
Bloom into Spring Chapter 3

When the light died down, Primrose could instantly tell they were not in the clearing anymore. It was much colder here; for one thing, she could see her breath, and instead of the clear black night, rain clouds were drizzling softly.

"Where-" Before Primrose could finish, her rescuee kissed her. Hard. He pinned her arms over her head and shoved his tongue into her mouth. Primrose tried to push him off her, but the rain made him slippery.

"I'm sorry...I need... Don't want to die." He said, pressing kiss after kiss upon her. His hands slithered up her frock and touched her sensitive lips. She realized that she couldn't stop this no matter what. Flashbacks of the Prince ran through her mind and fueled her desperate struggles, but her hands refused to find purche and her panic made her forget every second of training she had ever gotten. Without pause, he briskly worked her area, his fingers determined to extract the desired reaction until finally, her body betrayed her. Primrose glared at him, trying to show her utter contempt and hatred for him, but what she saw in his face filled her with fear. His eyes were blank yet resolved. Primrose realized that this had nothing to do with desire or lust; this was clinical. He needed the energy to survive, and she was a walking battery. Unlike the Prince, this man wasn't trying to sate some perverted lust; he fought for survival. Primrose closed her eyes. Maybe there was something noble in sacrificing her virginity to save a man's life. Maybe she could tell herself that.

"Please stop..." she begged softly, even with all her justifications and pride. She was scared, she didn't want this, she didn't want to hurt like this again. How is it after all those years of training and fighting, she was so helpless when it really mattered. The wizard pulled back sharply like he had been struck and stared down on her. He rolled off her and curled in a ball, shaking violently.

Primrose didn't waste a second. She sprung to her feet, grabbed the sword that fell a few feet from her, and ran like her life depended on it. After running blindly into the forest for a few minutes, she stopped. Why was she running? She was Primrose, a Pink who stood at the right hand of Red Cordelia, the military advisor to the King. Banished or not, her pride won't allow such a cowardly act. She was better than this, stronger than this. With determined strides, she marched back to the clearing where they landed. The man hadn't moved from his prone pose. Primrose took a moment to stare at him. Despite the darkness of the forest, she could clearly see the horrible condition he was in. He was dying from his injuries, much of his skin was blackened and bloody, his every breath rattled, and he was obviously in an immense amount of pain. With her foot, she forced him onto his back. He hissed between his teeth, but he didn't have the strength to do anything but stared at her. His eyes were resign and to Primrose it seemed like maybe there was a trace of pleading in there. She put her sword to his throat; at this point, killing him would be a mercy. She lifted her sword to deliver the final blow, but she stopped.

"Why did you stop?" she asked. Her Prince, a man of intelligence, high breeding, and class, didn't stop despite pleas or screams, but this random man did. Honestly, this man had better reasons than the Prince ever did; it was a case of life or death. It didn't make any sense.

The man looked surprised," Disappointed?" he croaked with a smirk before grimacing in pain.

Primrose pressed her sword firmly against his throat," Why?" she repeated.

The man stared at her for a minute then sighed, "Might...not be...human...," seeming growing more fervent with each word he managed to lift his head," but I won't become a monster." As he spat out the last part, his body went limp, making his head hit the floor hard, only his strangled breathing to show he was still alive.

Primrose lifted her sword again trying to find the resolve to put the man out of his misery but instead she pulled her sword away and sat next to him, pulling her knees up to her chin. The rain continued to drizzle down, slowly soaking her, but she didn't move. She just stared at this innocent man she failed to save. Primrose gritted her teeth; she was so tired of being helpless. She lost her home and honor, and now she can't even keep an innocent man from dying. If she got to him faster, if she fought harder, if she didn't try to reason with the mayor, if, if only. If only she could think of what to do! Primrose's mental breakdown was halted when she noticed the man's throbbing erection making a surprisingly large tent in his trousers.

