Lan Jun Yi is standing there waiting. "Mo-Mo, how is you're day?"

  Sheng Mo Ying went to three different places this morning. First, she went to about 20 local bookstores and cafes to locate her new work spot. She found three nice looking shops that she plans to go in rotation.

   Then, Sheng Mo Ying went to Ling Law Firm to talk to Ling Yi Shan's sister, Ling Yi Qian. She wanted to have rights over her dongman and make sure that the donghua company can't overstep their boundaries.

      Prior to this, Sheng Mo Ying's lawyer was always Sheng Hui Ya, however Sheng Hui Ya thought that it was best for her to find a local law firm to be there for her whenever she needs. Sheng Hui Ya recommend Ling's Law firm since it's one of the top law firms and she knows the people that overseas the company.

   Thirdly, she went to talk to the Donghua Company with Ling Yi Qian and Ling Yi Shan for the first time, Ling Yi Qian will take over the meetings with contract from now on . In six hours, she has begin to get use to the bus routes and streets Hai City.

"It's been great!" Sheng Mo Ying says, "I'm starting to feel at home."

"That's good. If you get too busy let me know, and I'll find you a personal assistant to help you manage your schedule," Lan Jun Yi says.

Lan Jun Yi knows that Sheng Mo Ying is more than capable of doing everything herself, however, that doesn't mean she has to do everything herself.

"I'll let you know. After I start working on the donghua, I'll definitely need someone there to help me," Sheng Mo Ying says.

"I'll have Li Shuo look for a couple of art college students, and you can choose yourself." Lan Jun Yi says.

"Yes sir, I'll get right to it. I also informed an intern to tell Mr. Hua to meet you at 4pm." Li Shuo says.


"Mr. Lan, the to go order is here. I'll go downstairs to bring them up." Lan Jun Yi's second assistance, Yu Tong says.

"Have Zhao Wei go with you, we ordered quite a bit," Lan Jun Yi says. "Then you can all go eat and rest for a bit."