Rish was disturbed as she saw Khennan run to hug Kini. She felt uneasy within her, and Kini welcomed her into his arms with a smile.'Why would he take that seriously? Sharisha was getting tired of Khennan standing too close to her husband; now she couldn't say or do anything before she confirmed with Kini about Khennan; for all she knows, she could be the one standing between them.
What they have is nothing but a made-up story, so maybe Kini would be with this girl to help with the story, as she's busy taunting her mind with what could be possible. A voice jotted down her attention: "Where are you, girl? Are you alright? Your man is here; obviously, you don't need to worry now."
Khennan," Kini called her, shaking his head. It's not polite to talk like that to her: "Leave hers alone; don't push words out of her mouth; she's not feeling well." Kini was speaking while approaching his wife.
"I swear I wasn't; I just saw her." Khennan tried defending her statement.