
Chapter 10

“Family this is Justine, Justine this is my family,” I said as I gestured at everyone. I went on to individually introduce her to everyone and did not miss the looks they gave her as well as each other. Finally reaching my mom and dad, I felt my heart beating rapidly in my chest, not sure if my mom was going to swing on me or not.

“Umm mom, dad this is who I’ve been telling you about. Justine this is the wonderful woman that birthed me and my dad.” I let her know as I looked at my dad who was looking straight at me. A couple of seconds passed before my mom finally spoke up.

“Hi Justine, I’ve heard quite a bit about you. It’s nice to finally meet you.” My mom said as she stretched her hand out for a handshake, shocking me and everyone else because my mom was the biggest hugger ever. “Ohh it’s nice to meet you Mrs. Brown!” Justine squealed as she pulled my mom in for a hug, disregarding the handshake. After letting her go, she turned her attention to my dad, seeming like she was about to reach out for a hug before my mom stepped in front of my dad, shooting down Justine’s idea.

“We’ve been waiting for you for a while now, I hope there was no emergency or anything like that sort.” My mom said with a small smile on her face, trying to be understanding as usual. “Oh no there was no emergency, I just got caught up at the nail bar, chatting with people I hadn't seen in a while.” She said with complete confidence in her answer. Quietly blowing out a breath, I ran my hands down my face and looked over at the rest of my family, seeing the raised eyebrows and stank looks on their faces at her answer.

“Ohh okay then. Umm, why don’t the men go to the living room for a few more minutes while the ladies set the table.” My mom suggested. While the respective genders split up, I noticed that Justine stayed at my side, responding to messages on her phone.

“Justine, are you going to come to help us in the kitchen?”

“No Mrs. Brown. I’m okay with staying out here with the men. Besides, I just got my nails done today. I’m not really trying to mess them up.” At this very moment, everyone in the house froze and looked at Justine with wide eyes, before quickly darting them over to my mom, waiting for her response.

“Okay then.” My mom simply said before she gave my dad a kiss and walked off to the kitchen, followed by the rest of the women.

I walked to the couch with the rest of the men as Justine trailed behind me and sat next to me on the couch. It was completely awkward and no one said anything as we watched an NBA game between the Warriors and the Nets, waiting until we were called to go to the dining table.

Feeling my phone vibrate, I pulled it out and saw a text come in from Jamal. Opening up the message I faintly chuckled and set to respond to him.

Jamal: What type of crack does your girlfriend smoke?

Me: Don’t even go there lmao

Jamal: I already know for a fact that mom does not like her. Especially with the attitude she came in with and that silly outfit she’s wearing and on top of that, being an hour late. Did you tell her we were meeting at the club or something?

Me: Bruh hop off my back lol. I thought she would have a little bit more sense than this but I was clearly wrong.

Jamal: Aye did you see how she almost hugged pops? Mom would have clapped her one time! WWE up in this house. Worldstar! Hahaha

Me: I lowkey would have loved to see that happen.

I switched off the phone with a laugh, not entertaining Jamal anymore, and noticed Justine look at me sideways before she looked back down at her phone.

*15 minutes later*

“Aye! Mom said hurry up and go to the table” Kordell barked as he peaked his head around the kitchen corner. “What did I tell you about yelling in my house?” My dad asked with bass in his voice, causing Dell to quickly walk away.

A few moments later, we were all seated at the table, waiting for my mom to bring in the last dish before we could eat. I felt my stomach rumble, remembering that I had skipped out on lunch and was now extremely hungry.

“I see you don’t feed my brother.” I heard my sister Krystal speak, being messy while she looked directly at Justine.

“I mean I don’t really cook. Besides your brother has more than enough money so we usually order out, or have a chef cook us meals for the week.” Justine said as she looked at me with a smile on her face.

“Must be nice” Krystal said as she looked at Justin with her lip slightly curled up.

“Okay guys,” My mom said as she finally walked to the dining table with a dish of plantain in her hands, setting it on the table before sitting down. “Justine, do you mind blessing the food today?” She asked as we all held hands around the table.