"Seriously..." Primrose said, staring at him in a mixture of amazement and utter confusion. Although his eyes were barely open, Primrose could have sworn she saw him roll his eyes at her. The logical part of her brain understood that he needed sexual energy and that this was his body's last-ditch effort to save himself. The absolute insanity of the situation finally hit her, and she started laughing hysterically. She got kicked out of the only home she ever knew for refusing to have sex, and this man was going to die because he had sex with the wrong person-people. Really, there was no winning in this world. Suddenly her mirthless laughter turned to rage. Why did they have to be punished because of other people's lies; a mayor's daughter, a king's son, their status shouldn't make the truth out of their lies. But now it was over, and there's nothing she could do... Or was there? She looked at the dying man and made a decision.

The man hissed when he felt a pressure on top of him. He had closed his eyes in preparation for death, and when he opened them up, he saw his savior straddling his thighs. Now a beautiful woman on his lap was not exactly a new sight for him, but this gorgeous woman didn't look overcome by lust. Her face was resolute, her eyes were fixed on his," What's your name?" she asked.

"Malik." he croaked.

She nodded," Okay, Malik. My name is Primrose. Do you want me to help you?"

Malik was confused about what she meant by help until she reached down and grabbed his throbbing member. He nodded eagerly, flinched at the pain that action caused. He reached for her hips, but Primrose quickly slapped his hands away.

"Don't touch me!" she yelled, but then she made an effort to control herself," I'm sorry, but please don't touch me. I..I'll handle everything." she said. Malik slowly lowered his hands.

Primrose hitched her dress up as much as she could while still hiding her womanhood from view and positioned herself over him. She pulled him out of his pants, she held him in her hand and slowly lowered herself down. It burned like a brand inside her, but she powered through until she had all of Malik in her.

Malik let out a sigh of relief; he could already feel his magic healing his body. His skin started knitting itself together. Primrose gritted her teeth and held back tears. It felt like she was being torn apart. Malik noticed her distress and reached his hand over to her privates to make this feel good for her. Primrose slapped his head away," No!" she said through gritted teeth," This is not about pleasure. Refrain from touching me." Malik stared at her for a moment but slowly lowered his arm. He wasn't the kind of man who overstepped a woman's boundaries.

Every thrust felt like a knife, but Primrose persevered, mechanically raised herself up and down on Malik's member. Soon the stabbing pain became an itch deep within her, urging her on. Almost pleading for her to go faster and harder, anything to free herself of this itch that only grew more intense with each thrust. She started slamming her body against Malik's.

Malik groaned in pleasure. Malik was used to be the seducer, the pursuer. He had forgotten the unique charm of having a woman in control, lying back, and just enjoying the sensations of sex.

It was pure torture for Primrose; no matter how fast or hard she went, the itch only grew more powerful until it felt like she was burning from the inside out. "Ugh, I'm sorry. Too... it's too much. I-I can't." she screaming about to pull away from the frightening yet all-consuming feelings. She spilled on Malik's wet body. Malik grabbed her from the lower back to keep her from falling, inadvertently grinding his pelvis on her pleasure nub. Primrose saw stars, the fire she had felt growing inside her abdomen now consumed her entirely. A bright white light encased them; Primrose was too far gone to noticed, but Malik, who understood what was happening, tried to pull out of her. Primrose was having none of that; she griped Malik hard, her nails digging into his flesh as her body shook from ecstasy. Malik hissed both from the pain of her nails and sensation of her body, milking his cock. He couldn't fight his body and, with a shout, filled her up with his essences, reigniting the fire inside of her and sending her off into another wave of orgasmic pleasure. The power of their joint orgasms was too much from them, and they both passed out.

So this evening has definatly not ended like Primrose thought it would. Hope you guys like the first spicy scene. What was Malik pulling away for and how will they both deal with the dreaded morning after? Will Primrose have to do her first walk of shame? Find out in the next episode! Please dont forget to tell me your guys thoughts and feelings about the chapter. Id love to hear what YOU think!

Lindsay_Palermocreators' thoughts