“Sure, it would be my pleasure. Lord, we thank you for this opportunity you have given us to come together and enjoy each other. I thank you for the new family you have given me. I can not wait to become Mrs. Brown and live such a lavish life-” Opening one eye. I saw my mom’s scrunched up face and Dell who was looking at Justin with one eye open.

“Thank you that I will not really have to work again and thank you that everyone in this family loves me, Amen.” She concluded, not even praying for the food.

“Before you let go of each other just bow your heads again quickly. For these and thy other mercies may we truly be thankful oh Lord. May you bless the food we are about to eat and may it nourish our bodies. Amen.” My mom added on, praying for what Justine should have prayed for initially.

After a chorus of Amens was said, we began to pass dishes around, serving food and digging in eagerly.

“So Justine, what exactly is that you do? Are you still in university?” My mom asked as she took a sip of her mango juice.

“Well I graduated last year with a bachelor’s in business administration,” Justine spoke as she cut through her chicken.

“Ohh okay. And are you currently working?” My mom proceeded to ask.

“Not really. I don’t see a need to considering I’m with Jeremiah you know. It’s not like he will run out of money or anything.” She said as she put a fork of chicken and rice in her mouth.

“Umm, so what do you do to pass time?” My dad asked, not letting my mom speak knowing what would likely come out of her mouth.

“I just hang out with my friends and do some shopping or travel or watch series.” She said, sending a smile to my dad.

“Do you not think you should have your own as a woman? It is not guaranteed that Jeremiah will even marry you.” Krystal stated while stuffing collard greens in her mouth.

“Ohh haha, Jeremiah and I talked about marriage a few weeks ago. I’m sure we are headed down the alter soon.” Shocked at the statement that had just come out of her mouth, I choked on the water I was currently sipping, feeling Krystal kick my shin under the table extra hard.

“Umm, I don’t exactly remember us speaking about that. I must have been tired.” I said trying to diffuse any situation while rubbing my shin on the low.

*End of flashback*

I’m sure you understand why my family has a problem with Justine. No cap, I’ve been thinking of a way to break up with her because I am tired at this point.

(Continuation of the phone conversation with mom.)

“Mom relax, she’s still around but not for long. I’m just tired at this point.”

“Mhmm I told you the day after you brought her home for the first time but your big head must not have processed what I told you.” I know for a fact that she must have rolled her eyes.

“Anyways ma, I’m at Marcel’s fiance’s bridal shower. I’ll call you when I got.” I let her know, hoping I’d be able to go back in and find a good enough reason to leave without J.

As I was rounding the corner going back inside, I all of a sudden felt someone bump into my chest pretty hard, knocking my phone out of my hands and onto the floor.

“Damn, I’m sorry ma! I wasn't watching where I was going.” I said as I looked at the figure that was rushing to throw her things back in her bag, recognizing who it was.

“Ohh it’s fine, I clearly wasn't watching where I was- Mr. Brown.” She said as she finally looked up at me, realizing who I was and irritating me because of how she addressed me.

“What did I tell you about calling me that?” I asked with a blank look on my face, picking my phone off the floor.

“Sorry, Jeremiah. Umm I-I’m sorry about that.” She said, finally snapping out of the moment we had and walking off to her uber, not letting me get another word out.

After I watched her uber drive away, I walked back in and told Marcel I was leaving to go back home and prepare for my full schedule tomorrow which held a plethora of meetings. We dapped before I went to look for Justine, letting her know I was leaving.

“Hey, I’m about to leave, I have a lot to do tomorrow. I can’t be bothered to stay here any longer.” I pulled J out of her conversation with the other ladies, letting her know what it was.

“Uh, babe really? I hope you don’t plan on doing this at my bridal shower.” She commented while batting her eyelashes at me. Here we go again with this wedding talk.

“Anyways see you when you get home.” I finished up the conversation, walking outside to the valet and waiting for my car to be brought to me. Jumping in, I drove off and stopped by Burger king, picking myself up a meal to eat when I got home.